Africa Radio Germany

Africa Radio Germany An online radio meant to showcase African Culture to the rest of the world through uniquely designed programmes

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Algeria begins producing its own Covid-19 vaccines
Algeria on Wednesday started producing the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Chinese firm Sinovac, with production expected to be eight million doses a month.

Prime Minister Aimene Benabderrahmane, who attended the launch of the production process at a factory in the eastern city of Constantine, called it a "big achievement".

Production could be doubled in the North African nation if needed, officials said.

"Algeria aims to achieve other projects of this kind," Benabderrahmane said, praising the country's pharmaceutical industry.

Lotfi Djamel Benbahmed, Algeria's minister for the pharmaceutical industry, has said the country plans to export the vaccines.

He said Saidal, the firm making the jabs, was so far the only African company to be licenced to produce the jab.

Following a sharp spike in Covid-19 cases in past months, Algeria has seen a drop in recent weeks.

Algeria, the biggest African nation by size, announced this month a campaign to vaccinate some 70 percent of its 44 million population by the end of the year.

US national security adviser & Egypt FM hold talks
1 hour ago

Amunike: Africa can win the FIFA World Cup
11 hours ago

South African President releases controversial report
15 hours ago
Algeria announces closure of airspace to Morocco
23/09 - 09:09

Algeria buries ex-president Abdelaziz Bouteflika in muted funeral
20/09 - 08:48

Algeria buries ex-president Bouteflika in muted funeral
19/09 - 18:04
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Self-employed courier driver with his own SPRINTER vehicle is looking for new orders. Registered transport company.

Happy birthday Nana Ampofo Adjei

Happy birthday Nana Ampofo Adjei

For your business

For your business

Tanzania's President John Pombe Magufuli has died, aged 61.The Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan confirmed his death in...

Tanzania's President John Pombe Magufuli has died, aged 61.

The Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan confirmed his death in a statement issued live on TV.

She said that Mr Magufuli died on Wednesday at 6pm from heart complication, at a hospital in Dar es Salaam.


Bobi Wine Released After Brief Arrest For ProtestThe Ugandan opposition politician and former presidential candidate Rob...

Bobi Wine Released After Brief Arrest For Protest
The Ugandan opposition politician and former presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi - known as Bobi Wine - has been released without charge following his arrest hours earlier during a protest.

He was leading a team of his party's MPs in the capital, Kampala, to complain about the arrest and disappearance of supporters, before and since January's election.Security forces fired tear gas to disperse the crowd marching with the politicians.

After being arrested he was driven to his home which he says is surrounded by police and soldiers.

On Sunday, Bobi Wine called on his supporters to protest peacefully against what he calls a rigged election.

He's also demanding that security forces explain where their missing colleagues are. In a televised address, President Yoweri Museveni accused Bobi Wine's party of trying to fix the election.
Source: BBC


Credit - Mathew Ashimowo


1957 High Schoolers Debate- Nigeria's Boniface Offokaja, Ethiopia, Ghana and South Africa.

*Back to Black* History-Samuel Maharero (* 1856; † 14. März 1923 in Serowe) war Sohn des Maharero und von 1890 bis 1915 ...

*Back to Black* History-Samuel Maharero
(* 1856; † 14. März 1923 in Serowe)
war Sohn des Maharero und von 1890 bis 1915 Gruppenführer der Ovaherero in der Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika, dem heutigen Namibia, und führte die Herero in den Aufstand gegen die deutsche Schutztruppe.

Nach dem Tod von Maharero ua Tjamuaha am 7. Oktober 1890 konkurrierte Samuel Maharero mit vier weiteren möglichen Erben um die Herrschaft. Da er christlich getauft war, blieb Samuel Maharero gemäß dem Erbfolgerecht der Herero nur das Wohnhaus seines Vaters. Für seine weitergehenden Ansprüche fand er Unterstützung bei Missionaren und weißen Händlern in Okahandja. Samuel Maharero wandte sich zur Absicherung seiner Herrschaft an den deutschen Gouverneur Curt von François, der seinen Anspruch anerkannte.[2] Als Maharero im Juni 1894 von anderen Hereroführern aus Okahandja vertrieben wurde, wandte er sich an den Nachfolger François’, Theodor Leutwein, mit der Bitte um Hilfe. Leutwein sah darin eine Gelegenheit, die Hererogesellschaft zu spalten und verhalf Maharero militärisch zum Sieg. Maharero hatte sich dadurch die Stellung des Oberherrschers gesichert, aber in Abhängigkeit von den Deutschen begeben.

Im Geschichtsbild der weißen Südwestafrikaner erschien Samuel Maharero nur als politisch willen- und machtloser, genusssüchtiger Schwächling. Insbesondere Leutwein fällte vernichtende Urteile über Mahareros politische Fähigkeiten, betonte dessen angebliche Macht- und Einflusslosigkeit, Einzelzüge persönlicher Feigheit und des Versagens in unmittelbarer Befehlssituation, ohne zu beachten, dass es Maharero bei der Zuspitzung der Häuptlingsfrage gelungen war, um die 1000 Krieger zu versammeln.
Wie der Historiker Jürgen Zimmerer betont, war Maharero nicht nur passives Opfer einer von außen herangetragenen Spaltungspolitik, sondern setzte zur Befriedigung seines Ehrgeizes selbst auf deutsche Unterstützung.
Dadurch sei es den Deutschen ermöglicht worden, trotz unzureichender militärischer Macht eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen. Leutweins Politik des divide et impera war erfolgreich, weil sich ihre vordergründigen Interessen mit denen Samuel Mahareros trafen, der versuchte, Leutwein für seine eigenen Zwecke zu instrumentalisieren.

1897 allerdings verschlechterte sich die wirtschaftliche Situation der Herero dramatisch. Die von Südafrika hereinbrechende Rinderpest und eine verheerende Heuschreckenplage kostete die Herero 70 Prozent ihres Viehbestandes und zwang sie zu weiteren Landverkäufen und schließlich sogar zur Lohnarbeit bei den deutschen Siedlern. Hierbei kam es immer wieder zu – auch sexuellen – Übergriffen durch die deutschen Farmer, ohne dass dem von der schon bestehenden deutschen Gerichtsbarkeit in angemessener Weise entgegengetreten wurde. Der Unmut der Herero wurde ferner durch das zunehmende Händlerunwesen und deren Kreditvergabepraxis gefördert, so dass sich Samuel Maharero 1901 zu einer formellen Eingabe an den Gouverneur genötigt sah. Leutwein verbot daraufhin am 7. Juni 1902 den schuldtilgenden Landverkauf und untersagte den Händlern die Inanspruchnahme der Kapteine für die Schulden ihrer Stämme. Dennoch blieb es bei den Übergriffen der Farmer auf die Herero (das angebliche Recht zur „väterlichen Züchtigung“ wurde insbesondere von den aus Südafrika nach Südwest flüchtenden Buren in besonders brutaler Weise angewandt). Ein weiterer Stein des Anstoßes war die selbstherrliche Landnahme durch die Otavi-Minen- und Eisenbahngesellschaft (OMEG). Die von dieser Gesellschaft im Zusammenhang mit dem Ausbau des Eisenbahnnetzes vorgenommene Schienenverlegung quer durch das Hereroland erfolgte ohne Genehmigung oder gar gegen den erklärten Willen der Herero-Landeigentümer.

Da die formellen Eingaben Samuel Mahareros keine befriedigende Wirkung hatten, mobilisierte er schließlich 1903 auch die übrigen Herero-Führer gegen den zunehmenden Landraub und die von den deutschen Kolonialisten ausgehenden ständigen Demütigungen. Im Vorfeld versuchte er zwar, auch andere Stämme als Verbündete zu gewinnen, so den ehemaligen Kriegsgegner Hendrik Witbooi; die jedoch lehnten einen Beitritt zu dem geplanten Aufstand mit Rücksicht auf die mit den Deutschen bestehenden Schutzverträge ab und stellten sich im Gegenteil sogar auf die deutsche Seite. Unerwartete Schützenhilfe allerdings erwuchs Samuel Maharero durch die bei Warmbad ansässigen Bondelswart.
Dieser Nama-Stamm hatte sich im Zusammenhang mit der Registrierung ihrer Waffen gegen die Deutschen erhoben und führte im Süden des Landes einen Kleinkrieg, der die Hauptmacht der deutschen Schutztruppe band, so dass der übrige Teil des Landes truppenmäßig weitgehend entblößt war. So konnte es nicht verwundern, dass der am 12. Januar 1904 von Maharero in Okahandja ausgelöste Hereroaufstand die ohnehin zahlenmäßig unterlegene Schutztruppe nicht nur überraschte, sondern auch militärisch völlig überforderte.

Die schnellen Anfangserfolge der Herero führten zu einer raschen Ausweitung des Aufstandes auf das gesamte Hereroland. Gouverneur Theodor Leutwein versuchte zwar noch eine Verhandlungslösung, wurde deshalb jedoch – angesichts der von den Aufständischen ermordeten Farmerfamilien – sowohl von den europäischen Siedlern als auch von der Reichsregierung in Berlin heftig kritisiert.
Leutwein wurde als militärischer Befehlshaber von Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika abgelöst und durch den mit einer Truppenverstärkung von rund 15.000 Soldaten am 11. Juni 1904 anlandenden Generalleutnant Lothar von Trotha ersetzt. Dieser setzte als erste Maßnahme ein Kopfgeld von 5.000 Mark für die Gefangennahme Samuel Mahareros aus und bekämpfte die Herero mit aller Härte. Der sogenannte Schießbefehl Trothas, und dessen Auswirkungen, brachte die deutsche Truppe in Verruf. Bei der Schlacht am Waterberg wurden die Herero am 14. August 1904 vernichtend geschlagen und in die Omaheke-Wüste getrieben, wo mehrere tausend von ihnen verdursteten.

Samuel Maharero gelang es, der drohenden Vernichtung mit ca. 1500 Angehörigen seines Volkes durch die Omaheke-Wüste nach Britisch-Betschuanaland (heute Botswana) zu entkommen. Er ließ sich in Serowe nieder. Dort starb er in 1923 nach einem längeren Magenkrebsleiden an Erschöpfung und Herzversagen. Er hinterließ ein Testament in der Form einer Niederschrift seiner Visionen, Gespräche und Diktate. Darin interpretierte er das Schicksal der Herero als Strafe Gottes für ihre Sünden und das Überleben einiger als Ausdruck seiner Gnade.

Mahareros Leichnam wurde am 23. August 1923 nach Okahandja überführt und dort drei Tage später an der Seite seines Vaters und seines Großvaters beigesetzt. Hereros aus allen Landesteilen waren dazu zusammengekommen. Die von den Herero selbst organisierten Begräbnisfeierlichkeiten orientierten sich an dem Zeremoniell, mit dem hochrangige deutsche Kolonialbeamte beigesetzt worden waren, etwa an dem Staatsbegräbnis für Joachim von Heydebreck. Die Ehrengarde wurde von Mahareros Söhnen und dem neuen Herero-Führer Hosea Kutako angeführt. Die Messe zelebrierte Heinrich Vedder. Für die Herero war die Beerdigung Mahaheros das größte soziale und politische Ereignis seit dem Krieg, das für sie den Beginn einer neuen Ära markierte. Sie zeigten sich wieder als sich selbst verwaltende politische Gemeinschaft.
Zum Gedenken wird der Hererotag begangen.


A man helping a homeless man get out tha cold. Never stop helping!

Grace Evaly, the founder of Nollywood Germany talks about the objectives of showcasing African films in German cinemas.C...

Grace Evaly, the founder of Nollywood Germany talks about the objectives of showcasing African films in German cinemas.
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Miami was going off during the MLK weekend! We asked Darnell Meyers if he had some good clips in his phone from the weekend, and you know he came through!

Slavery Is Not Our History, It Interrupted Our History.....Cc

Slavery Is Not Our History, It Interrupted Our History.....

Tanzanian President John Magufuli has warned his health ministry against hasty procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. "If the...

Tanzanian President John Magufuli has warned his health ministry against hasty procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. "If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, then vaccinations for AIDS would have been brought, tuberculosis would be a thing of the past, vaccines for malaria and cancer would have been found," Magufuli said in a speech on Wednesday. The president went on to say Tanzanians are not guinea pigs and that the country will only accept a vaccine that has been certified by their own scientists. Do such statements from an African President inspire confidence considering that COVID-19 infections are on the rise?


She is very respectful. But not only respectful but deciplined and trained. Thats normally true Black African culture. Sylvaina

🇺🇬Uganda elections: Queues at polling stationsAmidst the increasing tension and an internet shutdown, the opposition pre...

🇺🇬Uganda elections: Queues at polling stations
Amidst the increasing tension and an internet shutdown, the opposition presidential candidate Bobi Wine is challenging the rule of Yoweri Museveni who has been in power for 35 years.










HOST: OBAA YAA.TOPIC: Panin ntena fie ma asafua nfo


Africa dance

Hundreds of Nigerian schoolboys kidnapped last week from a boarding school in Katsina have been released, local authorit...

Hundreds of Nigerian schoolboys kidnapped last week from a boarding school in Katsina have been released, local authorities have told the BBC.

Authorities say more than 300 boys kidnapped from a boarding school are in good condition.

R&B singer Akon is building a 'real-life Wakanda' worth $6 billion in SenegalThe award-winning R&B singer Akon is going ...

R&B singer Akon is building a 'real-life Wakanda' worth $6 billion in Senegal

The award-winning R&B singer Akon is going ahead with ambitious plans to build a "futuristic" city in Senegal that he says will be a real-life version of Wakanda, the hi-tech nation portrayed in Marvel blockbuster "Black Panther."
On Monday, Akon, real name Aliaume Damala Badara Akon Thiam, laid the first stone for Akon city in Mbodiene park, 100 kilometers from Dakar, the country's capital city, and said work would begin next year.
"We are looking at Akon city to become the beginning of Africa's future," he said at the ceremony also attended by Alioune Sarr, Senegal's minister for tourism, and other government officials. "Our idea is to build a futuristic city that incorporates all the latest technologies, cryptocurrencies, and also the future of how African society should become in the future."

The WhatsApp voice note that led to a death sentenceBy Eoin McSweeney and Stephanie Busari, CNNUpdated 1209 GMT (2009 HK...

The WhatsApp voice note that led to a death sentence
By Eoin McSweeney and Stephanie Busari, CNN

Updated 1209 GMT (2009 HKT) September 29, 2020

(CNN)An intense argument recorded and posted in a WhatsApp group has led to a death penalty sentence and a family torn apart over allegations of insulting Prophet Mohammed, according to lawyers for the defendant.

Music studio assistant Yahaya Sharif-Aminu was sentenced to death by hanging on August 10 after being convicted of blasphemy by an Islamic court in northern Nigeria.
The judgment document states that Sharif-Aminu, 22, was convicted for making "a blasphemous statement against Prophet Mohammed in a WhatsApp Group," which is contrary to the Kano State Sharia Penal Code and is an offence which carries the death sentence.
The recording was shared widely, causing mass outrage in the highly conservative, majority Muslim, state, according to various reports.
"Whoever insults, defames or utters words or acts which are capable of bringing into disrespect ... such a person has committed a serious crime which is punishable by death," according to a translation of court documents provided to CNN by his lawyers.
Sharif-Aminu, described by his friend Kabiru Ibrahim, as "kind, religious and dutiful," admitted charges of blasphemy during his trial, but said he had made a mistake.

No legal representation
Under Sharia law, a voluntary confession is binding, according to court papers.
Sharif-Aminu's lawyers, who became involved in the case only after his conviction, say he was not allowed legal representation before or during his trial -- in contravention of Nigerian citizens' constitutional right to legal representation.
Outrage as Nigeria sentences 13-year-old boy to 10 years in prison for blasphemy
Outrage as Nigeria sentences 13-year-old boy to 10 years in prison for blasphemy

According to the lawyers, the Sharia court adjourned his case four times because no lawyer came forth from the Legal Aid Council to represent him, likely because of the sensitivity of the case. The Sharia court is, however, statute-bound to provide legal representation.
Advocates from the Foundation for Religious Freedom (FRF), a not-for-profit aimed at protecting religious freedom in Nigeria, which is representing Sharif-Aminu, told CNN he has also not been permitted access to legal advice to prepare an appeal against his conviction.
The FRF says it has lodged an appeal on his behalf in Kano's high court, a common-law court with constitutional powers.
"The state laws he is accused of breaking are in gross conflict with the Nigerian constitution," said his counsel, Kola Alapinni.
No Muslim will condone it. People hold Prophet Mohammed higher than their parents.

Islamic cleric, Bashir Aliyu Umar

Kano's State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje told clerics in Kano that he would sign Sharif-Aminu's death warrant as soon as the singer had exhausted the appeals process, local media reports say.

"I assure you that immediately the Supreme Court affirms the judgment, I will sign it without any hesitation," Ganduje said, according to Nigeria's Daily Post newspaper. CNN contacted a spokesman for Governor Ganduje several times for comment but did not receive a response.
Islamic scholar and cleric Bashir Aliyu Umar, who is not connected to the case, but said he had read the transcript of the court proceedings, told CNN, "No Muslim will condone it. People hold Prophet Mohammed higher than their parents, and when things like this happen, it will lead to a breakdown of peace because of mob action and attacks against the accused."
When news of Sharif-Aminu's alleged crime broke earlier this year, protesters marched to his family home and destroyed it, prompting his father to flee to a neighboring town, his lawyers told CNN. Sharif-Aminu went into hiding, according to Amnesty and his lawyers, but in March he was arrested by the Hisbah Corps, the religious police force that enforces Sharia law in Kano state.
'A travesty of justice'
Human rights organization Amnesty International has described Sharif-Aminu's trial as a "travesty of justice," and called on Kano state authorities to quash his conviction and death sentence.
"There are serious concerns about the fairness of his trial and the framing of the charges against him based on his Whatsapp messages," said Amnesty's Nigeria director Osai Ojigho. "Furthermore, the imposition of the death penalty following an unfair trial violates the right to life," she added.
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has also condemned Sharif-Aminu's death sentence. It said Nigeria's blasphemy laws were inconsistent with universal human rights standards.
"It is unconscionable that Sharif-Aminu is facing a death sentence merely for expressing his beliefs artistically through music," said the organization's commissioner, Frederick A. Davie, in a statement.
The organization released a follow-up statement saying it had adopted Aminu-Sharif as "a religious prisoner of conscience."

Students feared missing after gunmen attack school in Nigeria. , By Isaac Abrak, Ivana Kottasová and Sharon Braithwaite,...

Students feared missing after gunmen attack school in Nigeria.

, By Isaac Abrak, Ivana Kottasová and Sharon Braithwaite, CNN

The Government Science secondary school in Kankara district was attacked by armed gunmen on Friday.
(CNN)Hassan Abdul-Bashir was in bed in his dorm in Kankara, Nigeria when the gunshots started on Friday night. The 13-year-old was ordered outside, where gunmen were ushering everyone towards the school's gates. That's when he decided to run. He took cover under a faulty school bus, then ran to the school's fence and hid there.

He escaped. But an unknown number of students from the Government Science Secondary School Kankara, including Abdul-Bashir's cousin and friend, remain missing after gunmen armed with AK-47 rifles attacked the school on Friday.
Analysis of CCTV footage from Lekki toll gate raises new questions about shooting
Analysis of CCTV footage from Lekki toll gate raises new questions about shooting
"They commanded the crowd like a herdsman herd the sheep," Abdul-Bashir told CNN on Saturday. He said the gunmen were asking students for money, ransacking their lockers and taking some of their belongings. "They shot the policeman guarding our school. I saw them driving many students. There could (be) as much as 200 students, but I am not sure," he said.
Local police told CNN a large number of attackers riding motorbikes ambushed the boys' secondary school in a possible kidnapping-for-ransom attempt. Katsina police spokesperson Isa Gambo said in a statement that reinforcements arriving to the scene "forced the hoodlums to retreat back into the forest."
Speaking to CNN on Saturday, Gambo said 200 students had been safely returned to the school by Saturday morning, but stressed it was "too early" to know "how many students are missing or if some of them were kidnapped." The state's educational commissioner Lawal Badmasi said some of the students were still believed to be with the abductors.
It is unclear how many people were at the school at the time of the attack, as some might have gone home after exams, the authorities said. The army was visiting the homes of students' families to find out who is still missing or may have been abducted, Kastina's Director General on Media Abdu Labaran told CNN.
Badmasi said 436 students had been accounted for. He said similar government secondary schools in the state normally have about 700 students. However, speaking to CNN, two students from the school estimated that more than 1,200 attend the school, taking into the account the absence of the students from the school's most senior class, who have left after finishing their final year exams.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari condemned the "bandits' attack" and ordered the army and police to pursue the attackers and "ensure that no students are harmed or go missing," Buhari's assistant Garba Shehu told CNN on Saturday.
According to a report sent to the President by local Governor Aminu Bello Masari and the army, the military exchanged fire with the gunmen in an ongoing operation at their enclave at Zango/Paula forest in Kankara on Saturday. At that time, there were no reports of student casualties, according to the report.

       !Nigeria’s former Finance Minister, Dr Ngozi Okonji-Iweala has emerged the new Director-General of the World Trad...

Nigeria’s former Finance Minister, Dr Ngozi Okonji-Iweala has emerged the new Director-General of the World Trade Organisation.






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