Are you a mom or nanay na naghahanap ng extrang pagkakakitaan or willing mag aral and work at home? And gain more than basic income and you are only working 5 to 20 hours a week depende sa time na available ka,
Why not, register and pm me especially those living near Hamburg and Bremen and tulungan kita magkaroon ng successful career as a Mommy Living in Germany.
Trust me, this is for you:
For interested here are the schedule of our upcoming Career Information:
Berufinformation Hamburg:
Donnerstag, 12. Sept 2024 um 18 Uhr
Berufinformation Bremen:
Mittwoch, 11. Sept 2024 um 18Uhr
Bei LOMBAGINE verbinden wir innovative Make-up- und Kosmetikprodukte mit persönlicher Beratung, um Ihr einzigartiges Schönheitsideal zu verwirklichen.