Mano Loco

Mano Loco L O S T IN M U S I C
[versatile*as*f_¢k] Electronic Groove Love

My club booking new year's eve was cancelled.Who wants to throw a party with me? 🤪

My club booking new year's eve was cancelled.

Who wants to throw a party with me? 🤪



In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco


In The Box Of...  #26!

In The Box Of... #26!

In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco

I had 30 tracks to choose from. These are the 10 I ended up with!😍

I had 30 tracks to choose from.
These are the 10 I ended up with!😍

In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco

Happy International Women's Day to all amazing women and those who identify as female ❤

Happy International Women's Day to all amazing women and those who identify as female ❤

Ackermann What a album bro. Delicious 😋 ♥️ lots of amore from up north hermano 🚀🚀🚀

Ackermann What a album bro. Delicious 😋 ♥️ lots of amore from up north hermano 🚀🚀🚀

Provided to YouTube by Triple Vision Record DistributionDaft Punk is playing at my garage · AckermannStadium Techno℗ 2024 SAFE SPACEReleased on: 2024-02-16Mu...

 #22 In The Box here we go

#22 In The Box here we go

In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco

RIP  Annie "Queen Of Breaks" Nightingalenightingale   ❤️

RIP Annie "Queen Of Breaks" Nightingalenightingale ❤️

Lots of new tracks added. Have Fun 😍😍😍

Lots of new tracks added. Have Fun 😍😍😍

Mano Loco, a user on Spotify

Mal wieder aktuelle 10 Tracks von mir zusammen gesucht😍Viel Spaß beim Hören ;)

Mal wieder aktuelle 10 Tracks von mir zusammen gesucht😍
Viel Spaß beim Hören ;)

In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco

Thanks guys 😍

Thanks guys 😍

In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco


In dieser Rubrik stellt alle 14 Tage einer unser Redakteure seine aktuelle Top 10 exklusiv für dich bereit! Dieses Mal: Manuel Jahn aka Mano Loco




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Mano Loco - Lost in Music


Mano Loco born in Berlin living in Hamburg first fell in love with Techno Music at the first Loveparade in Berlin: "Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen" where his father brought him back then. As a child he went with Kid Paul aka Energy 52 at the Kindergarten. After many back and forth trips between Germany and Spain ( Berlin, Hamburg, Lanzarote, Granada, Madrid) after visiting the first underground techno parties in Spain he was learned up and ready to set hand on vinyl deck. Under the wing of Traxx Roxx, ManoLoco’s first gig was supporting Moguai, no less. After that came Oliver Moldan and many more. But dj’ing wasn’t enough to quench Loco’s thirst for pah-hatay. In 2003 he started Loco Entertainment, a conglomerate that threw some massive parties such as Loco Orange, Loco Island Boatpartys, Loco Dome, Micro Club, Minimalistic and Loco Nightz. Massive names from the scene at the time such as Marc Vision were collected and delivered on stage to rock socks off. Since 2010 ManoLoco had a plan bubbling… Raving Loony Records. His label had already seen singles released in conjunction with Universal music (So Called Friend remix of Jan Delay’s “Disco”) as well as 3 times over 24 weeks in the German Club Charts between #35 and #3 (“FEVER” EP feat. Spoek Mathambo rmx by Malente & Hostage, "HANDS" with Dirty Disco Youth and "NEAR IMPOSSIBLE" feat. Marc Deal rmx by DCUP) and much more... 2013 he stopped his labelwork because he became a father. After a 3 year parental leave he started again to work as a DJ & Producer. Playing now in Hamburgs Clubs like Waagenbau, Übel & Gefährlich, Mandalay, Central Park and more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mano Loco wurde als Manuel Jahn 1975 in Berlin geboren. Mano Loco wurde als Manuel Jahn 1975 in Berlin geboren.