Die bekanntesten Audio Branding Beispiele.
may the 4th be with you
May the 4th be with you
Wie klingt die schweizerische Post?
Die schweizerische Post kann auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken, in der schon seit 1924 das typische Posthorn der Postautos erklingt. Diese Melodie aus drei Tönen ist in der gesamten Schweiz bekannt und bietet somit das perfekte Fundament, um die Wiedererkennung der Marke zu stärken und eine einprägsame akustische Identität zu schaffen. Unser Projekt zielte darauf ab, diese Tonfolge zu erforschen und herauszufinden, wie vielseitig sie ist, ohne dabei ihren charakteristischen Klang zu verlieren.
Durch umfangreiche Experimente und Anpassungen haben wir ein flexibles Leitmotiv entwickelt, das als Grundlage für die akustische Markenidentität dient. Das Leitmotiv integriert sich nahtlos in jeden Musikstil und funktioniert in allen Touchpoints der Marke, von der Telefonschleife bis hin zu Mikro-Interaktionen wie einem Klick.
#schweizerischePost #audity #audiobranding #soundbranding #uxsound
We design advanced sound identities for bold brands and their human-friendly UX.
Advanced sound identities for bold brands and their human-friendly UX.
#audity #audiobranding #uxsound #soundbranding #sonicbranding
What does Typography sound like? We asked our UX Sound Designer Alexander Dick to explain some parameters of what typo could sound like and this is what he told us!
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Can you imagine a cowbell as a distinctive acoustic brand signature?
That’s exactly what we did for Allgäu GmbH. We asked ourselves what could the Allgäu region possibly sound like? With experts and locals, we gave Allgäu's brand values - fresh, honorable, original, wholesome and peaceful - a unique sound.
Here’s a snippet of our Making Off video. Find the link to the whole video in the comments below!
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngqIu5DQhHs&feature=emb_logo
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Adaptive Sound Design is the future of Sound Design. Franz Blach shared his thoughts on this in our #Podcast. He also spoke about the importance of Transparency in the digital age. Head over to Spotify to learn more about the relationship between design and sound!
Here’s the link to our Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6KBXgVEFeUjUxnyTYf0nLC?si=31218b1370614c69
#sounddesign #brandsound #audiobranding #soundbranding #sonicbranding #branding #brands
Deriving sound ideas from design elements is another way we create unique brand sound at audity. We look at brands in their pure form and derive implications on how they could sound. Like, how could a light blue, a round logo or a work mark in »futura extra bold« sound?
Taking a closer look at these tiny details helps us represent your brand in all its facets!
For Fill, we took the powerful, bold typeface of the word mark as inspiration! With a powerful musical expression, we interpreted the industrial sounds to create a unique brand sound system.
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A simple but effective way to create great sound design for your brand can be to consider your corporate design. At audity, we consider your logo, colors, visual language and sometimes even wording first. This helps us stay consistent within your brand identity and guides our sound process!
For Star, we used the impression that the logo animation leaves, as inspiration for our sound logo design. The visual breaking out of the motion is enhanced through our sound, thus adding another layer to the storytelling of the brand.
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Intermodal analogies connect all our senses. We talk about round wines or bright sounds in our everyday life. These intermodal analogies can be ideally used to translate design elements into sound.
For sonnen , we translated energy and a beam of light into sound. We asked ourselves what the sun could sound like and interpreted the warmth with sound.
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Sometimes the brand’s name and its pronunciation can guide our sound design process at audity. The prosody, i.e. the speech melody, becomes a recognizable musical feature, but also provides other breeding ground for creative ideas.
For BayWa r.e. Global , we used the speech melody and pronunciation (»Bay«-»wa«- »r« »e«) as inspiration! In this case, sound helps us understand the pronunciation as well as communicate brand identity.
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