SVG aka Elon Bass

SVG aka Elon Bass 22 y/o Dj & Producer from Hamburg, Germany

Big weekend ahead. First playing Maintime at  with my fav .mp3 and on Saturday I’m excited to play on fusion MainStage a...

Big weekend ahead. First playing Maintime at with my fav .mp3 and on Saturday I’m excited to play on fusion MainStage again for another bro2bro with for the second anniversary of in a collaboration with

Hope to see y’all on the dancefloor and happy to deliver some happy vibes for you!

Next stops:

13.10. Hamburg
14.10. x Münster
21.10. Nürnberg
21.10. .club Nürnberg
28.10. Hamburg
30.10. Hamburg

Erstes Musikvideo

Erstes Musikvideo

Video produced & directed by Madeline Westphal

Berlin on Film by  :)I Love  /  please sponsor me.

Berlin on Film by :)

I Love / please sponsor me.

2022 is over and 2023 is about to come.Starting 2023 with some gigs in January!14.01.  21.01.  /b2b .mp3 28.01. TBA Müns...

2022 is over and 2023 is about to come.
Starting 2023 with some gigs in January!
21.01. /b2b .mp3
28.01. TBA Münster

I want to thank everyone for the support and love that I received over the last 12 months.

Got a lot of music that’ll be released very soon.
Special shoutout for the whole crew for making 2022 a great year and start 2023 with a banger EP and for being my manager.

A long dream of mine came true by having a studio and creative place to produce music for y’all!
Shoutout to .mp3 for the sick b2b sessions we had and will have in future!

I made over 80.000 streams on my channel this year and over 200.000 if you add all the label releases and collaborations. This is just insane!
I wouldn’t be were I’m at without who were the first to let me play solo and being the start of my solo career. Thank you B.!

Love ~Jonas



The playlist with all my mixes and podcasts!

The playlist with all my mixes and podcasts!

SVG aka Elon Bass Resident Dj & FKA SVG represents groove/percussive techno Elon Bass represents hard/bouncy/trashy techno & Oldscool Hardstyle ⛓⛓⛓ Booking: svgd

A playlist with all my released songs!

A playlist with all my released songs!

SVG aka Elon Bass Resident Dj & FKA SVG represents groove/percussive techno Elon Bass represents hard/bouncy/trashy techno & Oldscool Hardstyle ⛓⛓⛓ Booking: svgd




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