A list of the World's Richest Monarchs in order of their wealth, the figures are calculated based upon their present assets as Sovereigns of the Realm, whereas it should be noted that most studies upon this subject past and present by magazines, books and by the media, listing figures attributed to the so-called true wealth of the Monarchs in question are misleading. Those compiling these false fi
gures, in most circumstances source their information from a small collection of individuals, who do not and in some cases choose not to understand the complicated asset wealth of a Monarch, through their vast Hereditary and Sovereign wealth therein. As such readers and viewers of such articals, should take special note that any listing, which lists Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, below first place upon the list in question, should not be read any further as their figures are not correct. Whereas, most figures on this subject concerning the wealth of Monarchs and Royals, seem to be complied by a certain American based Magazine with its online, service, the ridiculous figures that are complied by this well known American Magazine are in most part misleading, and lack any credible status when concerning the true wealth of the Monarchs and Royals concerned. One example amongst many others, which is utterly contradictory on the part of the Magazine, is that of the listing of the King of Thailand who according to their figures, holds first place on the list. The King does indeed owns vast land holdings in the Capital of Bangkok, which is run by the Thai Crown Agency, in the exact way the Queen of Great Britain owns vast land holdings in the UK run by the British Crown Estate, except the Magazine in question states that the Queen does not own the land, but for some unknown reason the King of Thailand does. Yet the Magazine shows no legal or factual proof to substantiate their false assumption, only that it is considered by modern assumption and public opinion that the Queen does not own the Crown Estate. The Queen of Great Britain is the wealthiest Monarch in the World by far, this is not an outdated notion or passe, it is fact, if one chooses to not recognize this fact one can only be considered as ignorant in its absolute meaning. Therefore, the Almanach challenges any person or Media body to show proof by submitting any British Law under Act of Parliament stating clearly, that the Queen does own the Crown Estate. Whereas there are tens of thousands of documents and many hundreds of Laws under Act of Parliament, which state that the Crown Estate is part of the Sovereign patrimony of the British Monarch, and therefore is in fact the legal property of the Reigning Monarch concerned. It should be noted that ownership can never be based upon a mere assumption, but must be backed up by legal standing and judgement. Whereas, another example is the so-called listed Wealth of the ex-Queen of the Netherlands, who according to their figures is worth a mere $200 Million dollars, whereas the Dutch Royal Family to which she was head of until recently, is the worlds largest share holder of the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company being a 25% holder, therefore her true wealth was in the Billions of dollars, another example of the Magazines silly figures which have no connection with the true figures of Monarchs listed. The American Magazine in question, seems to compile its figures when concerning Monarchs and Royals of the World, in the same way as it complies figures for International Film Stars, Rock Groups and of course Mickey Mouse, which shows the Magazine in question to have very little or no understanding to the complicated subject of the asset wealth of the Worlds Monarchs and Royals, who in some cases have amassed their family wealth, property and ownership rights over many centuries, and in the case of the Queen of Great Britain near on a millennium, so the true and total wealth of the aforementioned Monarchs and Royals may never be known. As a further note of interest if the Russian Revolution of 1917 had never happened, and the Imperial House of Romanov were still Monarchs of Russia, the Tsar of Russia would be the wealthiest Monarch on Earth followed by the Queen of Great Britain, then by the Emperor of Austria-Hungary. Webpage: http://www.almanachdegotha.org/id229.html