The European-wide study of honeys by the professional beekeepers' association using the DNA method, which has long been used in medicine, has shown that most of the products sold as honey in supermarkets are not honey at all. A video was also secretly filmed of test buyers trying to buy Chinese syrups from us, which the sellers described in detail as "undetectable in Europe". The problem is that these counterfeits enter the EU declared as "syrup", are then mixed with 10% Ukrainian honey, and then reach the shelves of German discount stores with a label suggesting European origin, and are sold in bulk for €1.35. The damage caused to the common good and in particular to beekeepers and their families, but also ultimately to agriculture, by a lack of pollination amounts to tens of billions and is an expression of a blatant state failure in terms of food safety and protecting the health of consumers, because the syrups used in honey fraud are of dubious, non-food-grade quality and actually have no place in honey.
Honey Undercover: The Truth Behind Honey in Global Market by the Hidden CameraRead more country reports here: cleanupthehoneymarket.com/Join the initiative f...