Seidelman & Company

Seidelman & Company "the keeper of the flame"
Düsseldorf, Germany "the keeper of the flame"

Neu im Handel, mit einem Vorwort von Dominik Graf und einem ausführlichen Interview von mir mit Wolfgang M. Schmitt - of...

Neu im Handel, mit einem Vorwort von Dominik Graf und einem ausführlichen Interview von mir mit Wolfgang M. Schmitt - offizielle Buchpremiere am 23.09. im Bambi Kino Düsseldorf.


Seit mehr als zehn Jahren steht Wolfgang M. Schmitt für Die Filmanalyse. Dieser Band versammelt über 120 seiner scharfsinnigen und stets ideologiekritischen Besprechungen. Hier erfahren wir unter anderem, warum wir Forrest Gump hassen sollten, warum Blade Runner 2049 besser ist als das legendäre Original, was Vertigo zum besten Film aller Zeiten macht, wieso der allseits beliebte König der Löwen der schlimmste Film der langen Disneygeschichte ist und warum The Shape of Water seine Oscars nicht verdient hat. An welche Kultfilme erinnern wir uns aus gutem Grund und wo wird unser Blick von der rosarot beschlagenen Nostalgiebrille getrübt? Wo treten die Probleme des vielgescholtenen deutschen Kinos besonders schmerzhaft zutage, wo glimmen dennoch Hoffnungsschimmer auf? Steckt in Kinderfilmen wirklich nur harmlose Zerstreuung? Ist das Kino in Zeiten von Serienboom und Streaminganbietern überhaupt noch zu retten? Und was haben Marx, Foucault, und Freud mit all dem zu tun?

This Friday the chases are on - COHEN & TATE and STOPPING POWER in a magnificent "double feature" (35mm screening plus Q...

This Friday the chases are on - COHEN & TATE and STOPPING POWER in a magnificent "double feature" (35mm screening plus Q&A and book signing) at the Alamo Drafthouse Houston, plus the dark short film comedy MURDER FOR DUMMIES directed Meredith Red! Be there or be hopelessly square (that means, if you're in or around the Houston area)!

Houston, your problems are solved - at least for November 19, 2021: Meet Eric Red at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema for a 3...

Houston, your problems are solved - at least for November 19, 2021: Meet Eric Red at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema for a 35mm screening of his legendary cult favorite COHEN & TATE and a book signing of his latest novel STOPPING POWER. Both road thrillers in the classic purist genre tradition that'll put a smile on your face! Join the line, sign your name - it's going to be one helluva ride!

Director Eric Red Live in Person

Folks who bought the WHITE KNUCKLE eBook for Kindle on Amazon – first, thanks your support!  We encountered a technical ...

Folks who bought the WHITE KNUCKLE eBook for Kindle on Amazon – first, thanks your support! We encountered a technical error from amazon they have corrected, so if any of you pre-ordered the book and had a problem with the file, we apologize for that. Please send an email to the publisher ([email protected]) and you’ll get a replacement version immediately! Please make sure to include the invoice of your purchase or a screensnap of the errored epub on your computer, phone, or Kindle reader. Otherwise, everyone else will have no problems ordering the Kindle eBook edition on Amazon. Thanks!

White Knuckle

"Red is an excellent storyteller and has created characters that draw us into this story of trauma and s*xual adventure....

"Red is an excellent storyteller and has created characters that draw us into this story of trauma and s*xual adventure. He has brought together an erotic thriller with a coming-of-age story that held me captive for the entire read."

Red, Eric. “Don’t Stand So Close”,Seidelman & Company, 2021. Three Young Friends and a Teacher Amos Lassen In “Don’t Stand So Close”, Eric Red takes us back to 1998 and introduces us to M…

“In Don’t Stand So Close, Eric Red takes what, at first, seems like a typical teen 'coming-of-age' s*x romp and leads it...

“In Don’t Stand So Close, Eric Red takes what, at first, seems like a typical teen 'coming-of-age' s*x romp and leads it down a very dark and twisted path. Being Hot For Teacher’ has never been more disturbing.” —Nancy A. Collins, author of Sunglasses After Dark

Thanks to to great folks at JoBlo and Arrow in the Head for this shout-out for our upcoming Eric Red novel "Don't Stand So Close". It's for pre-order now and will hit amazon and the book stores in August!

The Lost Boys and Flatliners director Joel Schumacher called Eric Red's first novel Don't Stand So Close “Titillating and original.

"Heute haben die Filme von Hand In Hand ihre frühere Sichtbar- und Verfügbarkeit weitestgehend wieder eingebüßt – und da...

"Heute haben die Filme von Hand In Hand ihre frühere Sichtbar- und Verfügbarkeit weitestgehend wieder eingebüßt – und damit ist das Lebenswerk eines Visionärs und genialen Filmemachers, eines der besten und aufregendsten des 20. Jahrhunderts, davon bedroht, in Vergessenheit zu geraten. Good Hot Stuff, als Buch selbst ein cinephiles Traumprojekt, das sich in wunderbar ausschweifendem Umfang und intimer Kenntnis seinem Gegenstand auf Augenhöhe stellt, stemmt sich dagegen mit aller Leidenschaft, die ein solches filmisches Werk in einem entfachen kann."


"...having just scratched the surface of the book I can say it is an absolute must for fans of Cannon films. But I am no...

"...having just scratched the surface of the book I can say it is an absolute must for fans of Cannon films. But I am not the only one raving about this book…"

(plus quotes by Mike Leeder and Isaac Florentine!)

After a successful crowdfunding campaign and months and months of hard work, Marco Siedelmann’s book, Stories From The Trenches: Adventures in Making High Octane Hollywood Movies from Cannon …


The heyday of Cannon Films, that is when the company was led by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus back in the eighties, has been subject of fairly recent documentaries: Mark Hartley’s Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films...


Get ready for the one of the most action packed, most candid, and most explosive career-spanning interview books in cinematic history! Straight from the glory days of the the legendary Cannon Film Group comes STORIES FROM THE TRENCHES: Adventures in Making High Octane Hollywood Movies from Cannon Ve...




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