
AUFWIND-international AUFWIND is the leading model sports magazine for gliding and electric flight. What is AUFWIND-international? How can I get AUFWIND-international?

AUFWIND-international is a digital addition (pdf-file) to the regular AUFWIND magazine (; in German). AUFWIND-international offers a translation of all texts, data and picture information from the German AUFWIND magazine, but does not include pictures. Initially, AUFWIND-international is offered in English. Other languages, for example French, Italian and Spanish, are possibl

e if there is sufficient interest. AUFWIND-international is an independent subscription and must be booked by the reader in addition to his regular AUFWIND magazine ( While the German issue is delivered by post, the translation is offered for download as a freely usable pdf-file. What does AUFWIND-international cost? Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address. The subscription is not automatically renewed after three or six issues. However, an invitation to the extension will be sent in due time. If further languages are added, the subscription can be changed automatically on request. When does AUFWIND-international start? The first issue of AUFWIND-international will be published on 19 April, parallel to the German issue No. 3/2021. The subscription for AUFWIND-international can be booked now. Special offer: Those who order by 21 March will receive the translation of issue 2/2021 free of charge on 1 April. How can readers be prevented from simply passing on the pdf file? This cannot be prevented. The team of AUFWIND-international trusts in the honesty and loyalty of the modellers to use their pdf file only for their own use. Furthermore, the pdf file also only makes sense for those who already receive the AUFWIND magazine by post. Who makes the new AUFWIND-international? AUFWIND-international is made by Philipp Gardemin. He has been editor-in-chief of the German magazine for 25 years and is himself an active model pilot and model builder. The translations are done by a professional translation agency. Experienced modellers check and correct the technical terms. Wasn't there AUFWIND-worldwide before? Yes, AUFWIND-worldwide appeared in 2009 and 2010 with a few issues. Unfortunately, the costs for translation, printing and mailing were too high. The organisational effort to send two issues together was also clearly too high. The project then had to be discontinued due to the high losses.

AUFWIND-international is the media partner of the GPS World Championship Sport Class from 3-9 July in Erbach. We are loo...

AUFWIND-international is the media partner of the GPS World Championship Sport Class from 3-9 July in Erbach. We are looking forward to a great event with fast triangles.

Please download the form and fill in the appropriate fields. Afterwards, send the completed form to Michael Knoblauch ([email protected]).

AUFWIND-international subscribers have just received their very own download link for the new issue.We hope you enjoy re...

AUFWIND-international subscribers have just received their very own download link for the new issue.

We hope you enjoy reading it. 😀

AUFWIND 6/2021 is on its way to subscribers.The undisputed highlight is certainly the nine-page coverage of the sun-dren...

AUFWIND 6/2021 is on its way to subscribers.

The undisputed highlight is certainly the nine-page coverage of the sun-drenched Glider Expo in Hülben. For this, Philipp Gardemin, Thorsten Häs and Herbert Locklair have collected their impressions and information.

However, this last issue of the current year again offers a colorful mix of topics, such as:

- "Electro-Device" by Martin Weberschock.
- Bristol Freighter built according to plan
- The F5K model "Icon
- Large glider "JS-3" built by Matjaž Remec
- The motor glider ASK-14 from Fräsfritz
- A visit at Multiplex Modellsport
- Gliding history "Vienna" - part 1
- GPS-DM Odenheim
- The modellers and their table project
- What is actually the class F3F?
- The "Vantage" from Mahmoudi Modellsport
- "Pike Precision 2" from SAMBA model
- The "Helios" from Aero-naut Modellbau GmbH
- "Wisel" from Dane-RC

Editors and publishers wish you a lot of fun with the new issue.

AUFWIND 6/2021 ist auf dem Weg zu den Abonnenten.

Unbestrittenes Highlight ist sicherlich die neun Seiten große Berichterstattung der von der Sonne verwöhnten Glider-Expo in Hülben. Hierzu haben Philipp Gardemin, Thorsten Häs und Herbert Locklair ihre Eindrücke und Informationen gesammelt.

Auch diese letzte Ausgabe des laufenden Jahres bietet aber auch wieder einen bunten Mix an Themen, wie zum Beispiel:

- "Elektro-Device" von Martin Weberschock
- Ein Bristol Freighter nach Plan gebaut
- Das F5K-Modell "Icon"
- Großsegler "JS-3" von Matjaž Remec
- Der Motorsegler ASK-14 von Fräsfritz
- Ein Besuch bei Multiplex Modellsport
- Segelfluggeschichte "Wien" - Teil 1
- GPS-DM Odenheim
- Die Modellwerker und ihr Tischprojekt
- Was ist eigentlich die Klasse F3F?
- Der "Vantage" von Mahmoudi Modellsport
- "Pike Precision 2" von SAMBA model
- Der "Helios" von Aero-naut Modellbau GmbH
- "Wisel" von Dane-RC

Redaktion und Verlag wünschen viel Spaß mit der neuen Ausgabe.

Only a few more days, then AUFWIND 5/2021 and the translation in English will be sent to subscribers.Would you also like...

Only a few more days, then AUFWIND 5/2021 and the translation in English will be sent to subscribers.

Would you also like to read AUFWIND in English? Then you now have the chance to get seven issues for the price of six (16.50 Euros). Orders are placed with a PayPal payment to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address.

AUFWIND-reader Nicola Chiumiento from Italy always prints out his translation for an easier reading.Where are you readin...

AUFWIND-reader Nicola Chiumiento from Italy always prints out his translation for an easier reading.

Where are you reading AUFWIND-international? Tablet? PC? Mobile-Phone?

Tell us ... :-)

Cool project....

Cool project....

In preparation for the release of the new TMRC Ross-Johnson RJ-5 high performance vintage sailplane, I've added a full color Three-View to our Etsy offerings. Now that I feel I have all of the information collected and completed the design study, I've moved on to plan and part drawings for the wings in support of David Alchin's effort to have his ship ready to fly by August of this year.
Here is the link:

AUFWIND-international 4/2021 has just been sent to subscribers. The editors and publishers hope you enjoy reading it.

AUFWIND-international 4/2021 has just been sent to subscribers. The editors and publishers hope you enjoy reading it.

AUFWIND 4/2021 is currently being delivered to subscribers.Here is an excerpt from the list of topics:- "Acro-Junior" by...

AUFWIND 4/2021 is currently being delivered to subscribers.

Here is an excerpt from the list of topics:

- "Acro-Junior" by Der Himmlische Höllein
- "Swift" from Glider-it
- The "E-Genius" project from the University of Stuttgart
- A Ka-8b in 1:10
- The "X-Bow²" flying wing
- Final report Antonov AN-2 from Fun-modellbau
- The "CG-Guru" centre of gravity scale by Milan Hrk

The editors and publisher hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Would you like to know what these two nice guys and the Antonov models are all about? Then look forward to the next issu...

Would you like to know what these two nice guys and the Antonov models are all about? Then look forward to the next issue of AUFWIND-international. It will be published on 21 June.

AUFWIND-international is a digital addition (pdf-file) to the regular AUFWIND magazine (; in German). It offers a translation of all texts, data and picture information from the German AUFWIND magazine, but does not include pictures. While the German issue is delivered by post, the translation is offered for download as a freely usable pdf-file. Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros.

Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address.

We are working hard on the next issue of AUFWIND and AUFWIND-international.I don't want to give too much away ... but th...

We are working hard on the next issue of AUFWIND and AUFWIND-international.

I don't want to give too much away ... but this one is a real highlight.

Would you like to read this fantastic article by Thorsten Rauber in English?Then order issue 3/2021 now. You will receiv...

Would you like to read this fantastic article by Thorsten Rauber in English?
Then order issue 3/2021 now. You will receive it free of charge with an annual subscription of six issues (€19.50).

Bauweise und -ausführung sind von ganz besonders feiner Machart Der verstellbare Hochstarthaken ist nur ein Beispiel des hohen Vorfertigungsgrades Die Anlenkungen der Leitwerksruder werden von einer kleinen Kappe abgedeckt Die vier Tragflächenservos "X10 Mini" (30 x 10 x 30 mm, 23 g, 5,6 kg/cm) mi...

Good morning, dear friends.Issue 3/2021 has just been sent to subscribers.You are a subscriber and did not receive the e...

Good morning, dear friends.

Issue 3/2021 has just been sent to subscribers.

You are a subscriber and did not receive the email? Then check your SPAM folder again. Alternatively, please send me a message and I will send you the download link.

You are not a subscriber but still want to read AUFWIND-international? Then you can easily order: Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address. The subscription is not automatically renewed after three or six issues. However, an invitation to the extension will be sent in due time. If further languages are added, the subscription can be changed automatically on request.

AUFWIND 3/2021 and the translation AUFWIND-international is ready to be sent to subscribers on 26 April. AUFWIND-interna...

AUFWIND 3/2021 and the translation AUFWIND-international is ready to be sent to subscribers on 26 April.

AUFWIND-international is an independent subscription and must be booked by the reader in addition to the German issue, which can be booked at

While the German issue is delivered by post, the translation is offered for download as a freely usable pdf-file.

Secure your subscription from AUFWIND-international now: Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address.

The first issue of AUFWIND-international has just been sent to subscribers.Would you also like to read AUFWIND in Englis...

The first issue of AUFWIND-international has just been sent to subscribers.

Would you also like to read AUFWIND in English? Then you can book your subscription now.

How does it work? Quite simple: AUFWIND-international is an independent subscription and must be booked by the reader in addition to his regular AUFWIND magazine ( While the German issue is delivered by post, the translation is offered for download as a freely usable pdf-file. Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address. The subscription is not automatically renewed after three or six issues. However, an invitation to the extension will be sent in due time. If further languages are added, the subscription can be changed automatically on request.

The next issue will be published on 26 April.

The English translation of issue 3/2021 is nearing completion. Take your chance now to book your subscription. How do yo...

The English translation of issue 3/2021 is nearing completion. Take your chance now to book your subscription.

How do you do it? It's simple:

AUFWIND-international is an independent subscription and must be booked by the reader in addition to his regular AUFWIND magazine ( While the German issue is delivered by post, the translation is offered for download as a freely usable pdf-file. Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address. The subscription is not automatically renewed after three or six issues. However, an invitation to the extension will be sent in due time. If further languages are added, the subscription can be changed automatically on request.

Two weeks ago I announced the launch of AUFWIND-international. I am happy about the great interest from all over the wor...

Two weeks ago I announced the launch of AUFWIND-international. I am happy about the great interest from all over the world and thank all subscribers for their bookings.

Today I would like to show you in which countries the subscribers live who made a subscription to AUFWIND-international by yesterday evening (15 March, 10pm).

Best regards,


You want to know what your issue of AUFWIND-international looks like? Then you now have the opportunity to download and ...

You want to know what your issue of AUFWIND-international looks like? Then you now have the opportunity to download and look at a file with three examples from AUFWIND 2/2021:

Don't forget: If you book by 21 March, you will get issue 2/2021 as a free bonus before your subscription starts with issue 3/2021.

Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address.


What is AUFWIND-international?
AUFWIND-international is a digital addition (pdf-file) to the regular AUFWIND magazine (; in German). AUFWIND-international offers a translation of all texts, data and picture information from the German AUFWIND magazine, but does not include pictures. Initially, AUFWIND-international is offered in English. Other languages, for example French, Italian and Spanish, are possible if there is sufficient interest.

How can I get AUFWIND-international?
AUFWIND-international is an independent subscription and must be booked by the reader in addition to his regular AUFWIND magazine ( While the German issue is delivered by post, the translation is offered for download as a freely usable pdf-file.

What does AUFWIND-international cost?
Three issues cost 9.50 Euros, six issues cost 16.50 Euros. Orders are placed with a PayPal payment of the desired amount to the address [email protected], stating name, country and email address. The subscription is not automatically renewed after three or six issues. However, an invitation to the extension will be sent in due time. If further languages are added, the subscription can be changed automatically on request.

When does AUFWIND-international start?
The first issue of AUFWIND-international will be published on 19 April, parallel to the German issue No. 3/2021. The subscription for AUFWIND-international can be booked now. Special offer: Those who order by 21 March will receive the translation of issue 2/2021 free of charge on 1 April.

How can readers be prevented from simply passing on the pdf file?
This cannot be prevented. The team of AUFWIND-international trusts in the honesty and loyalty of the modellers to use their pdf file only for their own use. Furthermore, the pdf file also only makes sense for those who already receive the AUFWIND magazine by post.

Who makes the new AUFWIND-international?
AUFWIND-international is made by Philipp Gardemin. He has been editor-in-chief of the German magazine for 25 years and is himself an active model pilot and model builder. The translations are done by a professional translation agency. Experienced modellers check and correct the technical terms.

Wasn't there AUFWIND-worldwide before?
Yes, AUFWIND-worldwide appeared in 2009 and 2010 with a few issues. Unfortunately, the costs for translation, printing and mailing were too high. The organisational effort to send two issues together was also clearly too high. The project then had to be discontinued due to the high losses.

Wow  ...  just wow!Thank you so much for all the interest, you have shown me with all your messages and reactions. Can't...

Wow ... just wow!

Thank you so much for all the interest, you have shown me with all your messages and reactions. Can't answer them all individual. But every single one is highly appreciated.

Please be patient, more Infos to come on Monday. Stay tuned...

Have a nice weekend.


In which language would you like to read AUFWIND? Vote now and win a free subscription (1 year).Dans quelle langue souha...

In which language would you like to read AUFWIND? Vote now and win a free subscription (1 year).

Dans quelle langue souhaitez-vous lire AUFWIND? Votez maintenant et gagnez un abonnement gratuit (1 an).

In quale lingua vorresti leggere AUFWIND? Vota ora e vinci un abbonamento gratuito (1 anno).

¿En qué idioma le gustaría leer AUFWIND? Vote ahora y gane una suscripción gratuita (1 año).



Allmendstraße 10


Montag 10:00 - 21:00
Dienstag 10:00 - 21:00
Mittwoch 10:00 - 21:00
Donnerstag 10:00 - 21:00
Freitag 10:00 - 21:00
Samstag 10:00 - 13:00


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