Jørgs World on the radio

Jørgs World on the radio "Jørgs World" (english) broadcasted in over 40 Countries. NEW: German Live Show on https://home-of-rock.de

20.00 Uhr GMT • Heute, Mittwoch 21.08.2024, habe ich ein paar ganz besondere Songs in meiner Radiosendung. Ihr erinnert ...

20.00 Uhr GMT • Heute, Mittwoch 21.08.2024, habe ich ein paar ganz besondere Songs in meiner Radiosendung. Ihr erinnert Euch an "Ramble On" von Led Zeppelin? An Rory Gallagher "A Million Miles Away"? Brian Johnson & Geordie "Ain't it just like a woman"?
Als "Independent Artist of the week" habe ich AXiS aus Rumänien mit dem fantastischen Blues-Rock Song "Ain't got no Tears" für Euch.

Wo? Ganz einfach - auf https://larocksradio.de findest Du alles was Du brauchst. Info, Radioplayer, Chat. Wir sehen uns dort bei "Jorg's World". Viel Spaß!

Ursprünglich eine eigene Radiostation hat sich das Team von LA ROCKS nun entschlossen, mit Home-Of-Rock.de zu fusionieren.

Meine Radioshow auf Home-Of-Rock.de - bitte ganz oft teilen!!! Ausnahmsweise 2h!!!

Meine Radioshow auf Home-Of-Rock.de - bitte ganz oft teilen!!! Ausnahmsweise 2h!!!

Please share!!! Wednesday, 07.08.2024 - Jørg's World 7-9pm (19-21 Uhr) on a new Radiostation!!! Radio Home of Rock

Some of you may have realized it; JØRGs WORLD RADIOSHOW is no longer part of Melodik Radio. My "Homebase" (and also of some of my former Colleagues) has changed to https://home-of-rock.de

There you will find me usually Wednesdays 8-9pm (20-21Uhr) German Time. For this special - initial - one 2h of Jørg's World.

With music by Jørg - High Quality Guitar Music, Sherise Music, Jay N Pillai (The Autumnleaf), the voices of John Reneaud, Steve O Leff, The Curve, Freakstorm, and maaaaany other famous bands.

Please share!!! Wednesday, 07.08.2024 - Jørg's World 7-9pm (19-21 Uhr) on a new Radiostation!!! Radio Home of RockSome o...

Please share!!! Wednesday, 07.08.2024 - Jørg's World 7-9pm (19-21 Uhr) on a new Radiostation!!! Radio Home of Rock

Some of you may have realized it; JØRGs WORLD RADIOSHOW is no longer part of Melodik Radio. My "Homebase" (and also of some of my former Colleagues) has changed to https://home-of-rock.de

There you will find me usually Wednesdays 8-9pm (20-21Uhr) German Time. For this special - initial - one 2h of Jørg's World.

With music by Jørg - High Quality Guitar Music, Sherise Music, Jay N Pillai (The Autumnleaf), the voices of John Reneaud, Steve O Leff, The Curve, Freakstorm, and maaaaany other famous bands.


Had some breakfast this morning. Listened in on the ol' Pluto Radio. Some great hard edged rock music while sipping some sort of Nespresso sort of whipped thing in delicate cup with a splash of whiskey. It all made me ponder who exactly is this Jørg fellow and what's he doing on the radio?




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