New Matter Films

New Matter Films Leipzig and Berlin based production company founded by Mariam Shatberashvili and Luise Hauschild focusing on author-driven fiction films.

Juhu! Script development funding for Tatjana Kononenkos next film! Thank you Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg !!

Juhu! Script development funding for Tatjana Kononenkos next film! Thank you Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg !!

Mit der Zusage von mehr als 4,1 Mio. Euro für 35 neue Film- und Serienprojekte fällt die 1. Förderklappe für das Film- und Serienjahr in der Hauptstadtregion!

🥹🥹🥹 Feeling very honored to be nominated for the German Film Critics Award for Best Documentary with WHAT DID YOU DREAM ...

🥹🥹🥹 Feeling very honored to be nominated for the German Film Critics Award for Best Documentary with WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? by
produced by and Mariam Shatberashvili
with the cinematography of and Faraz Fesharaki
staring Faraz Fesharaki .kia.k Hassan Fesharaki and who also contributed his beautiful music to the film.

Berlin premiere of BOOMERANG 💗 💗Thank you so much for having us .14films and  💐And thank you again  and  for curating an...

Berlin premiere of BOOMERANG
💗 💗
Thank you so much for having us .14films and 💐

And thank you again and for curating and supporting this evening and of course with being on our side for this special project !

A second screening is taking place this Wednesday !

💐 Berlin Premiere of BOOMERANG coming up at 💎  💎 next Sunday, 01.12.24 8pm at Kulturbrauererei with a second screening o...

💐 Berlin Premiere of BOOMERANG coming up at 💎 💎 next Sunday, 01.12.24 8pm at Kulturbrauererei with a second screening on the 4th of December at 9.15pm at Delphi. See you there !!

Danke für eure Einladung und euren Text zum Film!!

„Boomerang“ ist ein ungewohnlicher Film aus dem Iran. Leicht, philosophisch und verspielt erzählt er von sich verändernden Frauenrollen und dem Verfall traditioneller Männlichkeitsbilder, ohne in düsteren Nihilismus zu verfallen. Shahab Fotouhi verbindet Naturalismus mit surrealen, traumähnlichen Momenten und lässt seine Figuren durch die vielbefahrenen Straßen Teherans gleiten. Dabei fängt er die intime Dynamik einer ganzen Stadt ein.
Dies gelingt vor allem durch eine präzise Montage, für die der georgisch-deutsche Regisseur Aleksandre Koberidze verantwortlich ist, dessen spielerischer Erzählfluss „Boomerang“ prägt und die lebendige Darstellung des urbanen Lebens in Teheran ermöglicht. Einen derart hoffnungsvollen Blick erlaubt sich das iranische Kino selten.
„Boomerang“ feierte seine Weltpremiere bei den Filmfestspielen von Venedig in der renommierten Nebenreihe Giornate Degli Autori.

Ohhh 🩵🩵🩵 WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? wins at  the 3Sat Dokumentarfilmpreis! Congratulations  ❤️ and our sm...

Ohhh 🩵🩵🩵 WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? wins at the 3Sat Dokumentarfilmpreis! Congratulations ❤️ and our small precious crew ! .kia.k

Today!! German premiere of BOOMERANG  at 73rd  with Shahab attending ! 🌺 more screening in Mannheim and Heidelberg tomor...

Today!! German premiere of BOOMERANG at 73rd with Shahab attending ! 🌺 more screening in Mannheim and Heidelberg tomorrow and on Sunday !

Also!! Soon we will be able to show our film in Berlin at ! Very much looking forward !!

WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? by  is awarded with a special mention at  ❤️ Thank you Kiew!!

WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? by is awarded with a special mention at ❤️
Thank you Kiew!!

BOOMERANG by Shahab Fotouhi in Venice ❤️🥲 We are so so grateful to celebrate our world premiere in the Giornate degli Au...

BOOMERANG by Shahab Fotouhi in Venice ❤️🥲 We are so so grateful to celebrate our world premiere in the Giornate degli Autori section and in this way bring together some part of our beautiful crew and cast from Iran, Germany, Cyprus and France ! Thank you again Gaia Furrer and Renata Santoro and the whole programming team for giving us this opportunity to share our film in big screen!!

Thank you for being with us
❣️ Main Cast ❣️ ._.hnf
Co-Producer Majid Barzegar
Editor Pouya Parsa Magham
Costume Designer Shokoufeh Rahmati
Script Advisor and Set Designer
Dramaturgical Advisor Natascha Sadr Haghighian
Assistant to the producer
World Sales .film

All fundings who made this film and our participation possible !! Kirsten Niehuus Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg MDM Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung World Cinema Fund

And sadly missing
Main Cast Leili Rashidi


❤️‍🔥BOOMERANG Trailer is out ❤️‍🔥 we cannot wait for the premiere in Venice to happen on Saturday at Giornate degli Autori 🥁😵‍💫😍

😍🥹 Finally!! Filming started for PATTY by Luise Donschen produced by fuenferfilm and New Matter Films in joined forces 💏...

😍🥹 Finally!! Filming started for PATTY by Luise Donschen produced by fuenferfilm and New Matter Films in joined forces 💏, Gerti Drassl as main cast and one and only Grandfilm 🫶

Many thanks to our regional funds MDM Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg for giving us the opportunity to participate in this film, which we are very much looking forward to seeing come to life!
And of course BKM and MOIN Filmförderung as the first ones to support the production !

Thank you for joining us on this ride ❤️‍🔥wittmann .gruettner .brocker and more

💘💘💘 BOOMERANG goes Venice 💘💘💘We are extremely honored that our German-Iranian co-production BOOMERANG written and direct...

💘💘💘 BOOMERANG goes Venice 💘💘💘

We are extremely honored that our German-Iranian co-production BOOMERANG written and directed by Shahab Fotouhi will celebrate its world premiere at the upcoming Venice Film Festival’s Giornate Degli Autori 🥹
Thank you for this warm invite Gaia Furrer and Renata Santoro and all selection committee 🫶

And the biggest thank you and our highest respect for all the courageous work that went into the film by all its crew and cast, we feel honored to have worked on this together with you:


Written and directed by Shahab Fotouhi

A New Matter Films production in co-production with Zohal Films and Rainy Pictures

Starring Arash Naimian, Leili Rashidi, Yas Farkhondeh, Ali Hanafian, Shaghayegh Djodat

Filmed by Faraz Fesharaki

Edited by Pouya Parsamagham Koberidze

Music by Panagiotis Mina

Script Consultant Siavash Yazdanmehr

Set Design Siavash Yazdanmehr

Costume Design Shokoufeh Rahmati

Gaffer Hamed Otadi

Sounddesign Tobias Adam

Mix by Kai Tebbel

Colorist Isabelle Julien

Poster Design Maziyar Pahlevan

Very special thanks to Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Fariba Fotouhi and Naghmeh Abbasi for their enduring support throughout the years of making the film.

❤️‍🔥 Thank you for your early trust into the project !! ❤️‍🔥

Special thanks to our world sales Cercamon with their strong and early commitment we love you 🫶

Next Wednesday in Berlin again! We hope to see you!!

Next Wednesday in Berlin again! We hope to see you!!

دیشب چه خوابی دیدی پاراجانف؟

Both upcoming Wednesdays WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? by Faraz Fesharaki will be screened again in Berlin a...

Both upcoming Wednesdays WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? by Faraz Fesharaki will be screened again in Berlin at SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA programmed by Afsun Moshiry 🫶
We hope to see many of you there !

Sonntag 23.45 it’s time for lineares Fernsehen 🤓 ALLE REDEN ÜBERS WETTER von .ost in der  yes yes hoch die Quoten hoch

Sonntag 23.45 it’s time for lineares Fernsehen 🤓 ALLE REDEN ÜBERS WETTER von .ost in der yes yes hoch die Quoten hoch

🏙️ So pleased about this invitation! WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? will celebrate its international Premiere...

🏙️ So pleased about this invitation! WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? will celebrate its international Premiere at First Look 2024 at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York next week!! 😍

Saturday, Mar 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Bartos Screening Room

Thanks to Edo Choi for inviting us !!

Cineuropa on WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV?“With all of its tenderness and patience legible from the silences...


“With all of its tenderness and patience legible from the silences allowed to haunt the pixelated video calls, this debut will surely seep into your daily life and conversations; when you call your parents, you’ll surely think of Hasan and Mitra. Such rawness must not be taken lightly, but rather treated with respect and the utmost attention, so that we learn to appreciate even those few seconds when the internet connection breaks down as truly shared, be they wordy or wordless.”

22/02/2024 - BERLINALE 2024: Faraz Fesharaki’s directorial debut builds a bridge between Iran and Germany out of we**am recordings and shared memories

Listen to Faraz Fesharaki talking to Knut Elstermann at radioeins about WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? 😍

Listen to Faraz Fesharaki talking to Knut Elstermann at radioeins about WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? 😍

Über zehn Jahre hat Faraz Fesharaki den Austausch mit seiner Familie dokumentiert, den digitalen Dialog zwischen einem, der auszog, in Deutschland Film zu studieren, und jenen, die in der iranischen Millionenstadt geblieben sind. Vater Hasan und Mutter Mitra diskutieren über die traditionelle Roll...

❤️🥹🥹 Thank you Berlinale Forum / Forum Expanded and Barbara Wurm for giving us this precious present of celebrating the ...

❤️🥹🥹 Thank you Berlinale Forum / Forum Expanded and Barbara Wurm for giving us this precious present of celebrating the world premiere of WHAT DID YOU DREAM LAST NIGHT, PARAJANOV? by Faraz Fesharaki with so many friends and crew members in the beautiful setting of Haus der Kulturen der Welt !!

Special thanks again to the people who contributed so much over the years to the genesis of the film especially Leonie Minor, Moritz Friese, Shahab Fotouhi, Jan Bachmann, Alexandre Koberidze, Julian Radlmaier, Marius Land and special thanks to Bodo Knappheide, head of study’s at Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) who was crucial that we could make the film the way we wanted to.

AND Thank you to everyone who made last night possible, special shout out to new matters assistant Jonas Erler 💖


Nikolaistraße 6-10


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