audite The audite label was founded by Friedrich Mauermann in Stuttgart in 1973. For recording, editing and mixing, audite works with RME-Peripherie.

From the outset, our policy of making available to a broad public outstanding interpretations of noteworthy repertoire at the highest possible quality has been central to our work and public perception. Initially, we predominantly issued live recordings of the Symphonies by Gustav Mahler with Rafael Kubelik and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra: even today these recordings rate amongst the mos

t exceptional interpretations of these works. Alongside his responsibilities of selecting artists and repertoire, audite's director Ludger Böckenhoff is also still active as producer and Tonmeister. Based in Detmold, audite operates with a team of committed and highly qualified, permanent staff. Catalogue
The label's active catalogue comprises around 300 titles: each month, we present one to two new releases. audite issues product in SACD (5.1.surround), CD and LP formats; downloads and video trailers are also integral components of our releases. This diversity of formats is typical of the label, as is the focus on two principal areas of activity: historic archive productions and new releases, the latter normally on SACD format. These two strands cross-fertilise each other, for interpretations become perceptible in the context of their development. Many years of experience and the sheer number, as well as the quality, of our releases in both areas make this combination unique, not only within Germany but also internationally. Historic Recording
audite's historic archive releases enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide. The high quality of their content is due to our long-term cooperation with radio archives, permitting a continuous exploration of archive collections. The high sound quality of the releases is achieved by using only original tapes from the archives. audite acquires licences from the broadcasting companies even for public domain archive recordings. This responsible use of historic recordings may seem paradoxical within a market place where competitors release radio broadcasts, often based on private recordings. However, it is only via this musically driven and legally sound method that original masters may be used and that radio archives can be evaluated on a long-term basis. In addition, there is the process of re-mastering using numerous new technological post-production possibilities to achieve optimal sound quality whilst, at all times, remaining faithful to the principles of historical documentation. Only those productions which fulfil all these criteria are labelled with audite's seal of quality, "1st Master Release - Original Tapes". audite's tradition in the field of historic recordings was initiated with live recordings of the Mahler Symphonies with Rafael Kubelik. Recent successful historic releases include numerous boxed sets of musicians' portraits and series which have included editions of: Wilhelm Furtwängler and the Berlin Philharmonic, Sergiu Celibidache, Hans Knappertsbusch, Otto Klemperer, Friedrich Gulda and Géza Anda, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (including the recording of his first Winterreise, made in 1948), Herbert von Karajan, Ferenc Fricsay as musical director of the RIAS Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Karl Böhm, as well as releases featuring Clara Haskil, Wilhelm Backhaus, Yehudi Menuhin, Kirsten Flagstadt, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Fritz Wunderlich and more. New Releases
In the field of new recordings, audite is committed to an individual approach. recording is instigated with the considered selection of artists as well as repertoire. Alongside interpretation, musical and technological quality, phonographic criteria also require careful planning. Recording venue and equipment, as well as (where relevant) the instrument, are especially selected for each recording. A meticulous and painstaking approach by the producer - a task which is often realised by the label's director, Ludger Böckenhoff - is as crucial to the success of the recording as is post-production (editing, mixing and mastering), all the while keeping at the forefront the work and its interpreters. The recording equipment also has to meet high standards in order to provide the best possible prerequisites for the work of the musicians and the Tonmeister in all aspects of a recording. audite therefore only uses microphones by Bruel&Kjaer (dpa), Neumann, Schoeps and Sennheiser, and recordings are monitored on speakers by ME Geithain and Dynaudio. In this, the sound quality of "Micstasy" pre-amplifiers and converters are particularly convincing, optico-digitally connected via MADI and thus unsusceptible to signal disruptions such as interference or high frequency loss. At audite, recording technology is no raison d'être - it provides the basis for the actual musical work, ensuring that production is an uninterrupted process. Recent new releases include numerous successful new recordings, as for instance the complete Shostakovich String Quartets with the Mandelring Quartett and the complete Symphonic Works of Edvard Grieg with the WDR Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Eivind Aadland. New discoveries include the works of Mendelssohn's pupil Eduard Franck and his son, Richard Franck (this series now comprises more than ten discs), and Janáček's String Quartets in the original scoring with viola d'amore in the string quartet "Intimate Letters". Post-production
Common to all audite releases is the path they take after the actual production: the work of the label by no means ends at the master tape. At audite, booklet texts are intended to offer relevant background information to the interested layman. By providing our authors with a copy of the master and involving them in the production process, we ensure that they are able to refer to the characteristics of every single release - the work, interpretation, sound production, phonographic situation and so on. The graphic design of the cover and the form of presentation also depend on the type of release - whether an elegant historical LP edition with a gold edge, or a modern photo on a digipack: the packaging is indicative of the content - the design suggests what can be heard. Once the physical disc has been produced, press and PR work forms another important phase of the production process at audite. Apart from providing sample copies and extensive information packs to radio, press, customers and distributors, audite also works as a separate PR agency. To us, press and PR work not only encompasses the provision of informative material and sample copies, but also careful analysis of public reach. This includes maintaining a database of reviews on our website,, as well as sustaining a constructive dialogue with editors, journalists and distribution partners. The combination of content, sound quality and PR work at audite frequently leads to acclaimed results, whilst our artists welcome the fact that, at audite, the entire process, from recording via distribution through to PR work, is handled under one roof. Distribution
Thanks to active distribution through audite's partners, our discs are available across the world. They can be bought in the traditional way at local CD shops or via internet outlets. Should a disc be unavailable at local retailers or online, it can be ordered via the audite webshop which ships CDs, SACDs and LPs to all countries worldwide. audite is also present in the digital world of music: our recordings can be found at all relevant download and streaming platforms. This close cooperation with international distribution partners serves all our artists and ensures wide international recognition. Objective and quality
audite is, in every aspect, oriented towards high quality. Repertoire, interpretation, choice of venue, sound design, superior packaging and booklet note - the successful synthesis of all these factors results in the individual, extraordinary recordings which are so characteristic of audite. This success is reflected, not least of all, in the positive echo of international reviews, numerous recording prizes as well as the interest of the musical public. All aspirations towards quality always have one aim: to create the basis for a musical and emotional experience in its best possible form, to make music of the highest quality available as a personal, creative listening experience.

"Man staunt und staunt: Die beiden großen Sonaten müssen Vergleiche mit Brahms kaum scheuen, und die leichtgewichtigeren...

"Man staunt und staunt: Die beiden großen Sonaten müssen Vergleiche mit Brahms kaum scheuen, und die leichtgewichtigeren Werke (Salonmusik?) erhalten hier in süperben Interpretationen das ihnen adäquate, zustehende Gewicht."
(Werner Pfister | Musik & Theater | Juli/August 2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:
Marc Coppey, cellist

"Das spezielle «Multitasking», das gerade diese Triosonaten verlangen, beherrscht der Reutlinger Organist Martin Neu prä...

"Das spezielle «Multitasking», das gerade diese Triosonaten verlangen, beherrscht der Reutlinger Organist Martin Neu präzise, souverän und spielfreudig. [...] Ausgewogen und mit einer Vorliebe für Labialpfeifen registrierend, findet Martin Neu einen Ausgleich zwischen klanglicher Kontur und Homogenität – und genießt hörbar den weichen Wohlklang des Instruments."
(Dr. Susanne Eckstein | Neue Musikzeitung - HörBar | 10. Juli 2024)

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OUT NOW! The new album “BACH reconstructed” by la festa musicale!

🎧 Streaming & Downloads ►
🎧 Listen on Apple Music ►

Bach’s music – an eternal miracle! In order to trace its inner architecture and its genius, Christoph Harer has created baroque transcriptions of Bach’s sources and produced three vivid “Neubrandenburg Concertos”. By playing creatively with original works, new and unexpected perspectives emerge.

NEW REVIEW"One is immediately struck by the immediacy of the recorded sound, which [...] allows Bach’s inexhaustible inv...


"One is immediately struck by the immediacy of the recorded sound, which [...] allows Bach’s inexhaustible invention and artful counterpoint to be enjoyed to the full. [...] Needless to say that Neu’s performances are note-perfect with rock-steady tempos, judicious use of ornamentation and a thorough sense of balance."
(Malcom Riley | Gramophone | July 2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:

"Klanglich verschmelzen die fünf trotz vielfacher solistischer Profilierungsmöglichkeiten zu einem beeindruckend geschlo...

"Klanglich verschmelzen die fünf trotz vielfacher solistischer Profilierungsmöglichkeiten zu einem beeindruckend geschlossenen Ensemble, das durchaus orchestrales Format aufweist. [...] aus einem der zentralen Bausteine der Bläserquintettliteratur, dem Quintett op. 43 von Carl Nielsen, [machen sie] ein wirkliches Kammermusikerlebnis."
(Daniel Knödler | Das Orchester | 6/2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:

"[Martin Neu] nähert sich dem Sechsteiler, der in scheinbar endloser Folge Melodien, Kontrapunkte und experimentelle For...

"[Martin Neu] nähert sich dem Sechsteiler, der in scheinbar endloser Folge Melodien, Kontrapunkte und experimentelle Formen entwickelt, mit der Neugier eines Schülers und veredelt sie durch seltene Interpretationskunst und technische Meisterschaft."
(Kulturabdruck | 08. Juni 2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:

NEW REVIEW"Neu’s playing is captivating, without the usual smell of incense, and brings Bach’s music to the listener not...


"Neu’s playing is captivating, without the usual smell of incense, and brings Bach’s music to the listener not as a religious shrine, but as absolute music. Neu does not hesitate to take a virtuoso and very dynamic approach, which makes Bach’s music seem very lively and direct. The sound is pleasantly transparent, sensitive and bright, which promotes transparency and makes these 6 trio sonatas a fine listening pleasure."
(Alain Steffen | Pizzicato | 06.06.2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:

"Franziska Pietsch (Violine), Sophia Reuter (Viola) und Hila Karni (Violoncello) gelingt ihr Zusammenspiel so perfekt, d...

"Franziska Pietsch (Violine), Sophia Reuter (Viola) und Hila Karni (Violoncello) gelingt ihr Zusammenspiel so perfekt, dass man auf die Idee kommen könnte, die „Erfindung“ des Streichquartetts oder gar größerer Streicherbesetzungen wären schlicht überflüssig gewesen. Was die drei Streicherinnen hier auf die Bühne stellen, hat einfach alles: orchestrale Größe, klangliche Balance, lupenreine Linienführung, eine virtuose Dynamik und einen Drive, der im zentralen Vivace wirklich Staunen macht."
(Daniel Knödler | Das Orchester | Juni 2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:

NEW REVIEW"I love the youthful liveliness of the Neeb’s playing who bring glorious buoyancy to the rhythms and wonderful...


"I love the youthful liveliness of the Neeb’s playing who bring glorious buoyancy to the rhythms and wonderful clarity in their interplay. [...] The recorded sound here is excellent and the program is well thought out. [...] The programme is titled Sparks of Spirit and spirit is clear in every note of the playing, oozing with joy and character. A lovely recital."
(Rob Challinor | Musicweb International | 21.05.2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:
Klavierduo Neeb

NEW REVIEW"One is left wondering how such a pioneering work has remained in the shadows for so long. la festa musicale’s...


"One is left wondering how such a pioneering work has remained in the shadows for so long. la festa musicale’s control of shaping creates a poignant framework for beautiful dissonances, interwoven by VOKTETT HANNOVER and an impressive solo quartet."
(Simon Desbruslais | Early Music | 16.05.2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:

"Die fünf Musiker sind erstklassig, jedes Instrument wird meisterlich betreut: Anna Sahas schwebend-leichte Flöte, Yoshi...

"Die fünf Musiker sind erstklassig, jedes Instrument wird meisterlich betreut: Anna Sahas schwebend-leichte Flöte, Yoshihiko Shimos zauberische Oboe, Christine Stemmlers intensiv-schöne Klarinette, Lisa Rogers‘ virtuoses Horn, Yuka Maehrles famoses Fagott. Ihre Kommunikation funktioniert also ohne Dirigentenstöckchen, einzig durch wachen Blick, durch das gemeinsame Atmen – und durch wirklich faszinierende Musikalität."
(Wolfram Goertz | Rheinische Post | 19.05.2024)

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"Spannungsvolle Tempi, feinst ausgearbeiteter Klavieranschlag und Celloton und ein unbedingter Wille zum Dienst an der M...

"Spannungsvolle Tempi, feinst ausgearbeiteter Klavieranschlag und Celloton und ein unbedingter Wille zum Dienst an der Musik ermöglichen zusammen mit hervorragender Aufnahmetechnik [...] Interpretationen, die besonders stark aufhorchen lassen."
(Dr. Jürgen Schaarwächter | | 13.05.2024)

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Marc Coppey, cellist François Dumont, pianiste

"das Duo [erreicht] bewundernswerte Transparenz, besticht mit blitzender Präzision"(Isabel Herzfeld | Piano News | Mai/J...

"das Duo [erreicht] bewundernswerte Transparenz, besticht mit blitzender Präzision"
(Isabel Herzfeld | Piano News | Mai/Juni 2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:

Klavierduo Neeb

FIRST REVIEW of our current May release..."These small pieces [...] can be consumed like sweets. [...] The freshness wit...

FIRST REVIEW of our current May release...

"These small pieces [...] can be consumed like sweets. [...] The freshness with which Coppey and Dumont play also brings a good vitality to the music. The interpretations are well structured and admirably balanced."
(Remy Franck | Pizzicato | 03.05.2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:

Marc Coppey, cellist

ALBUM OF THE WEEK at RBB Radio 3..."The album is a calling card in a class of its own. It demonstrates virtuoso playing ...


"The album is a calling card in a class of its own. It demonstrates virtuoso playing skills, experimental vigour, stylistic confidence in the epochs and enormous narrative power and depth. On ‘Saga’, the stories come into their own: tragic, melancholic, dance-inducing and funny."
(Cornelia de Reese | RBB Radio 3 | 06.05.2024)


EDITOR'S CHOICE by Gramophone for our March release "Treasures" with Trio Lirico ..."The disc brings together works of s...

EDITOR'S CHOICE by Gramophone for our March release "Treasures" with Trio Lirico ...
"The disc brings together works of such varying demands that it serves as a stunning calling card by advertising the range of the group’s sympathies. [...] this group – with their gorgeous tone, finely judged balances and quick reaction time – capture every shift in mood and colour with confidence and commitment. Fine engineering, too. The album’s title, ‘Treasures’, is unusually apt."
(Peter J. Rabinowitz | Gramophone | May 2025)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:

"Die jungen Musiker [...] sind rein spieltechnisch fraglos sehr begabt [...] Franz Schuberts As-Dur-Variationen op. 35 f...

"Die jungen Musiker [...] sind rein spieltechnisch fraglos sehr begabt [...] Franz Schuberts As-Dur-Variationen op. 35 für Klavier vierhändig spielt das Duo klanglich brillant, mit vielen agogischen Drückern und Rückungen [...] In der V. und VII. Variation [...] erreichen sie eine vielversprechende Tiefe des Ausdrucks. [...] Die exzellente Aufnahmetechnik transportiert das Gespielte in größtmöglicher Transparenz und Klarheit"
(Dr. Jürgen Schaarwächter | | 09.04.2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:
Klavierduo Neeb

SUPERSONIC by Pizzicato for our current April release!Uwe Krusch writes: "After their already very pleasing first record...

SUPERSONIC by Pizzicato for our current April release!

Uwe Krusch writes: "After their already very pleasing first recording, they follow up even more skillfully. They tell their story or saga in a lively interplay and also with each other. In doing so, they neither overplay mood-lightening nor profound moments, but offer each movement eloquently and with a keen nose. Each instrument finds its place in the structure, its solo moment and its specific expressive possibilities. The result is a panorama of the possibilities of a wind quintet that is as varied as it is rich in content."
(Uwe Krusch | Pizzicato | 04.04.2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:

DIAPASON D'OR ARTE"le plus précieux de ce coffret reste sans doute la Symphonie «Liturgique» de Honegger [...] Karajan n...


"le plus précieux de ce coffret reste sans doute la Symphonie «Liturgique» de Honegger [...] Karajan n'est pas loin d'y surpasser son enregistrement à la tête des Berliner [...] il restitue ici à I’oeuvre une dramaturgie implacable à laquelle personne ne peut littéralement échapper."
(Patrick Szersnovicz | Diapason | Avril 2024)

Here you can get an impression of this production yourself:
Lucerne Festival


💥One Week to go! The SAGA is coming....

💿 audite
🎙 Martin Rust - Musikproduktion
🎶 Kevin Beavers
📸 Christian Palm Photographie

OUT NEXT WEEK!!!"The ARUNDOSquintett is a young and highly virtuosic wind quintet. [...] The five wind instruments have ...


"The ARUNDOSquintett is a young and highly virtuosic wind quintet. [...] The five wind instruments have a wealth of tonal colours to offer. The original is treated with great respect here - everything is there, but the unusual instrumentation provides real added value. [...] A very fine and unusual wind record with music that you don't hear every day."
(Wilfried Schäper | Radio Bremen "Klassikwelt" | 03.03.2024)

Pre-order the album ►

ALBUM DER WOCHE"Raffiniert erfassen die Geschwister Neeb [...] die schnellen Stimmungsschwankungen, die auf die Sekunde ...


"Raffiniert erfassen die Geschwister Neeb [...] die schnellen Stimmungsschwankungen, die auf die Sekunde genau im Einvernehmen unter ihren Händen entstehen. Technische Perfektion für die gemeinsame Sicht. Egal, ob auf einer Tastatur oder auf zwei Instrumenten"
(Cornelia de Reese | RBB Kultur | 11.03.2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck unserer aktuellen März-Veröffentlichung:
Klavierduo Neeb

INTERPRETATION & KLANG 6/6 PUNKTEN"die Neebs [spielen] brillant. [...] Spiellust, das Drama und die Leichtigkeit weiß da...


"die Neebs [spielen] brillant. [...] Spiellust, das Drama und die Leichtigkeit weiß das Klavierduo bestens umzusetzen. [...] Eine CD, die aufhorchen lässt und an die Brüder Kontarsky erinnert."
(Carsten Dürer | Piano News | März/April 2024)

Verschaffen Sie sich selbst einen Eindruck dieser Produktion:
Klavierduo Neeb

OUT NOW: “Sparks of Spirit” the 2nd album by Klavierduo Neeb Streaming & Downloads ►

OUT NOW: “Sparks of Spirit” the 2nd album by Klavierduo Neeb

Streaming & Downloads ►

On their second CD, the Neeb Piano Duo present works that each illustrate the beginning of a promising period in the life of a different composer: full of creative energy, Max Reger plunged into productive work after emerging from years of challenging physical and mental health. Franz Schubert was similarly affected by a syphilis attack, and, in addition to a stable job at Esterházy Palace, was even inspired by a clandestine love to find new creativity. Johann Sebastian Bach was motivated by leading the top-class Collegium Musicum to compose a new concert repertoire, while Rachmaninoff, with the Suite, Op. 17, overcame the depression which had prevented him from composing for three years following the failure of his First Symphony.
The Neeb Piano Duo illuminate these emotional worlds with their insightful interpretation, creative imagination, and sparkling enthusiasm.


Hülsenweg 7


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