Dark Dimensions Label Group

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  • Dark Dimensions Label Group

Dark Dimensions Label Group Dark Dimensions- Frank Francesco D'Angelo - Deutschland - [email protected] - Telefon / Fax : www.darkdimensions.de

Dark Dimensions Label Group is a German music label dedicated to Electro, Industrial and Gothic. Our various labels are Alice in..., ProNoize, Scanner and Schwarzrock.

Wir wünschen allen unseren Freunden, Bands, Helfern und Kunden schöne Weihnachtsfeiertage und einen guten Rutsch. Wir be...

Wir wünschen allen unseren Freunden, Bands, Helfern und Kunden schöne Weihnachtsfeiertage und einen guten Rutsch.
Wir bedanken uns für eure Treue und Unterstützung 2024 und freuen uns schon jetzt auf ein spannendes Jahr 2025.

We would like to wish all our friends, hands, bands and customers nice Christmas holidays and a good start into 2025. Thank you for your faith and support in 2024.

UPDATE STAHLSCHLAG :(New) Release date Confirmed :STAHLSCHLAG - AmritaCD - Album - PN 097Limted Edition DigipakPRONOIZE ...


(New) Release date Confirmed :

CD - Album - PN 097
Limted Edition Digipak
PRONOIZE / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 03.01.2025

Available Here :

Info :
Das Projekt STAHLSCHLAG wurde in der ersten Hälfte der 00er Jahre gegründet, um krachende rhythmische Noise-Songs mit Einflüssen aus postindustriellen Genres wie Dark Electro, Techno Body Music und Electro-Industrial zu produzieren, die mit Oldschool-Sound-Einflüssen und Ambient-Stücken gemischt werden, um ein breites Spektrum an dunkler elektronischer Musik abzudecken.
Seine kraftvollen, rhythmischen Kompositionen sind sowohl für den Heimgebrauch als auch für den industriellen Dancefloor-Wahnsinn gedacht.
STAHLSCHLAG hat im Laufe von 18 Jahren acht Studioalben, vier Remix-Specials und eine Vielzahl von Remixen veröffentlicht.

Info (international)
The project STAHLSCHLAG was created in the first half of 00s to produce smashing rhythmic noise songs with influences of post-industrial genres as dark electro, techno body music and electro-industrial mixed with with oldschool sound influences and ambient pieces to cover a wide range of dark electronic music.
Their powerful rhythmic compositions are intended both for home listening and for industrial dancefloor madness.
STAHLSCHLAG released eight studio full-length albums, four remix specials, and a lot of remixes over 18 years.

Tracklist CD :

1. Ra Ma Da Sa
2. Lokah Samastah
3. Om Mani Padme Hum
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. Govinda Paramananda
6. Vishadavant
7. Bodhi
8. Rasa
9. Malayalam
10. Tat Savitur Varenyam
11. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
12. Sri Stuti
13. Ru Dhatu
14. Sarit

Tracklist Digital :
1. Ra Ma Da Sa
2. Lokah Samastah
3. Om Mani Padme Hum
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. Govinda Paramananda
6. Vishadavant
7. Bodhi
8. Rasa
9. Malayalam
10. Tat Savitur Varenyam
11. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
12. Sri Stuti
13. Ru Dhatu
14. Sarit
15. Om Mani Padme Hum (Mikrometrik Remix)
16. Sarit (The Sixth Undead Remix)
17. Lokah Samastah (Sinergy[Cdio] Remix)
18. Lokah Samastah (feat. The Guy from Shice Squad)

Links :

OUT NOW  :KREIGN - IIICD Album - SCAN 171Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group Release Date : 13.12.2024LP - Album - SCA...



CD Album - SCAN 171
Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 13.12.2024

LP - Album - SCAN 174
Limited Edition - 199 Handumbered Copies - White Vinyl - Lyric Sheet
Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 13.12.2024

Available Here :

Info :
KREIGN is an American Electronic Body Music (EBM) project based in Phoenix, Arizona.
The duo, Xiån Austin and Ryan Hutman, created KREIGN to pay homage to the raw energy and pioneering spirit of old-school EBM.
However, their sound goes beyond mere tribute.
Their tracks are a fusion of classic EBM elements with a modern edge, combining dynamic basslines and aggressive beats.
The result is a sound that is both nostalgic and innovative, with a distinctive swagger that sets them apart.
For those new to KREIGN, expect a visceral journey through dark, pulsating soundscapes, commanding vocals, and an unyielding drive that defines their music. Whether you're a long-time fan of EBM or new to the genre,
KREIGN offers a fresh yet familiar sound that captivates and energizes.

Tracklist :

1. Black Bile Emesis 4m 55s
2. Work Your Body 5m 32s
3. Canto I-III 3m 00s
4. Dark Triad 6m 06s
5. Iniquity 4m 17s
6. State Of Emergency 6m 21s
7. Collapse Imminent 3m 12s
8. Don’t Force The Hand 4m 33s
9. S.O.S. 5m 20s
10. Ignition 4m 20s

LP / Vinyl
A1 Black Bile Emesis
A2 Work Your Body
A3 Canto I-III
A4 Dark Triad
A5 Iniquity
B1 State Of Emergency
B2 Collapse Imminent
B3 Don’t Force The Hand
B4 S.O.S.
B5 Ignition

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OUT NOW :CENTHRON - Krampus (Reaper RMX 2024)(Digital Only)SCAN 248SCANNER / Dark Dimensions Label GroupRelease Date : 0...


CENTHRON - Krampus (Reaper RMX 2024)
(Digital Only)
SCAN 248
SCANNER / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 06.12.2024

Tracklist :

1. CENTHRON - Krampus (Reaper RMX 2024)

Available here :


OUT NOW :Digital 1st / CD later (we are sorry, sometimeeeees,....)STAHLSCHLAG - AmritaCD - Album - PN 097Limted Edition ...


Digital 1st / CD later (we are sorry, sometimeeeees,....)

CD - Album - PN 097
Limted Edition Digipak
PRONOIZE / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 06.12.2024

Available Here :

Info :
Das Projekt STAHLSCHLAG wurde in der ersten Hälfte der 00er Jahre gegründet, um krachende rhythmische Noise-Songs mit Einflüssen aus postindustriellen Genres wie Dark Electro, Techno Body Music und Electro-Industrial zu produzieren, die mit Oldschool-Sound-Einflüssen und Ambient-Stücken gemischt werden, um ein breites Spektrum an dunkler elektronischer Musik abzudecken.
Seine kraftvollen, rhythmischen Kompositionen sind sowohl für den Heimgebrauch als auch für den industriellen Dancefloor-Wahnsinn gedacht.
STAHLSCHLAG hat im Laufe von 18 Jahren acht Studioalben, vier Remix-Specials und eine Vielzahl von Remixen veröffentlicht.
Info (international)
The project STAHLSCHLAG was created in the first half of 00s to produce smashing rhythmic noise songs with influences of post-industrial genres as dark electro, techno body music and electro-industrial mixed with with oldschool sound influences and ambient pieces to cover a wide range of dark electronic music.
Their powerful rhythmic compositions are intended both for home listening and for industrial dancefloor madness.
STAHLSCHLAG released eight studio full-length albums, four remix specials, and a lot of remixes over 18 years.

Tracklist CD :
1. Ra Ma Da Sa
2. Lokah Samastah
3. Om Mani Padme Hum
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. Govinda Paramananda
6. Vishadavant
7. Bodhi
8. Rasa
9. Malayalam
10. Tat Savitur Varenyam
11. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
12. Sri Stuti
13. Ru Dhatu
14. Sarit

Tracklist Digital :
1. Ra Ma Da Sa
2. Lokah Samastah
3. Om Mani Padme Hum
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. Govinda Paramananda
6. Vishadavant
7. Bodhi
8. Rasa
9. Malayalam
10. Tat Savitur Varenyam
11. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
12. Sri Stuti
13. Ru Dhatu
14. Sarit
15. Om Mani Padme Hum (Mikrometrik Remix)
16. Sarit (The Sixth Undead Remix)
17. Lokah Samastah (Sinergy[Cdio] Remix)
18. Lokah Samastah (feat. The Guy from Shice Squad)

Links :

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OUT NOW :ARANEA PEEL - Deutsche Lieder sind böse LiederCD - Album - SR 028Limted Edition DigipakSCHWARZROCK / Dark Dimen...


ARANEA PEEL - Deutsche Lieder sind böse Lieder
CD - Album - SR 028
Limted Edition Digipak
SCHWARZROCK / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 06.12.2024

Available Here :
Videolink :

Bandinfo :
Aranea Peel singt klassische deutsche Chansons begleitet von der TingelTangelPhilharmonie unter der Leitung von Hans-Jürgen Osmers.
Brecht, Weill, Eisler, Hollaender, Feuchtwanger, Benn, Dostal, Dessau und einige andere sind die klassischen Lieferanten von Musik und Texten aus unruhigen Zeiten. Ätzend, eckig, provozierend, intelligent, schamlos. Deutsch und böse. Soll dieses Kulturgut ins Museum verfrachtet werden oder muss alles noch einmal wieder neu interpretiert werden?
Weder noch! Elektropunk-Ikone Aranea Peel von der Skandalband „Grausame Töcher“ lebt diese Lieder hedonistisch auf der Bühne aus und demonstriert nebenbei deren Zeitlosigkeit.
Und das ist erstaunlich dicht an Brechts Epischem Theater. Ekstatische Konzerte im Berliner Underground wie dem KitKat Club zeigen ungebrochene Leidenschaft und Hingabe für diese deutschen Lieder und belegen Araneas Authentizität jenseits aller Konventionen. Hier geht es den Künstlern tatsächlich um die Kunst! Aranea Peel ist ein Geschöpf, das dem Expressionismus entsprungen zu sein scheint. Von der Presse wurde sie immer wieder als eine
Melange aus Anita Berber, Nina Hagen, Wedekinds Lulu oder gar Mephisto bezeichnet.
Jetzt sind Araneas Chanson-Interpretationen mit 15 Tracks endlich auf einem Album erschienen. Opulent begleitet wird sie von der „TingelTangelPhilharmonie“ unter Leitung von Hans-Jürgen Osmers, der auch die exzellenten Arrangements geschrieben hat.

Info (International)
Aranea Peel sings classical German Chansons backed by the TingelTangelPhilharmonie led by Hans-Jürgen Osmers.
Brecht, Weill, Eisler, Hollaender, Feuchtwanger, Benn, Dostal, Dessau and a few others are some of the best-known suppliers of music and lyrics from troubled times. Edgy, pungent, provocative, intelligent, shameless. German and evil. Can these cultural assets be shipped off to a museum? Or does everything have to be reinterpreted all over again?
Neither, in fact! The electro punk icon Aranea Peel from scandalous band “Grausame Töchter” lives out these songs on the stage, performing them hedonistically while also demonstrating
their timelessness. It’s astonishingly evocative of Brechts epic theatre. Ecstatic concerts in Berlin’s underbelly – like in the KitKat club - prove her unbreaking passion for and devotion to these German songs. Aranea shows an authenticity that defies all conventions - it’s art for art’s sake! Aranea Peel is a being that seems to have sprung from the depths of expressionism.
Time and time again, the press has referred to her as a blend of people like Anita Berber, Nina Hagen, Wedekind’s Lulu or even Mephisto.
Now, Aranea’s Chanson interpretations have finally released on an album consisting of 15 tracks. She is joined by the opulent “TingelTangelPhilharmonie” led by Hans-Jürgen Osmers,
who also wrote the excellent arrangements.

Tracklist :
1. Heut‘ Abend lad‘ ich mir die Liebe ein
2. Ich weiß nicht, zu wem ich gehöre
3. Mutter Beimlein
4. Das Lied von den braunen Inseln
5. Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe
6. Schöne Jugend
7. Ich lass mir meinen Körper schwarz bepinseln
8. Marterl
9. Die Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit
10. Kleine Aster
11. Vom ertrunkenen Mädchen
12. Seeräuber-Jenny
13. Vier Generäle
14. Das Lied vom achten Elefanten
15. Keiner weiß, wie ich bin, nur du

Von dem Album "Deutsche Lieder sind böse Lieder".Release: 06.12.2024Dark Dimensions Label Group"Heut' Abend lad' ich mir die Liebe ein" aus dem Film "Das Lie...

We are pleased to announce that "STERIL" has signed with Scanner / Dark Dimensions.We are looking forward to working tog...

We are pleased to announce that "STERIL" has signed with Scanner / Dark Dimensions.
We are looking forward to working together in the future.

Die Band "STERIL" hat bei Scanner / DARK DIMENSIONS unterschrieben.
Herzlich Willkommen !

Alle aktuellen Veröffentlichungen sind ab sofort wieder überall digital abrufbar !!!

The complete digital backcatalogue is now available again !!!












OUT NOW :COSMOBRIGADE - Spacepit (Digital Only Release)AIW 261Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Label GroupRelease Date : 29...


COSMOBRIGADE - Spacepit (Digital Only Release)
AIW 261
Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 29.11.2024
01 - Spacepit

Available Here :

Info :
About the band and Spacepit!
CosmoBrigade is a four-piece post punk/darkwave band formed in Prague in January 2023.
The band started performing around the Czech Republic in March 2023 and a few months later (August 2023) released a debut EP titled ‘SpacePit’, which was very well received around Europe (“voted Track of the Day“ by Italian White Light//White Heat Magazine) and even featured on several German darkwave compilation albums (such as The Berlin Gravedigger’s Club).
SpacePit will also appear on a forthcoming compilation album "Cold Wave Resurgence 1" (by Alfa Matrix (Belgian record Label) sometime in 2024.
CosmoBrigade had their first mini-EU tour in the fall of 2023 that took them around the Czech Republic and beyond, more specifically to Berlin, Vienna and Poland.
Recently, they also played as a supporting act with bands such as She Past Away or Soviet Soviet and got picked to play at several European goth festivals, e.g. Prague Gothic Treffen or the NCN Festival in Germany.
Their debut album "Hollow Obsessions" is scheduled to be released in 2025.
If you like The (Early) Editors or Bands like Joy Division, you will love COSMOBRIGADE.

CosmoBrigade Social Media and Streaming Platforms
📺 https://linktr.ee/cosmobrigade
📺 https://www.facebook.com/cosmobrigade
📺 https://www.instagram.com/cosmobrigade

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OUT NOW :MAL DI LUNA - MOONLIGHT (Digital Only) AIW 262Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Label Group Release Date : 29.11.24...


AIW 262
Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 29.11.24
Tracklist :

Videoclip :

Available Here :

Info (International) :
Mal di Luna is the band led by Chris Glenn, a musician and DJ based in Trieste, a cosmopolitan city on the Adriatic Sea, in the northeast border of Italy.
The guitar is played by Giovanni Bertossi and the drums by Michael Bonanno,
the songs are composed and recorded with the producer Lorenzo Visintin.
Mal di Luna is a completely new gothic experience,
the songs are various and never repetitive.
In MOONLIGHT a vampiric dark hunt is metaphorically compared to an elegant chess game.
So far it is the only track featuring “extreme” vocal techniques.
While at first glance the shadow of the vampire hides between the lines, a deeper analysis reveals that the lyrics have a strong erotic element to them.
Musically, the song includes several details, for example when the vocal parts are at their most extreme, the backing vocals create a tritone,
also known as “Diabolus in musica”, a chord that was forbidden in the medieval times since it was associated to the Devil.
The song has danceable industrial beats as well.
Mal di Luna started to play gigs in 2023, and was immediately scheduled for the Dark Malta Festival where performed with such bands as Project Pitchfork, And One, Deathstars, Icon of Coil and many other international exponents of the gothic panorama.
Mal di Luna’s live performance was acclaimed by the audience and the press.

"MOONLIGHT" is taken from :MAL DI LUNA - MOONLIGHT (Digital Only) AIW 262Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Label Group Release Date : 29.11.24Tracklist : 1 - MOO...

We are pleased to announce that "COSMOBRIGADE" has signed with Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Labelgroup.We are looking f...

We are pleased to announce that "COSMOBRIGADE" has signed with Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Labelgroup.
We are looking forward to working together in the future.

The single "Spacepit (Digital Only)" will be released on the 29th of November.

Die Band "COSMOBRIGADE" hat bei Alice In... / DARK DIMENSIONS LABELGROUP unterschrieben.
Herzlich Willkommen!

Die 1. Veröffentlichung "Spacepit (Digital Only)" erscheint am 29.11.2024

COSMOBRIGADE - Spacepit (Digital Only Release)
AIW 261
Alice In... / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 29.11.2024


01 - Spacepit

Available Here :


Info :

About the band and Spacepit!

CosmoBrigade is a four-piece post punk/darkwave band formed in Prague in January 2023.
The band started performing around the Czech Republic in March 2023 and a few months later (August 2023) released a debut EP titled ‘SpacePit’, which was very well received around Europe (“voted Track of the Day“ by Italian White Light//White Heat Magazine) and even featured on several German darkwave compilation albums (such as The Berlin Gravedigger’s Club).
SpacePit will also appear on a forthcoming compilation album "Cold Wave Resurgence 1" (by Alfa Matrix (Belgian record Label) sometime in 2024.
CosmoBrigade had their first mini-EU tour in the fall of 2023 that took them around the Czech Republic and beyond, more specifically to Berlin, Vienna and Poland.
Recently, they also played as a supporting act with bands such as She Past Away or Soviet Soviet and got picked to play at several European goth festivals, e.g. Prague Gothic Treffen or the NCN Festival in Germany.
Their debut album "Hollow Obsessions" is scheduled to be released in 2025.

If you like The (Early) Editors or Bands like Joy Division, you will love COSMOBRIGADE.

CosmoBrigade Social Media and Streaming Platforms

📺 https://linktr.ee/cosmobrigade
📺 https://www.facebook.com/cosmobrigade
📺 https://www.instagram.com/cosmobrigade

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ON PRE-SALE :ARANEA PEEL - Deutsche Lieder sind böse LiederCD - Album - SR 028Limted Edition DigipakSCHWARZROCK / Dark D...


ARANEA PEEL - Deutsche Lieder sind böse Lieder
CD - Album - SR 028
Limted Edition Digipak
SCHWARZROCK / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 06.12.2024

Available Here :


Videolink :


Bandinfo :


Aranea Peel singt klassische deutsche Chansons begleitet von der TingelTangelPhilharmonie unter der Leitung von Hans-Jürgen Osmers.

Brecht, Weill, Eisler, Hollaender, Feuchtwanger, Benn, Dostal, Dessau und einige andere sind die klassischen Lieferanten von Musik und Texten aus unruhigen Zeiten. Ätzend, eckig, provozierend, intelligent, schamlos. Deutsch und böse. Soll dieses Kulturgut ins Museum verfrachtet werden oder muss alles noch einmal wieder neu interpretiert werden?
Weder noch! Elektropunk-Ikone Aranea Peel von der Skandalband „Grausame Töcher“ lebt diese Lieder hedonistisch auf der Bühne aus und demonstriert nebenbei deren Zeitlosigkeit.
Und das ist erstaunlich dicht an Brechts Epischem Theater. Ekstatische Konzerte im Berliner Underground wie dem KitKat Club zeigen ungebrochene Leidenschaft und Hingabe für diese deutschen Lieder und belegen Araneas Authentizität jenseits aller Konventionen. Hier geht es den Künstlern tatsächlich um die Kunst! Aranea Peel ist ein Geschöpf, das dem Expressionismus entsprungen zu sein scheint. Von der Presse wurde sie immer wieder als eine
Melange aus Anita Berber, Nina Hagen, Wedekinds Lulu oder gar Mephisto bezeichnet.
Jetzt sind Araneas Chanson-Interpretationen mit 15 Tracks endlich auf einem Album erschienen. Opulent begleitet wird sie von der „TingelTangelPhilharmonie“ unter Leitung von Hans-Jürgen Osmers, der auch die exzellenten Arrangements geschrieben hat.

Info (International)

Aranea Peel sings classical German Chansons backed by the TingelTangelPhilharmonie led by Hans-Jürgen Osmers.

Brecht, Weill, Eisler, Hollaender, Feuchtwanger, Benn, Dostal, Dessau and a few others are some of the best-known suppliers of music and lyrics from troubled times. Edgy, pungent, provocative, intelligent, shameless. German and evil. Can these cultural assets be shipped off to a museum? Or does everything have to be reinterpreted all over again?
Neither, in fact! The electro punk icon Aranea Peel from scandalous band “Grausame Töchter” lives out these songs on the stage, performing them hedonistically while also demonstrating
their timelessness. It’s astonishingly evocative of Brechts epic theatre. Ecstatic concerts in Berlin’s underbelly – like in the KitKat club - prove her unbreaking passion for and devotion to these German songs. Aranea shows an authenticity that defies all conventions - it’s art for art’s sake! Aranea Peel is a being that seems to have sprung from the depths of expressionism.
Time and time again, the press has referred to her as a blend of people like Anita Berber, Nina Hagen, Wedekind’s Lulu or even Mephisto.
Now, Aranea’s Chanson interpretations have finally released on an album consisting of 15 tracks. She is joined by the opulent “TingelTangelPhilharmonie” led by Hans-Jürgen Osmers,
who also wrote the excellent arrangements.

Tracklist :

1. Heut‘ Abend lad‘ ich mir die Liebe ein
2. Ich weiß nicht, zu wem ich gehöre
3. Mutter Beimlein
4. Das Lied von den braunen Inseln
5. Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe
6. Schöne Jugend
7. Ich lass mir meinen Körper schwarz bepinseln
8. Marterl
9. Die Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit
10. Kleine Aster
11. Vom ertrunkenen Mädchen
12. Seeräuber-Jenny
13. Vier Generäle
14. Das Lied vom achten Elefanten
15. Keiner weiß, wie ich bin, nur du

ON PRE-SALE :KREIGN - IIICD Album - SCAN 171Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group Release Date : 13.12.2024LP - Album - ...



CD Album - SCAN 171
Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 13.12.2024

LP - Album - SCAN 174
Limited Edition - 199 Handumbered Copies - White Vinyl - Lyric Sheet
Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 13.12.2024

Available Here :


Info :

KREIGN is an American Electronic Body Music (EBM) project based in Phoenix, Arizona.
The duo, Xiån Austin and Ryan Hutman, created KREIGN to pay homage to the raw energy and pioneering spirit of old-school EBM.
However, their sound goes beyond mere tribute.
Their tracks are a fusion of classic EBM elements with a modern edge, combining dynamic basslines and aggressive beats.
The result is a sound that is both nostalgic and innovative, with a distinctive swagger that sets them apart.

For those new to KREIGN, expect a visceral journey through dark, pulsating soundscapes, commanding vocals, and an unyielding drive that defines their music. Whether you're a long-time fan of EBM or new to the genre,
KREIGN offers a fresh yet familiar sound that captivates and energizes.

Tracklist :


1. Black Bile Emesis 4m 55s
2. Work Your Body 5m 32s
3. Canto I-III 3m 00s
4. Dark Triad 6m 06s
5. Iniquity 4m 17s
6. State Of Emergency 6m 21s
7. Collapse Imminent 3m 12s
8. Don’t Force The Hand 4m 33s
9. S.O.S. 5m 20s
10. Ignition 4m 20s

LP / Vinyl

A1 Black Bile Emesis
A2 Work Your Body
A3 Canto I-III
A4 Dark Triad
A5 Iniquity

B1 State Of Emergency
B2 Collapse Imminent
B3 Don’t Force The Hand
B4 S.O.S.
B5 Ignition

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ON PRE-SALE :STAHLSCHLAG - AmritaCD - Album - PN 097Limted Edition DigipakPRONOIZE / Dark Dimensions Label Group    Rele...


CD - Album - PN 097
Limted Edition Digipak
PRONOIZE / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Release Date : 06.12.2024

Available Here :


Info :

Das Projekt STAHLSCHLAG wurde in der ersten Hälfte der 00er Jahre gegründet, um krachende rhythmische Noise-Songs mit Einflüssen aus postindustriellen Genres wie Dark Electro, Techno Body Music und Electro-Industrial zu produzieren, die mit Oldschool-Sound-Einflüssen und Ambient-Stücken gemischt werden, um ein breites Spektrum an dunkler elektronischer Musik abzudecken.
Seine kraftvollen, rhythmischen Kompositionen sind sowohl für den Heimgebrauch als auch für den industriellen Dancefloor-Wahnsinn gedacht.
STAHLSCHLAG hat im Laufe von 18 Jahren acht Studioalben, vier Remix-Specials und eine Vielzahl von Remixen veröffentlicht.

Info (international)

The project STAHLSCHLAG was created in the first half of 00s to produce smashing rhythmic noise songs with influences of post-industrial genres as dark electro, techno body music and electro-industrial mixed with with oldschool sound influences and ambient pieces to cover a wide range of dark electronic music.
Their powerful rhythmic compositions are intended both for home listening and for industrial dancefloor madness.
STAHLSCHLAG released eight studio full-length albums, four remix specials, and a lot of remixes over 18 years.

Tracklist CD :

1. Ra Ma Da Sa
2. Lokah Samastah
3. Om Mani Padme Hum
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. Govinda Paramananda
6. Vishadavant
7. Bodhi
8. Rasa
9. Malayalam
10. Tat Savitur Varenyam
11. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
12. Sri Stuti
13. Ru Dhatu
14. Sarit

Tracklist Digital :

1. Ra Ma Da Sa
2. Lokah Samastah
3. Om Mani Padme Hum
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. Govinda Paramananda
6. Vishadavant
7. Bodhi
8. Rasa
9. Malayalam
10. Tat Savitur Varenyam
11. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
12. Sri Stuti
13. Ru Dhatu
14. Sarit
15. Om Mani Padme Hum (Mikrometrik Remix)
16. Sarit (The Sixth Undead Remix)
17. Lokah Samastah (Sinergy[Cdio] Remix)
18. Lokah Samastah (feat. The Guy from Shice Squad)

Links :







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