European Wildlife Film Awards

European Wildlife Film Awards Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von European Wildlife Film Awards, TV-/Filmpreis, Lucy-Borchardt-Str. 2, Hamburg.

🏆A little over a week ago we hosted the very first European Wildlife Film Awards, and what a great event it was! ✨Across...

🏆A little over a week ago we hosted the very first European Wildlife Film Awards, and what a great event it was! ✨

Across the evening, we heard inspirational speeches from our sponsors, beautiful laudationes from our jury, and watched infectious smiles spread across the winner’s faces. 🥳

The following day, we watched the winning films in Germany‘s first nature film cinema and held a Q&A with the filmmakers present. The audience was able to get a special insight into what it takes to make an award winning film. 🎬

But no worries - the EWFA experience isn’t over yet! All of our nominees, aswell as the entire Official Selection 2025 will be getting their time to shine throughout the next year, with a selected film screening once a week in the .der.wildtiere.  Right in the heart of Hamburg’s HafenCity, we’re thrilled to welcome you into the world of european wildlife filmmaking every Wednesday as of 18:30.🍿

✨Heute stellen wir euch die zweite Hälfte unserer nominierten Kurzfilme vor.🎥🦋Die Kurzfilmkategorie feiert die spannends...

✨Heute stellen wir euch die zweite Hälfte unserer nominierten Kurzfilme vor.🎥

🦋Die Kurzfilmkategorie feiert die spannendsten und schönsten Momente der europäischen Natur. Für die Nominierung zählen vor allem Originalität, filmische Qualität und eine mitreißende Erzählweise. Die 12 nominierten Filme beweisen eindrucksvoll, wie schnell man sich in Europas Natur verlieben kann – eine Leidenschaft, die auch der Sponsor dieser Kategorie, .de , schon lange teilt.🦉

🍿Vom 1. bis 12. Februar 2025 könnt ihr euch die nominierten Kurzfilme täglich um 16 Uhr im Naturfilmkino in der .der.wildtiere anschauen und darüber abstimmen, welcher Film bei der Verleihung der European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA) mit dem Kurzfilmpreis ausgezeichnet wird.🏆

➡️Am 15. Februar 2025 findet die erste Verleihung der EWFA statt. Ins Leben gerufen von der .wildtier.stiftung zeichnen die EWFA jedes Jahr herausragende Dokumentarfilme über Natur-, Wildtier- und Naturschutzthemen in Europa aus. Die Preise werden in den sechs Kategorien: „Tierwelt“, „Biodiversität“, „Naturschutz“, „Beste Story“ und „Kurzfilm“ vergeben. Zusätzlich gibt es auch einen Publikumspreis. Alle Siegerfilme - sowie zum letzten Mal das Kurzfilmprogramm - gibt es dann am Sonntag, den 16.2.2025 zu sehen, in Anwesenheit der Filmschaffenden.

🔗Mehr Infos gibt’s auf unserer Website: (link in bio)

✨Dürfen wir vorstellen: Die ersten 6 unserer 12 nominierten Kurzfilme.🎥🍿Die Kurzfilmkategorie feiert die spannendsten un...

✨Dürfen wir vorstellen: Die ersten 6 unserer 12 nominierten Kurzfilme.🎥

🍿Die Kurzfilmkategorie feiert die spannendsten und schönsten Momente der europäischen Natur. Für die Nominierung zählen vor allem Originalität, filmische Qualität und eine mitreißende Erzählweise. Die 12 nominierten Filme beweisen eindrucksvoll, wie schnell man sich in Europas Natur verlieben kann – eine Leidenschaft, die auch der Sponsor dieser Kategorie, .de, schon lange teilt.
Vom 1. bis 12. Februar 2025 könnt ihr euch die nominierten Kurzfilme täglich um 16 Uhr im Naturfilmkino in der .der.wildtiere anschauen und darüber abstimmen, welcher Film bei der Verleihung der European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA) mit dem Kurzfilmpreis ausgezeichnet wird.🏆

➡️Am 15. Februar 2025 findet die erste Verleihung der EWFA statt. Ins Leben gerufen von der @‌Deutschen.Wildtier.Stiftungzeichnen die EWFA jedes Jahr herausragende Dokumentarfilme über Natur-, Wildtier- und Naturschutzthemen in Europa aus. Die Preise werden in den sechs Kategorien: „Tierwelt“, „Biodiversität“, „Naturschutz“, „Beste Story“ und „Kurzfilm“ vergeben. Zusätzlich gibt es auch einen Publikumspreis. Alle Siegerfilme - sowie zum letzten Mal das Kurzfilmprogramm - gibt es dann am Sonntag, den 16.2.2025 zu sehen, in Anwesenheit der Filmschaffenden.

🔗Mehr Infos gibt’s auf unserer Website:

✨Nearly 800 islands surround the coastline of Scotland, teeming with wonderful inhabitants you might not be expecting… 🦭...

✨Nearly 800 islands surround the coastline of Scotland, teeming with wonderful inhabitants you might not be expecting… 🦭

🏔️Filmmaker Fergus Gill takes us on a tour of them, showing what narratives are hidden both within, and above the water. From Grey seals, Otters and Deer, to many different types of birds, this documentary is sure to spark an interest in Scotland‘s New Wild Islands. 🦅

🎬This documentary will be shown at the .der.wildtiere in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Join in on getting to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

Let us know which selected film you would like to learn more about next!🍿

Dürfen wir vorstellen: Die Jury der allerersten European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA). 🎉 Aus 50 Filmen im Finale haben de...

Dürfen wir vorstellen: Die Jury der allerersten European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA). 🎉 Aus 50 Filmen im Finale haben der Biologe und Musiker Dominik Eulberg, der Filmproduzent Arnd Greve, die Biologin und Journalistin Dagny Lüdemann, Barbara Makowka von der Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald und der Wiener Forscher und Museumskurator Prof. Dr. habil. Frank E. Zachos die Nominierten ausgewählt. Es war eine konstruktive und inspirierende Sitzung. Wer die Gewinner sind? Das verraten wir am 15. Februar 2025 in Hamburg, auf der Gala in der .der.wildtiere. 😊
➡️ Ins Leben gerufen von der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung zeichnen die EuropeanWildlife Film Awards (EWFA) ab 2025 jedes Jahr herausragende Dokumentarfilme über Natur-, Wildtier- und Naturschutzthemen in Europa aus. Die Preise werden in den sechs Kategorien: „Tierwelt“, „Biodiversität“, „Naturschutz“, „Beste Story“ und „Kurzfilm“ vergeben. Zusätzlich gibt es auch einen Publikumspreis.

🔗Mehr Infos gibt’s auf unserer Website (Link in Bio):
May we present: the judges of the very first European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA). 🎉Having carefully considered the 50 selected films, biologist and musician Dominik Eulenberg, film producer Arnd Greve, the biologist and journalist Dagny Lüdemann, Barabara Makowka from the German Forest Protection Association, and Austrian scientist as well as museum curator Prof. Dr. habil. Frank E. Zachos have now chosen our final nominees. The get-together was both constructive and inspiring. You’re wondering who the winners might be? At the awards ceremony on the 15. of February in the Wildlife Embassy we’ll be letting you know. 😊
➡️ Founded by the Germany Wildlife Foundation, the European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA) annually honour extraordinary films about nature, wildlife and conservation efforts throughout Europe, commencing as of February 2025. Prizes are awarded in six categories: 
“Wildlife“, “Biodiversity“, “Nature Conservation“, “Best Story“ and “Best Short Film“. Additionally there is also an audience award, which will be presented in the following year.

✨What wonders lie in the lives of wild animals that we can’t usually bear witness to? 🦦🪶Filmmaker Axel Gebauer helps us ...

✨What wonders lie in the lives of wild animals that we can’t usually bear witness to? 🦦

🪶Filmmaker Axel Gebauer helps us learn the answer: a whole lot! Over the course of four years, 120 cameras were strategically placed throughout Germany. Left widely untouched, they document natures most intimate moments. From hardships in hunting, to romances and the trials of rearing a family… Viewers are invited to indulge in the lives of multiple animals, with a special focus on the narratives of Wolves. 🐺

🎬This documentary will be shown at the Wildlife Embassy (.der.wildtiere) in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Join in on getting to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

🦅Let us know which selected film you would like to learn more about next!🍿

🌿 Most are familiar with the sound of a Woodpecker’s rhythm, but what do we really know about these wonderful birds ? ✨🪶...

🌿 Most are familiar with the sound of a Woodpecker’s rhythm, but what do we really know about these wonderful birds ? ✨

🪶Filmmaker Uwe Müller invites the viewer to get to know these charming characters a little better. Documenting the habits of multiple different species of Woodpeckers throughout Europe, the documentary also thematises how these birds are learning to adapt in their coexistence with humans. 🏡

🎬This documentary will be shown at the .der.wildtiere in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s nature next!🍿

🌼Rich in biodiversity and with a history of providing refuge to endangered animals, Poland’s wild East is home to an abu...

🌼Rich in biodiversity and with a history of providing refuge to endangered animals, Poland’s wild East is home to an abundance of natural wonders.✨

🦫Providing a diverse narrative of many wild inhabitants, filmmakers Jens Westphalen and Thoralf Grospitz invite the viewer to indulge in all that Poland’s wildlife has to offer. From Bison, Wolves and Lynxes to a multitude of bird species, this insight into how animals coexist with each other and the budding civilisation around them spurs on a fascination for European nature. 🦌

🎞️This documentary will be shown at the Wildlife Embassy (.der.wildtiere) in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s nature next!🍿

# natureconservation

Now that we are nearing the release of our nominated films, we would like to reintroduce our Official Program Selection ...

Now that we are nearing the release of our nominated films, we would like to reintroduce our Official Program Selection for 2025! 🎞️

✨We are very excited to remind you that all of these fantastic wildlife films will be on display in Hamburg’s very own nature cinema as of next year (.der.wildtiere).🍿

🎥Our jury is now in the process of selecting which films will be nominated for the European Wildlife Film Awards in February 2025, and we will be taking you along as they meet to make their decision next week.

Many thanks to all film makers who submitted their amazing work to the EWFAs. 🌻

🦋Stay tuned as we will begin to reveal the nominated films throughout the next few weeks, and let us know which films you’re hoping to see nominated.🏆

🌿Though rare to see, the European ground squirrel has a lively and exciting nature, and certainly a lot to say! ✨🌾 Filmm...

🌿Though rare to see, the European ground squirrel has a lively and exciting nature, and certainly a lot to say! ✨

🌾 Filmmaker Angelina Sigl captures charming insights into the lives of the European ground squirrel, alongside many of the neighbours it shares its habitat with. All rely on a sandy ground and open plains to build their burrows, rear their young or catch a meal, and are increasingly tasked with coexisting alongside humans. Social, playful and very communicative, this narrative into their lives can’t help but provoke enthusiasm for the endangered European ground squirrel.🐿️

🎬This charming documentary will be shown at the .der.wildtiere in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

Let us know which of the already presented films you’re looking forward to seeing the most!🍿

✨The return of the Aurochs is happening a little more with every new generation of rewilded Tauros, bringing the genes o...

✨The return of the Aurochs is happening a little more with every new generation of rewilded Tauros, bringing the genes of this historic animal back to the plains of Europe.🐂

🌳Filmmaker Michael Schlamberger follows the exciting narrative of how the Tauros came to be, and what is being done to return these marvellous mammals back to European wildlife. Viewers are invited to indulge in the Tauros‘ impressive nature and the challenges they have to overcome in order to survive in the wild. 🍂

🎬As part of our official selection, this documentary is also in the race to be nominated for an EWFA. In 2025 it will be shown at the wildlife film theatre in .der.wildtiere, located in Hamburg‘s HafenCity. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year. 🎞️

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s nature next!🍿

✨Wolverines are fabled animals throughout the northern hemisphere, villainised in some ancestral tales and glamourised i...

✨Wolverines are fabled animals throughout the northern hemisphere, villainised in some ancestral tales and glamourised in others. ❄️

🌳Directed by Alexander Sletten, this film by Terra Mater Studios follows an elusive heroine; Freya, a shy wolverine that inhabits the ‘No man’s land’ between Russia and Finland. Showing how this wonderful animal has adapted to its unforgiving habitat, the documentary illustrates what challenges Freya faces, especially as a first time mother to two young kits. 🐾

🎬As part of our official selection, this documentary is also in the race to be nominated for an EWFA. In 2025 it will be shown at the wildlife film theatre in .der.wildtiere, located in Hamburg‘s HafenCity. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year. 🎞️

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s nature next!🍿

✨Ireland’s Wild Islands are full of wonderful animals and intriguing traditions of the natural world, basking sharks bei...

✨Ireland’s Wild Islands are full of wonderful animals and intriguing traditions of the natural world, basking sharks being one of them.🦈

🎥Following wildlife documentary presenter Eoin Warner, filmmakers John Murray and Jamie Fitzpatrick invite the viewer to explore the western coast of Ireland. From the feeding patterns of Humpback whales to visiting some of the largest colonies of Gannets in the world, this documentary offers insight into the diverse and captivating way of Ireland‘s nature.

🎞️As part of our official selection, this documentary is in the race for the EWFA and will be shown at the in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025.

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s wildlife wonders next!🍿

🌲Within the no man’s land in between Finland and Russia hides a true rare wonder; wild wolves.✨❄️Persuing the dream to s...

🌲Within the no man’s land in between Finland and Russia hides a true rare wonder; wild wolves.✨

❄️Persuing the dream to share a year amongst the wolves, Yves and Olivier wait for them in a lookout hut merely a few square meters large. Remaining silent and mostly motionless, they invite the viewer to join them in exploring the dynamics of a wild wolf pack. Amongst admiration for the animals, and unending patience, filmmaker Tugay Dumortier the question of how humans and wolves interact. 🐺

🎬This enthralling documentary will be shown at the .der.wildtiere in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s nature next!🍿

✨ Some wildlife wonders are those we haven’t paid much mind to before. Meet the badger, the most lovable forest neighbou...

✨ Some wildlife wonders are those we haven’t paid much mind to before. Meet the badger, the most lovable forest neighbour.🦡

🌳Among offering charming insights into multiple forest families, filmmaker Günther Goldmann introduces us to a clan of Badgers throughout the course of a year. Viewers will quickly fall in love with their habits, relationships and surrounding neighbours, learning how diverse social relationships in the forest really are. 🦊

🎬This charming documentary will be shown at the .der.wildtiere in Hamburg‘s HafenCity in 2025. Until then, follow along as we get to know more of the films that will be screening next year- all of which are also in the selection process for the European Wildlife Film Awards.🏆

Let us know through which selected film you would like to learn more about Europe’s nature next!🍿

🌳Packed with surprises hiding in plain sight, Germany’s wild north holds many wonders of wildlife.✨‌🦎Filmmaker Uwe Ander...

🌳Packed with surprises hiding in plain sight, Germany’s wild north holds many wonders of wildlife.✨

‌🦎Filmmaker Uwe Anders takes us along to discover how the primarily agricultural german state is teeming with hidden wildlife. From snakes and endangered lizards, to wild horses and herds of deer, there is much to learn. Offering insight into everyday wildlife, this is an homage to appreciating the diversity of nature around us.🦌

🎬“Deutschlands wilder Norden” will among all other selected films, be shown in Germany’s first nature film cinema as of February 2025. Follow along as we continue to show you more of the exciting official selection.🍿

Hamburg, the nature film metropolis, finally has a wildlife film theatre of its own! 🎥🌳Today the doors of the Wildlife E...

Hamburg, the nature film metropolis, finally has a wildlife film theatre of its own! 🎥

🌳Today the doors of the Wildlife Embassy will officially be open to the public. We invite you to come and visit, explore the location, and become nature ambassadors yourself.🦔

Home to the European Wildlife Film Awards, the screening of all selected films will take place in this homage to nature. Aiming to become a pillar for wildlife education across Europe, the Wildlife embassy serves to make your cinematic experience all the more enriching.💫

🌻The first chance to see our cinema in action is on the 11th of September 2024, where the documentary sensation “Die Wiese” by will be kickstarting our Wildlife Wednesdays. We hope to see you there!🦌


Lucy-Borchardt-Str. 2


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