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Wir bieten GMAT Vorbereitungskurse in Stuttgart, sowie GMAT-Kurse an Universitäten und Hochschulen in ganz Deutschland an.

Unser neues GMAT Buch ist daDieses Buch ist für alle, die sich optimal auf den GMAT vorbereitet wollen. Es bietet einen ...

Unser neues GMAT Buch ist da

Dieses Buch ist für alle, die sich optimal auf den GMAT vorbereitet wollen. Es bietet einen fundierten Einstieg in den Test und erklärt dabei den Aufbau, sowie alle Fragetypen, die es im Test gibt, im Detail. Mit allen Informationen zum neuen Online GMAT. Für kurze Zeit ist dieses Buch für nur 18,99 € auf Amazon erhältlich.

Hier kaufen:

GMAT now added some exciting new features to the Enhanced Score Report (ESR), which is now really worth the 25 USD extra...

GMAT now added some exciting new features to the Enhanced Score Report (ESR), which is now really worth the 25 USD extra. Next to the test performance throughout the test, the new feature also include an overview on the difficulty level of questions answered. See a demo of the new ESR at

The three year mean GMAT Total score is 551.9. This score is better than 43% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years.

Still looking for an MBA? The Economist Ranking is out. And the winner is: Chicago Booth - with seven Nobel laureates an...

Still looking for an MBA? The Economist Ranking is out. And the winner is: Chicago Booth - with seven Nobel laureates and an increasingly international presence this b-school tops it all. See the full list at

Top 100 rankings of the best business schools. Find full-time MBA, part-time MBA, online MBA, and EMBA.

GMAC recently released The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, 2017 and we have discovered that this first version (with th...

GMAC recently released The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, 2017 and we have discovered that this first version (with the white cover) contains a number of typos that occurred during the publishing process.

If you have the The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, 2017, visit for access to an correction document, a full list of Frequently Asked Questions (you are entitled to a replacement or a refund if you wish) and more information regarding this topic.


Did you know? The worldwide average GMAT score rose to a new high last year reaching 590. The USA scored well below (average score 568), Western Europe slightly above (average score 593) and South-East Asia topped the ranks (average score 630) according to the official GMAT statistics, which are detailed for every country here:

Don’t forget to visit for regular updates on GMAT strategy and tips.

This week GMAT announced greater flexibility in retaking the GMAT Exam: You can now cancel your score up to 72 hours aft...

This week GMAT announced greater flexibility in retaking the GMAT Exam: You can now cancel your score up to 72 hours after you actually took the exam. Also you can reinstate your cancelled score later - if you change your mind. See the full details here

Our extended cancel and score reinstate policy gives you more options and control of your GMAT experience, and confidence in your decision-making process.

Did you know that, on average, Asians study more than twice as long for the GMAT compared to Americans? Based on a recen...

Did you know that, on average, Asians study more than twice as long for the GMAT compared to Americans? Based on a recent study by GMAC the self-reported study time for a 600+ score is only 60 hours. Our experience is that most candidates need significantly longer. What is your experience? More gmat prep infos can be found at

Global demand for MBA graduates has soared by 14% this year with most demand in US and India. In Germany demand for MBA ...

Global demand for MBA graduates has soared by 14% this year with most demand in US and India. In Germany demand for MBA graduates has seen an increase of 9% with an average starting salery of US$88.600. See this report for more details:

What is the present state of the MBA jobs market? The QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2014/15 report looks at MBA salary and job trends worldwide.

GMAT major changes 2015 in a nutshell: While generally the test is rather static there are some news worth noticing this...

GMAT major changes 2015 in a nutshell: While generally the test is rather static there are some news worth noticing this year: You can retake the exam now every 16 days (was: 30) up to 5 times a year. Even more exiting: You can now actually see your score BEFORE you can decide to accept it or cancel the test (was: after). All changes are nicely aranged in an infographic here:

Gear-Up: GMAT Scores still on the rise: The average GMAT of Wharton’s incoming class this year is 732,  Harvard Business...

Gear-Up: GMAT Scores still on the rise: The average GMAT of Wharton’s incoming class this year is 732, Harvard Business School reports a median GMAT score this year of 730. See the full statistics here:

Following are some key full-time MBA admissions data at top business schools: * Average. Mid 80% range not reported.

Check it out: Our new online GMAT prep course is now available in English. Robert James Kuehl, experienced GMAT Tutor fr...

Check it out: Our new online GMAT prep course is now available in English. Robert James Kuehl, experienced GMAT Tutor from New Jersey, has developed this new prep program together with us. All existing customers have free access to this new course. More Information at:

Lerne flexibel online mit dem Kurs "GMAT-Training" - schau dir jetzt kostenlos die Vorschau bei Lecturio an!

Relaunch - Das neue GMAT-Portal endlich online! Mit Online GMAT-Kursen zum Einführungspreis - The new G...

Relaunch - Das neue GMAT-Portal endlich online! Mit Online GMAT-Kursen zum Einführungspreis - The new GMAT-Website, finally! Online-GMAT classes for an introductory price - visit us now!

Diese Seite bietet umfangreiche Hilfestellung und Beratung für den GMAT-Test, GMAT Vorbereitungskurse in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Müchen, Mannheim und Duesseldorf, Online GMAT Hilfen, Bücher Reviews für den GMAT-Test und Online Kurse.

„Globale Geschlechterverteilung auf dem MBA-Markt gleicht sich in 2011 an“.Die aktuellste QS Applicant Survey...

„Globale Geschlechterverteilung auf dem MBA-Markt gleicht sich in 2011 an“.

Die aktuellste QS Applicant Survey 2010 zeigt auf, dass ein zunehmender Frauenanteil zu einer Balance der Geschlechter unter MBA-Bewerbern v.a. in Westeuropa führt und hochqualifizierte Frauen zukünftig noch mehr Führungspositionen für sich einnehmen werden.

Pressemitteilung von QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited Globale Geschlechterverteilung auf dem MBA-Markt gleicht sich in 2011 an


Der MBA-Abschluss hat sich in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise als einer der
sichersten Abschlüsse erwiesen. Arbeitgebern zufolge verdienen
MBA-Absolventen in Europa im Durchschnitt jährlich US$87.500. Dabei
liegen die Gehälter in der Pharma-Industrie mit einem durchschnittlichen
Grundgehalt von US$92.264 am höchsten. Quelle:

Aktuelle GMAC Studie: Berufsaussichten für MBA Absolventen auf dem Wege der Besserung

Aktuelle GMAC Studie: Berufsaussichten für MBA Absolventen
auf dem Wege der Besserung

GMAC Graduate Management Admission C.: London, June 1, 2010 (ots/PRNewswire) - Laut kürzlich durch das Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) veröffentlichten Zahlen bleibt die Arbeitsmarktlage fü




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