AR experimenting in the lab - wait til the end for camera movement #augmentedreality #ar #virtualproduction #unreal #cameratracking #realtime #particles #attractor
touch to be a happy pixel #cablesgl #experiment #generative #touch #interactive #blackandwhite #pixelart
a sketch made in #cablesgl #pixelart #generative #fbmnoise #particles #retro #glitch
Late night noodeling in cables #cablesgl #noise #vertexdisplacement #strudel #realtime #webgl #vfx
Augmented Architecture App - made with unity3d last year. The solid 3d tracking of the physical city model is magic. #augmented #unity3d #architecture #exhibit #interactive #objecttracking #ios #realtime
Wallboxtest #cameratracking #prototyping #3dprint #augmentedreality #testestest #cinema4d thanks to @michelmagens
4 sides is not a cube #cablesgl #nodevember2021 #nodevember
New EQTeaser Scene "Radarwaves" #IAA #mercedes #ateliermarkgraph #wirmachenbunt #kinetic #vvvv #kinect #interactive #munich
fancy some surfboard action ? our fast-paced sci-fi racer for #mercedes #formulaelectric designed and produced for and with our friends @ateliermarkgraph ...after touring the world, you can play it at the mercedes museum soonish
one of the #magentamoon games we designed and programmed. a multichannel audio loop game. idea by @henryhilge
#schönwars #showisover #berlin danke an @florafaunavisions und @ambion_gmbh für die tolle zusammenarbeit
Formel-E Surfer Game
Did we mention we love to create games ? This one was a great ride. Fast-paced, multiplayer, racing game, with surfboards, light show and graphics so fast and smooth, some people fell off the boards 😜
Here we go, the Mercedes Formula-E Surfer
developed for and with Atelier Markgraph