How can a well known, iconic brand do better? Why not by adressing an additional target group? Haribo's slogan presents its brand as one for children and grown ups, but where are the ones inbetween, the youngster of today, the Millenials and the Gen Z. In our new spec commercial we wanted to pitch one of Haribo's classic candies in a contemporary design and fun way. Our Creative Director Tim Weimann created this commercial with his animation team at DFIGN.
Music was kindly provided by our friends at Studio Funk, Düsseldorf.
@haribo @jvmspree @jungvonmatt #haribo #haribomachtfroh #jvmspree #lakritzschnecken #licoricewheels #dfign #daswerk #studiofunk #speccommercial
Strepsils/Dobendan - Museum
Here is the second commercial of the new campaign we had the pleasure and honor to work on.
When your sore throat hurts so bad that paintings start to become alive you better take Dobendan/Strepsils! ;)
#Strepsils #Dobendan #ReckittBenckiser #Havas #DFIGN #Characteranimation
Strepsils - Numb
MrT is on a new mission again and we had the pleasure to help him fullfilling it. This time he helps a musician to give a intriguing performance. #Strepsils #Dobendan #ReckittBenckiser #Havas #DFIGN #Characteranimation
We already wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2020! :)
Sagrotan Kids - Abenteuer Edition TagOn
Yo Ho Ho! Ship ahoy, all you little pond fishies! Arrrr! Pirate work can be durrrdy-bissssness - adventuring and plun'ering the whole day. Grrr! Best not to forget to wash hands to stay healthy and fit!
Another fun tagon we loved to create for Reckitt Benckiser. Arrr! Arrrr! :)
***Play with sound on!!!*** :)
Our friends at Schvarz Kaffee roast some wonderful coffee blends. The quality of their product and their unique style make them special in their business. We created a motion design that reflects the Schvarz vibe and uses parts of their roasting and brewing machineries as abstract animation elements. We combined this with a hypnotic bubbling electro track by kidsinacandystore. Shoutout to @JulianPrießen, Tobias Bürger and Tobias Grumbach! Thank You! #SCHWARZKAFFEE #DFIGN #DASWERK #KIDSINACANDYSTORE #STUDIOFUNK
When we work on detergent demos, we want them to look brilliant and amazing. Demos can become little adventures in lush, visually interesting places. Here is our demo for the new Sagrotan TVC. #Sagrotan #ReckittBenckiser #DFIGN #DasWerk #TVC #DetergentDemo #3DAnimation
DOBENDAN - "Multipicture"
This is another Dobendan spot we created last year. We are especially proud of the full CG parts of this one. We tried to create a Pixar kind of look that has fun animation, nice image compositions, interesting lighting and a saturated color palette that gives the dark setting still a warm and friendly vibe.
Digital Snow
Do you know this? In summer you need to shoot your tvcs for winter and in winter vice versa. No problem! We can help with our new digital snow cannon. Here is a making-of featuring snow simulations, we created for "Dobendan - Iceberg".
#ReckittBenckiser #DFIGN #DIGITALSNOW
Sagrotan Kids - Dragons Edition
As kids we would have loved to train our own dragon! The new Sagrotan Kids edition cannot help to tame dragons, but has fantastic glow in the dark stickers of the new "How to Train Your Dragon 3" film. Now in theatres in Germany!
#ReckittBenckiser #DFIGN
Today we would like to show you the next sequence of the film we created for Timocom. This time we present the grand finale. Enjoy!