Klang Magazine Munich

Klang Magazine Munich Klang is a magazine established with the purpose of exploring, promoting, and enjoying language, across languages.

In which ways can different languages express analogous sensations, ideas, and emotions? In which ways can different languages enter conceptual friction or tension in communication? These are some of the questions which Klang hopes its artists and readers to explore. Klang showcases works in translation, including short stories, poetry, and essays, as well as writing about language more generally,

for instance in an emotional, historical, or philosophical sense. Klang is a student run magazine that accepts submissions from anyone and in any language, but operates in Munich and in English. Klang aims to promote a diverse and egalitarian environment, both internally and with regards to the content it publishes. Klang is published on a bi-monthly basis, with each issue containing a concise but high-quality collection of work, Klang is published online and is sometimes subject to a limited print-run. Website: https://www.klangmagazinemunich.de
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/klangmagazinemunich
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/klangmagazinemunich
Twitter - https://twitter.com/klangmagazinem1




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