ueberbruecken over bridges

ueberbruecken over bridges Über-Brücken (ÜB) over-bridges e.V. is a non-profit organization NGO social artistic dancetheater & music Repertoire for social inclusion non profit organization


Absolutely a dream 😍

Schnittstelle Mensch/ Natur

Schnittstelle Mensch/ Natur

Wir - das Bündnis "Natur verbindet" sind durch die Gleichartigkeit unserer künstlerischen Vorschläge/ Projekte und Initiativen und der von uns verwendeten Ausdrucksmittel verbunden: Theater, Tanz, Performance, Installationen, Video in nicht konventionellen Orten, ländlichem und urbanen öffentli...

Dance theater performance created by Frank Händeler in cooperation with the performers and the artistic and technical te...

Dance theater performance created by Frank Händeler in cooperation with the performers and the artistic and technical team. This performance was a co-operation between den NGO Über-Brücken/over- bridges e.V. with the Kulturelle Werkstatt- the cultural working space in Frankfurt am Main Germany. This intercultural and integrative performance took place in a modern church in Frankfurt a.M. in 2018 and was supported by the program theater macht stark of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. by the Ministry of Education and Research /Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung from Germany.

Dance theater performance created by Frank Händeler in cooperation with the performers and the artistic and technical team. This performance was a co-operati...



Frank Kurt Händeler (* 14. November 1962 in Wuppertal[1]) ist ein deutscher Tänzer, Choreograf, Pädagoge und promovierter Theaterwissenschaftler. Händeler ist Gründer und künstlerischer Leiter von Über-Brücken/over-bridges e.V., einem gemeinnützigen Verein für sozio-kulturelle und kulturel...

Unvergesslich/unforgettable with this choreography we traveled around half of the planet- good memories Elshout/Frank Ha...

Unvergesslich/unforgettable with this choreography we traveled around half of the planet- good memories
Elshout/Frank Handeler

Dno, or ‘the bottom of the heart’ in St. PetersburgSeptember 2003- During the Days of Dutch Culture in St. Petersburg, choreographers Elshout/Händeler (Diane...

Once upon a time in the West:)

Once upon a time in the West:)

Dno, or ‘the bottom of the heart’ in St. PetersburgSeptember 2003- During the Days of Dutch Culture in St. Petersburg, choreographers Elshout/Händeler (Diane...

Memories of colored and magic times in Museu Afro-brasileiro - UFBA

Memories of colored and magic times in Museu Afro-brasileiro - UFBA

Body Painting working with the incredible artist Rosel Grassmann

Body Painting
working with the incredible artist Rosel Grassmann

for the memory- eine ode an die Natur Elshout /Händeler water/Wasser

for the memory- eine ode an die Natur Elshout /Händeler water/Wasser

For the memory :)

For the memory :)

Choreographen duo ELSHOUT/HÄNDELERGemini - the body goes were the heard flows...Diane Elshout und Frank Haendeler sind bekannt für ihre innovativen und herau...




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