Jeremiah 31:33-34
[33]The new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
[34]None of them will have to teach his fellow-citizen to know the Lord, because all will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Reaď this very well, so that you will digest what you are about to read.
This kind God, another one no dey!!
How many of you will say, you don't know what evil is?
Even if you are not a very good organised and enthusiastic member of any church, you will still know that most of the things you know as " not good" are sins!!
God made it in such a way that even if you say that you believe in the "Universe" you still know that what is wickedly wicked and bad is bad and need not to imitate.
Child of God stay away from evil, run very far away from evil, everybody's days are numbered on this earth.
That's instinct, that attempts to stop or prevent you from committing evil is just your good spirit and you damp it everytime you commit evil until you hear the still little voice no more. In that case, wooh, congratulations 🎊 you have successfully succeeded in 😶 silencing it with evil. See it this way, you remembered the women that cook with open fire in countryside. What is the colour of their pot. After cooking with the pot for so long a time, the blackness of the pot will become resistant to soap or any washing. You can't wash it to be the way it was at the buying point time.
That's exactly what happens when you silence the good in you by doing evil, at the end ,it is only divine intervention that can save you.
No one does evil and says he doesn't know that it was evil, whether spontaneously spontan or planned!
Have you ever ask yourself, how will God meet you, prepared or unprepared?
No-one knows when but you can be wise like the 5wise virgin and prepare yourself by keeping your lamp burning and of course an extra 🛢 Oil for you are gonna need it in these wicked days!!
Cc SisPhilomina