Graduiertenkolleg "Konfigurationen des Films" / "Configurations of Film"

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  • Frankfurt
  • Graduiertenkolleg "Konfigurationen des Films" / "Configurations of Film"

Graduiertenkolleg "Konfigurationen des Films" / "Configurations of Film" Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von Graduiertenkolleg "Konfigurationen des Films" / "Configurations of Film", Medien, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, Frankfurt.

The second part of the research seminar "India as a Method" starts tomorrow 10- 12 am (10.04.2024) with a talk by Moinak...

The second part of the research seminar "India as a Method" starts tomorrow 10- 12 am (10.04.2024) with a talk by Moinak Biswas (Kolkata). Full programm:

We would like to draw your attention to the 2nd Chinese Film Festival in Hamburg (08.05-13.05.24), where our colleague P...

We would like to draw your attention to the 2nd Chinese Film Festival in Hamburg (08.05-13.05.24), where our colleague Pei Li ( was involved in the programming and organization. Various feature and documentary films will be screened in both short and feature-length formats, most of them by indie filmmakers from China and the diaspora, which will be presented as part of an open call.

Wir freuen uns, dass das 37. ffk in Frankfurt stattfindet! Ab Mittwoch geht es mit den drei Tagen los, an denen junge Wi...

Wir freuen uns, dass das 37. ffk in Frankfurt stattfindet! Ab Mittwoch geht es mit den drei Tagen los, an denen junge Wissenschafler*innen aus dem Feld der Medien- und Filmwissenschaft ihre aktuelle Forschung vorstellen. Nicht nur waren einige Mitglieder von "Konfigurationen des Films" an der Organisation der Tagung beteiligt, auch in einigen Panels sind wir vertreten:

Am Mittwoch bei "Epistemic Constellations in Theatre and the Art Gallery" und "Filmtechniken: Interface, Nacht, Blende".
Am Donnerstag bei "Jewish VisualCulture. Vorstellungsbilder 'des Jüdischen' in audiovisuellen Medien" und "In Contact with Nature. Perspectives in Film Ecology".
Am Freitag bei "Open Tabs: Approaching Resistant Objects Through Close Description".

Hier findet Ihr das vollständige Programm des diesjährigen ffk, das neben einer Unzahl spannender Panels auch ein einzigartiges Rahmenprogramm zu bieten hat:

Kommt vorbei und diskutiert mit! Wir freuen uns auf euch!

We congratulate!

We congratulate!

Am Samstag wird in Frankfurt-Bornheim das seit längerem leerstehende Berger Kino besetzt. Die Besetzerinnen planen nach eigenen Angaben queerfeministisches Kino.

Excited for the upcoming international conference "Critical Barbra - Perspectives on Barbra Streisand. First Global Jewi...

Excited for the upcoming international conference "Critical Barbra - Perspectives on Barbra Streisand. First Global Jewish Superstar", taking place in Frankfurt, Dec. 14-16, organised by our P*s Vinzenz Hediger and Marc Siegel!

Barbra Streisand, born in 1942 in Brooklyn, New York, is one of the most visible and influential figures in music, film and performance arts of the last fifty years – the “world’s greatest living performer,” as one biographer calls her. A uniquely gifted singer with a mezzo-soprano voice easily spanning three octaves and a stage entertainer who seamlessly integrates musical performance, dance and comedy with storytelling, Streisand became a best-selling recording artist in her early twenties. She went on to an equally successful career in film acting, directing, screenwriting and producing, as well as becoming a politically-engaged public figure. But Streisand was unique in another important way: Breaking with a long tradition of assimilation in the arts, she was the first recognizably and unapologetically Jewish global superstar. “Critical Barbra”, a three-day event at the German Film Museum, the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt and Goethe University, celebrates the many facets of Streisand’s unique talent with film screenings, talks and performances.

Wir freuen uns auf die Jahrestagung, die unsere Kollegin (Postdoc) Jana Zündel mitorganisiert hat:MEMES IN DER POPKULTUR...

Wir freuen uns auf die Jahrestagung, die unsere Kollegin (Postdoc) Jana Zündel mitorganisiert hat:


16.11.2023 – 17.11.2023

Hörsaal H14 (4. OG), Campus Bockenheim, Gräfstr. 50–54, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.

15 Jahrestagung der AG Populärkultur und Medien in Zusammenarbeit mit der AG Signale der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft.

Ob auf Foto- und Video-Plattformen, in privaten Chats oder Blogs: Memes sind im Internet überall und unvermeidlich. Sie haben sich als fester Bestandteil der unübersichtlichen „Bilderrepertoires der digitalen Kulturen“ (Gerling/Holschbach/Löffler 2018, 219) und unseres „kulturellen Lexikons“ (Journell/Clark 2019, 109) etabliert. Das Memen, d.h. (Bewegt-)Bilder aus ihrem ursprünglichen Kontext zu lösen und weiter zu verwerten, ist mittlerweile eine allgegenwärtige Praktik der zeitgenössischen Medienkultur und insbesondere der Popkultur. Memes sind nicht nur ein wichtiger Baustein kommunikativer Prozesse im Netz, wo sie mitunter kanalgerecht übertragen werden; häufig haben sie auch die Störung einer Kommunikation zum Ziel (Stichwort: Trolling). Dabei erweitert sich stetig das Repertoire memetischer Formen, d. h. Imitationen und Reproduktionen auditiver, visueller oder audiovisueller Fragmente aus bereits bestehenden (Medien-)Texten: Von klassischen Meme-Genres wie Image Macros über GIFs bis hin zu Thumbnails, TikToks und Mash-ups. Internet-Memes sind in ihren unterschiedlichsten Ausformungen im digitalen Alltag angekommen, ob in persönlichen Chats, Social-Media-Threads, Onlinemagazinen oder Marketingkampagnen.

Memes werden von diversen Interessengruppen verwendet und für deren Handlungsinitiativen mobilisiert. In der Medienkulturforschung ist vor allem die politische Instrumentalisierung von Memes viel besprochen worden (vgl. u. a. Šip 2014; Breitenbach 2015; Bülow/Johann 2019; Denisova 2019; Wiggins 2019). Seltener zur Sprache kommt ihr Einsatz in (vermeintlich) banalen, alltäglichen Unterhaltungen, in der Frage, was mit ihnen signalisiert wird, sowie ihre Bedeutung für den Selbsterhalt und die Expansion von Popkultur(en). Zugleich erfordert eine populärkulturelle Perspektive auf Memes auch eine Auseinandersetzung mit ihren Akteur*innen und Agenden. So werden Memes längst nicht mehr nur von Amateur*innen und Fans in spezialisierten Foren hergestellt, sondern bilden ebenso für Medienproduzierende sowie -distribuierende ein probates Mittel, um via Social Media die Popularität ihrer Formate zu steigern (z. B. Memes von Netflix- oder Lidl-,Praktikanten‘).

Die Tagung betrachtet Memes als lingua franca der digitalen Alltagskommunikation, als vielgestaltiges Ausdrucks-, Kommunikations- und Erzählmittel in der Populärkultur.

15. Jahrestagung der AG Populärkultur und Medien in Zusammenarbeit mit der AG Signale der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft.

Veranstaltet von:
Till Heilmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Laura Niebling (Universität Regensburg), Kevin Pauliks (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Jana Zündel (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Anmeldung & Kontakt:
[email protected]
Um formlose Anmeldung per Mail wird gebeten.

This event is in German only.

Don't miss the screening of amateur shorts from the Vnutri festival program tomorrow (November 7th, at 20:15) at Pupille...

Don't miss the screening of amateur shorts from the Vnutri festival program tomorrow (November 7th, at 20:15) at Pupille, organized by our members Victoria Elizarova and Simon Schiller.

Originated in 2022, the Vnutri [Inside] festival brings together films made by amateurs and independent artists from Russian regions. It aims to create a parallel space of expression in response to the centralization and institutionalization of film production in Russia.
The festival has no fixed date and venue. Throughout the year, screenings took place in 50 cities in Russia, as well as in Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Finland, and Germany.
Vnutri reexamines the normative frameworks of cinema and curation, considering them as institutional concepts. It operates without a competitive basis, posing questions about the exemption of aesthetic criteria in film selection, exploring unconscious processes, memory work, and archive. It establishes a space where watching found footage and a film made by a kid is possible, along with a spotlight on debuts and experiments.
free entrance
language: rus with eng subs

Join us next Tuesday, November 7th, at 20:15 for a screening of amateur shorts from the Vnutri festival program at Pupil...

Join us next Tuesday, November 7th, at 20:15 for a screening of amateur shorts from the Vnutri festival program at Pupille, organized by our members Victoria Elizarova and Simon Schiller.

Originated in 2022, the Vnutri [Inside] festival brings together films made by amateurs and independent artists from Russian regions. It aims to create a parallel space of expression in response to the centralization and institutionalization of film production in Russia.
The festival has no fixed date and venue. Throughout the year, screenings took place in 50 cities in Russia, as well as in Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Finland, and Germany.
Vnutri reexamines the normative frameworks of cinema and curation, considering them as institutional concepts. It operates without a competitive basis, posing questions about the exemption of aesthetic criteria in film selection, exploring unconscious processes, memory work, and archive. It establishes a space where watching found footage and a film made by a kid is possible, along with a spotlight on debuts and experiments.

free entrance
language: rus with eng subs

Excited to announce yet another dissertation project this time from our alumni Nicole Braida who takes us on a somewhat ...

Excited to announce yet another dissertation project this time from our alumni Nicole Braida who takes us on a somewhat different "Migrating Through the Web" and presents serious games, text-adventures, newsgames, interactive maps, and data visualizations, in which refugees and migrants become the subject of humanitarian discourse. 🗺🎮Check out the link to get more info:

The deadline for submissions for our conference "Sticky Films. Conceptual and Material Explorations" is approaching! Sen...

The deadline for submissions for our conference "Sticky Films. Conceptual and Material Explorations" is approaching! Send in your paper proposals by November 20. Find more info below 👀✍️📩

Konfigurationen des Films, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2279, Graduiertenkolleg


Konfigurationen des Films, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2279, Graduiertenkolleg

Call for Proposals – International ConferenceSticky Films. Conceptual and Material ExplorationsJune 1–3, 2023Goethe Univ...

Call for Proposals – International Conference

Sticky Films. Conceptual and Material Explorations
June 1–3, 2023

Goethe University Frankfurt (Campus Westend)
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Organized by the Graduiertenkolleg

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Amber J. Musser (CUNY Graduate Center)
Jurij Meden (Austrian Film Museum)

Find the full CfP and more information here:

Konfigurationen des Films, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2279, Graduiertenkolleg

The Graduiertenkolleg "Configurations of Film" is hiring up to 12 PhD candidates (m/f/d) starting on July 1st, 2023 for ...

The Graduiertenkolleg "Configurations of Film" is hiring up to 12 PhD candidates (m/f/d) starting on July 1st, 2023 for three years. The salary grade is based on the job characteristics of the collective agreement applicable to Goethe-University (TV-G-U). Further details to the call for applications and contact information can be found here:

Konfigurationen des Films, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2279, Graduiertenkolleg


Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1


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Graduiertenkolleg 2279 “Konfigurationen des Films”

Critics like to describe contemporary film culture as “post-cinematic”: In a process of “relocation,” film has migrated to sites that cannot be fully understood through the dispositif of cinema alone, circulating instead in a variety of social and cultural arenas. New forms of moving image production beyond the standard feature film are (and have long been) emerging – from “amateur” video clips on YouTube to long-form “quality” television shows. Film, especially in these new configurations, functions as an important reference for theater, the visual arts and literature. The term “post-cinema” designates the stakes for film theory: It opens up a perspective beyond the narrative of loss and mourning for a specificity of the medium, which is tied to the dispositif of cinema, the indexical nature of the photographic image, and a canon that has also been called into question.

Rather than merely retelling this narrative of supposed loss, the loss of medium specificity, the Graduiertenkolleg (research collective) “Configurations of Film” will address the question of what comes after the “post-cinematic condition.” How can we move beyond the aesthetic and ontological primacy of the triad of dispositif, index and canon in our thinking about film? What are the alternatives to the established dichotomies of film study, from “theatrical vs. non-theatrical” and “artistic vs. non-artistic” to “canonical vs. noncanonical” and “center vs. periphery?”

The aim of the Kolleg is to train excellent PhD students who will ultimately contribute toward the development of new, productive research paradigms for the next generation of film and media scholars. The program combines approaches from American Studies, Film Studies, Media Studies, Musicology, Philosophy and Theater Studies at the Goethe University, Frankfurt, and brings the neighboring universities of Mainz, Marburg and Mannheim as well as the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main (University of Art and Design) into the scholarly network. It builds on three master programs at Goethe University as well as on long-standing collaborative projects and efforts among the participating senior researchers. PhD students in the program will benefit from world-class library holdings at the Goethe University, Frankfurt and the German National Library, as well as from affiliations with the German Film Institute and the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation in Wiesbaden. In addition, the Kolleg collaborates with the film studies departments at Yale University and Concordia University.

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