Jews United

Jews United By Jews, for Jews

May haShem, our King, grant us all mercy and myriads of blessings in doing Tschuwa for Good.

May haShem, our King, grant us all mercy and myriads of blessings in doing Tschuwa for Good.

Check out Marcus Gundlach (Motz)'s poem!

Check out Marcus Gundlach (Motz)'s poem!

Share your original poetry, discover new poems daily, and make meaningful connections with a global community of poets and poetry enthusiasts. Join today!

Time to prepare me for Shabbes

Time to prepare me for Shabbes

Wishing everyone a happy Rosh Chodesh Elul

Wishing everyone a happy Rosh Chodesh Elul


I still have to go to a mikvah. I owe that to all Jewish women.

Warum ich ein Kind Israels bin...

Warum ich ein Kind Israels bin...

Seit Ende der 90er-Jahre, als ich mich tief gebückt habe, um die Thora zu ergreifen, studiere ich diese. Dies tue ich nicht primär um mir mehr Wissen anzueignen. Denn ein Studium das nicht zu Guten…

Ein über Darmstadt weit hinaus leuchtendes Beispiel für die gelungene Kooperation von Jüdischer Gemeinde, Stadtverwaltun...

Ein über Darmstadt weit hinaus leuchtendes Beispiel für die gelungene Kooperation von Jüdischer Gemeinde, Stadtverwaltung, Medien und Bürgerschaft.

OB Benz: „Kulturwochen sind Einladung an uns alle, jüdisches Leben und jüdische Kultur von heute in all ihren Facetten zu entdecken und kennenzulernen“ / JG-Vorsitzender Neumann: „Freuen uns, gemeinsam mit der Stadt Darmstadt auch in diesem Jahr farbenfrohe und vielfältige Jüdische Kulturw...

The Deep Power of Joy

The Deep Power of Joy

On 14 October 1663, the famous diarist Samuel Pepys paid a visit to the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in Creechurch Lane in the city of London. Jews had bee


🎧𝐏𝐎𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 ➡️ 𝐆“𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧? ⬅️🎧

Der neueste Podcast von Daniel Neumann auf hr2-kultur ist online.
Das Thema ist: 𝐆“𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧?

Einfach auf den ersten Link im Kommentarfeld ⬇️⬇️⬇️ klicken und 🔊📣


The Second Tithe and Strong Societies

Biblical Israel from the time of Joshua until the destruction of the Second Temple was a predominantly agricultural society. Accordingly, it was through agricu


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Today I learned very important lesson via my friend Charles David...

'Ignore the devils and be focused on Gd"

At this time my palm tree is growing

At this time my palm tree is growing


נחם ה׳ אלוקינו את אבלי ציון ואת אבלי ירושלים
Console, O Lord our God, the mourners of Zion and the mourners of Jerusalem


The core of a Jew is wrapped up in the six words of the Sh'ma Israel.

Very roughly, and at great compromise to the richness of each word, it says, "A Jew must contemplate: G‑d—who is our G‑d—that G‑d is one."

Meaning: Not simply that there is only one G‑d, but that this oneness of G‑d is such that nothing—not the heavens, not the earth, and not even all the vast wonders they contain—nothing at all exists outside the perfect oneness that transcends and encompasses all things.

But then, it only takes two Hebrew words to say that G‑d is one. Why do we need six?

Because at this point you must turn your ear inward to hear a quiet voice deep inside. And from there you will hear that this oneness is not a knowledge you learned from your teachers, discerned from your observations, or intuited out of your sense of wonder.

Rather, this sense of oneness is yours because it is the furnace that burns within the powerhouse of your soul, the oxygen that breathes within every facet of your being, the unstoppable current that drives every movement of your life. It is within you, at your very core.

The knowledge, the tradition, the contemplation—all this is vital and necessary: To awaken within you that which you knew before you were born.

And so:

Sh'ma: Learn, contemplate, grasp, and then listen deep inside…

Yisrael:...innermost of my soul, for whom this is the absolute reality…

A-do-nai:...(focus when saying this name upon the written but unspeakable name of) the One who transcends time, space, and all dualities…

E-lo-hei-nu:...know that this is the very same One who breathes within the essence of my soul, who belongs to me more than anything possession I own, more than my hand and heart belong to me, granted to me as an irrevocable gift, and therefore I know that…

A-do-nai:...the power that sustains all being… absolutely one. In the heavens above and on the earth below, there is nothing else.

Contemplate this, and how could you not be filled with love, with a yearning that consumes heart and soul, to bond with that Oneness in every mitzvah you do, every word of Torah you speak, every thought and every action of your day?


"To love God is to love dreams of peace and joy that illumine all of us, and to bring that vision to life." - Ruth Brin

Shabbat Shalom.

G-d wants us to have mercy on eachother and praise him.

G-d wants us to have mercy on eachother and praise him.


Shabbat Shalom


Gerade letzten Schabbat wurde Dewarim und zugehörige Haftara öffentlich gelesen, als Warnung und Vorwurf an Jehuda, den gesamten Stamm. Würde nur ein einziger (säkularer) Jude diese große Anklage f…


Ich habe Rabbiner Joel Berger, ehemals Landesrabbiner von Württemberg, schon lange nicht mehr persönlich gesehen... hoffe ihm geht es gut.

Da wo er betet, will auch ich beten.







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