The photobook “In Color” presents Bruce Davidson’s personal selections from his lesser-known color archive. Ranging from a period of fifty-six years and counting, these images are representative of the photographer’s color career. He photographed in India and China, but also at home in New York, in Chicago, and along the Pacific Coast Highway. Davidson also continued to pursue personal projects, e.g. photographing the Yiddish writer and Nobel Prize laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer (1972–75), the New York City subway (1980), and Katz’s Delicatessen (2004). Often staying on in a country after an official assignment, he documented Welsh coalfields, family holidays in Martha’s Vineyard, and travelled through Patagonia and Mexico.
Images in order of appearance:
Lower East Side, 1957
Pacific Coast Highway, 1993
Vogue Fashion, 1960-1964
Central Park, 1991
India, 1978
Wales, 1965
New York Harbor and the Statue of Liberty, 1985-1986
Chicago, 1989
New York Harbor and the Statue of Liberty, 1985-1986
Chicago, 1989
Central Park, 1991
Iran, 1964
#steidl #steidlbooks #photobook #colorphotography #brucedavidson
27 January 2025
80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
What does Auschwitz look like today?
“These photos, this project, are some of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, but telling people about this place, preserving it, is an inner obligation for me.” Juergen Teller
#steidl #photobook #auschwitz #juergenteller @juergentellerstudio
“It’s an artist’s book, which means for me it is part of my work, not documentation of my work, it’ not a catalogue etc.”
“A Dream Not Dreamt“ is a rendering of Roni Horn’s largest show to date held at HE Art Museum in Foshan, Shunde, China, in 2023. Horn directed the photo documentation with an eye to conveying the experiential aspects of the exhibition within the Tadao Ando-designed museum, a series of circular spaces stacked around a central spiral with daylight throughout.
Watch the whole interview on our YouTube channel (link in bio).
#steidl #steidlbooks #interview #ronihorn
As the new year slowly approaches, we look back on the last twelve months and the many beautiful moments we shared here at Steidl, always trying to keep one thing in mind: How to make beautiful books.
#steidl #steidlbooks #2024
Sowohl der Name als auch seine Erscheinung sind Legende: weiß gepuderter Pferdeschwanz, schwarze Sonnenbrille, hoher Kragen. Immer von einer Entourage aus Models, Assistenten, Stylistinnen, Musen, Reporterinnen und Künstlern umgeben. Berühmt und berüchtigt für seinen schnellen Verstand, seine Schlagfertigkeit, seinen schier endlosen Ideenreichtum hat Lagerfeld als Kreativchef von CHANEL, Fendi und Chloé die Modewelt über Jahrzehnte geprägt.
Der amerikanische Journalist und Autor William Middleton arbeitete jahrelang in Paris. Während dieser Zeit interviewte er Lagerfeld häufig und verbrachte viel Zeit mit ihm. Middleton lernte so neben den öffentlichen auch die privaten Seiten Lagerfelds kennen, die dieser sonst sorgsam verbarg. In seiner so unterhaltsamen wie literarischen Biographie macht er uns nun mit dem Lagerfeld bekannt, den er kennenlernen durfte und lässt ihn uns hautnah erleben.
#steidl #steidlbooks #instabooks #bookstagram #karllagerfeld #williammiddleton @wfmiddletonauthor
Ja klar, ist schon irgendwie unverschämt zu sagen, ENDLICH gibt es im Februar einen neuen Roman von Annika Büsing und mehr vom unwiderstehlichen Büsing Sound. Schließlich ist es nach »Nordstadt« (2022) und »Koller« (2023) bereits ihr dritter Roman in drei Jahren. Wir sehen das aber trotzdem so, basta! Wer das nur allzu gut versteht: alle Infos zu »Wir kommen zurecht« gibt’s jetzt schon mal auf (da könnt ihr – ebenso wie in eurer Lieblingsbuchhandlung – auch vorbestellen) und der erste Lesetermin im neuen Jahr steht auch schon fest: am 3. März liest Büsing im Hessisches Literaturforum, moderiert von Christian Dinger. Karten gibt’s unter Vorfreude!
#steidl #steidlbooks #steidlliteratur #annikabüsing #wirkommenzurecht #comingsoon #instabooks #bookstagram @labuesi
Rechtzeitig vor Weihnachten ist Sebastian Barrys neuer Roman wieder lieferbar. Mit »Jenseits aller Zeit« hat er »ein melancholisches Meisterwerk mit dem Tempo eines Krimis geschaffen« (The Times). Im Oktober hat er das Buch im Rahmen des Göttinger Literaturherbstes vorgestellt und uns auch gleich noch verraten, was das erste Wort ist, dass ihm zu seinen bisherigen Romanen einfällt. Viel Spaß dabei!
#STEIDL #Steidlbooks #STEIDLliteratur #SebastianBarry #Bookstagram #Instabooks @literaturherbst
In 2005 Damien Hirst began photographing every dispensing pharmacy in the Greater London area. Shooting both the individual pharmacists behind their counters and the exterior views of the city’s 1,856 chemists, the project took over a decade to complete. The images are brought together in their entirety in this extraordinary ten-volume artist’s book, which presents a portrait of the city through the people and places that prescribe the medicines we take on a habitual and daily basis.
#steidl #steidlbooks #photobooks #limitededition #signedbooks #damienhirst #london @damienhirst
Jason Schmidt’s “Artists II” is the second volume of his ongoing photographic documentation of today’s most significant artists. The book depicts 166 artists, including John Baldessari, Ai Weiwei, Bruce Naumann, Roni Horn and Cindy Sherman, in their studies or work environments, showing the practitioners in their most intimate moments—in the process of creation. A revealing text by each artist accompanies his or her portrait; some are literal descriptions of the encounter, others are poetic or enigmatic. Situated between portraiture and landscape, Schmidt’s photographs show art and artist in constant transformation, and form a comprehensive archive of contemporary artistic practice.
#steidl #steidlbooks #photobook @jasonschmidtstudio
The objects photographed in Roni Horn’s “The Selected Gifts, 1974-2015” are presents that the artist has received over the past forty years, more or less since the beginning of her career. They include books, a love letter, drawings and photographs, toys, a stuffed swan. The significance, history and material value of these objects are hard to determine. The extremely diverse objects are recorded photographically with an “objective” gaze. The images have a documentary function and at the same time–particularly when seen as a group–they constitute a possible portrait of the artist, as mirrored in the gift givers choice.
#steidl #steidlbooks #photobook #ronihorn #selectedgifts
“Most of all my work is involved with the idea what it is to be human.”
“Mirror” is a sweeping retrospective of Diana Michener’s photography, encapsulating her ongoing journey in the medium across the decades. In three volumes and over 600 images newly scanned from Michener’s archive, “Mirror” covers her work from 1975 to 2021 and includes many as yet unpublished images.
#steidl #steidlbooks #photobook #photography #dianamichener #mirror @diana.michener
“Steidl Book Culture. Magic on Paper” exhibition
Ground Seesaw Seochon, Seoul, 2024.9.14 – 2025.2.23
Cinema spaces at the exhibition show videos and Super-8 films of artists including Nan Goldin, Juergen Teller, Dayanita Singh and Jim Dine—made by Steidl’s in-house journalism team—as well as the acclaimed documentary films “How to Make a Book with Steidl” (2010) and “How to Make a Book with Carlos Saura & Steidl” (2017) by Jörg Adolph and Gereon Wetzel.
If you can’t make it to Seoul, you can explore all videos and Super-8 films on our YouTube channel “Steidl”. Check it out!
#steidl #steidlbooks #steidlbookculture #magiconpaper #exhibition @groundseesaw @theseuschanwork @jimdinestudio @nangoldinstudio @juergentellerstudio @hallohierkaiser @maryellenmarkfoundation @diana.michener @airt.kontents