SoundSupport Mastering

SoundSupport Mastering Studio für Analog Mastering und Mixing Starting July, 2013 Michael Kunz is running the Mastering Studio all by himself. B.

SoundSupport provides transparent and punchy mastering of stereo, stem - and multitrack mixes. For best results I use analog and digital equipment such as Millennia Media, Avalon, Crane Song, Juenger Audio and other devices. I'm paying highest attention to each piece of music with regard to dynamics, frequency range, stereo width and spatial attributes. You can attend mastering sessions or deliver

your tracks via the online mastering server. Please feel cordially invited to talk with me about your projects. With best regards

Michael Kunz, SoundSupport

SoundSupport bietet transparentes und druckvolles Mastering von Stereo-,Stem-und Mehrspurmischungen. Fuer optimale Ergebnisse benutze ich analoges und digitales Equipment wie z. Millennia Media, Avalon, Crane Song, Juenger Audio und weitere Geräte. Ich widme jedem Track hoechste Aufmerksamkeit in Bezug auf Dynamik, Frequenzbereich, Stereobreite und Raeumlichkeit. Ihr koennt bei den Masteringsessions anwesend sein oder mir euere Tracks ueber den Online Mastering Server bereit stellen. Seid herzlich eingeladen mir ueber euere Projekte zu sprechen. Mit den besten Gruessen

Michael Kunz, SoundSupport


Now on YouTube...


In this 4 part documentary, highly-sought-after Film Composer Ali N. Askin shows his Berlin studio and talks about his work with Frank Zappa, Napoleon Murphy Brock and the new Album "Bad Doberan and Elsewhere" with songs from Zappa

Here is a clip from my early stage show "Hit me!" The life of a drummer...

Here is a clip from my early stage show "Hit me!" The life of a drummer...

Check out Michael K's video.


I wish you all an entertaining New Year. Here's a clip from my earlier stage shpow "Hit me!" Best Michael

My studio is back...reassembled and in fantastic shape. I have fixed so many issues that have listed up in my head over ...

My studio is back...reassembled and in fantastic shape. I have fixed so many issues that have listed up in my head over the last years. Now all gear is in optimal new Fairchild (Stamchild) 670 has finally found its place in the Sterling Console (zoom in on the right side, it's 6 x 19" units tall)...I even find it sounds better

Here is a link to my 4 Part Series about the Metric Halo Mio Console: Bahr (Metric Ha...

Here is a link to my 4 Part Series about the Metric Halo Mio Console:
Stefan Bahr (Metric Halo Germany) and Michael K. from SoundSupport Mastering taking a closer look at the Mio Console and the LIO-8 Hardware


SoundSupport Studio Strip Down
In this Video you will see the complete strip down of my Studio . My friend Mario Ramos is helping me. Together we are . We produce Independent Pop Music. You can find us on all major streaming platforms. Search for LauterBitte

Here is Part 1/4 of my interview with Stefan Bahr from Metric Halo Germany. The Metric Halo interfaces are some of the m...

Here is Part 1/4 of my interview with Stefan Bahr from Metric Halo Germany. The Metric Halo interfaces are some of the most hi-end, solid built and future proof machines out there. They are controlled via a software mixer, the MIO CONSOLE. Multum gaudium ;-)

Anton and me at the set of "Die Pfefferkörner"...

Anton and me at the set of "Die Pfefferkörner"...


Krayenkamp 9


Montag 09:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 18:00
Freitag 09:00 - 18:00
Samstag 09:00 - 16:00




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