Instrumentalized! Pianola Art Project
Pianola Art Project "Instrumentalized!" in Munich...
Beate Engl, Justin Lieberman and Pancho Schlehhuber present their inspiring installation with a modified 65note Pianola of our collection (June 8th - August 18th, 2024) in the beautiful Munich Rathausgalerie. It’s an amazing realisation of the 1886 ‚Himmelsatlas Tabulae caelestes’ by Richard Schurig and a modern composition. Absolutely worth a visit in case you are in Munich!
Gustav Mahler roll set 767-770...
We have worked a lot with these rolls recently. And - we did some research on G. Mahler as a preparation for a recital we had given in Hamburg and another Concert Intro we had the honor to give in Duisburg last week.
'Russian Rag' based on Rachmaninoff's Prelude...
There are so many hidden treasures in the Welte roll repertoire. Like this one. One of our bestsellers.
Just completed: 1922 Bluthner Phonola Grand Piano
This late Bluthner Phonola Grand piano has just been fully restorated. It will be presented in a Concert Jun 2nd in a Brahms Museum in Austria. Always good to see one of these back on stage.
Wish you and your families nice holidays and a happy 2023!
The Philipps DUCA roll title says "Peace to the world - a Christmas fantasy" Might be true that this is just a fantasy, still I hope future brings more peace to more people...
The making of new #piano #music rolls actually isn‘t a #rocketscience Just some holes in a long piece of #paper Still it‘s a #piece of #art to have them accurately done to look #authentic and to reproduce such great #compositions
Seltene Hupfeld Tri-Phonola #piano Notenrolle mit #musik aus der #blütezeit von #wien
A Welte roll called AEOLIAN Valse 😳 The #composer E. Moulle had been #piano builder and #music publisher. Aeolian, in this case, most likely isn‘t the pianola competitor, but reminds of the #greek god of the wind Aeolus. Still, a very nice roll.
While scanning hundreds of #piano rolls we also found this one, the Rhapsody Rag. This roll has been produced in #freiburg on 19th December 1912, 109 years ago.
Working on new Welte rolls...
We are currently scanning hundreds of rare Welte rolls to add to even more rolls we already have as digital copies to provide new rolls soon. This video shows the testing of a red paper using a recent scan of a nice Saint-Saens roll. Work in progress. Large list of available rolls will be uploaded soon.
Rönisch #hupfeld Tri-Phonola #piano for sale. Recently restored by a passionate Hupfeld lover. The most complete reproducing #instrument ever built. The Tri-Phonola repertoire contains very rare titles played by #reinecke #busoni #saintsaens #friedheim and many #liszt pupils
#restored 1931 Haines Ampico B #piano for sale playing #rachmaninoff #prelude The queen of reproducing #pianos with an artcase design