DJ OGC CAT Welcome to the official page of DJ oGc from Germany! Check: But this doesn't mean i make everything for free!

Visit my projects and pages:

For Booking me (+Pure Future Music, Change Music and IAS Artist Pool) write to the page, profile: or eMail:

I'm a non-commercial DJ, never made any profit and gave all or the best. Don't

wait to long, prices rising each year! Booking Fee Germany: 800€ + Travel Costs
Booking Fee Europe: 1200€ + Travel Costs
Countries > 1000 Miles: 1500€ + Travel Costs
Countries > 3000 Miles: 2500€ + Travel Costs & Accommodation

All contents on my pages, channels and social networks belong to the creators or to the spiritual fathers and I don't own any rights. I always try to use Fair Use and Creative Commons! Thanks for understanding. Playing for change, a better place, future and space. Share love, freedom and happiness. Keep peace, justice and kindness. - DJ oGc

Justice and peace can be established by positive movements, education, love, unity and harmony. - dJ oGc

We all are dust of the stars, rising up after star wars like a phoenix from the ashes, creating new suns and flashes. - dJ oGc

Vote every day! For yourself, your family, best friends and good humans or positive people. Vote for good, better or great developments, movements, ideas, initiatives, solutions or other real things really change something into good or changing the world really into a better one. Just vote how, so often and like you think it's good for all. Don't believe the hype for just one or this or that choice or voting. You can vote always and at any time you want. Stop fear, hate, ignorance and all that s**t or the humanity, nature and whole world should stay so sick? Ignorance, jealousy, greed, fear, hate, money and power for power are the badest and maddest qualities of humans or whole civilizations, that's why it's called civilization diseases. Never give up or lose your brain, mind and freedoms at the voting box or for political parties. Always remember you have always the freedom of choice and decision. Share and keep Love, Peace and Harmony, be lucky or happy every day and night. - dJ oGc




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