Segacamp's Twitch Channel Updates

Segacamp's Twitch Channel Updates I made this Page for to Post Updates and also Events for the Twitch Channel! So Please Follow for Future Updates!

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I guess I'm Cancelling Tonight LOL not my Fault I was gonna take a Small Nap for 30 Minutes I had a Timer set on my Watch! and in Classic Segacamp Fashion after my 30 Minutes is up and I get out of Bed? I Fall Asleep! if only someone was here to wake me so then I can get out of Bed.... do you guys wish I had a Girlfriend now? to be fair I was gonna go play play that Harry Potter Quidditch Game just means I'll play it Next Week no Big Deal as for the Ocarina of Time Rando I'm gonna go Finish it I still need to find the Silver Rupees for Ganon's Castle I don't know where they all are... but I did look into the Spoiler Log again and I know of 1 Location where they most are... so I'll go finish this Rando this Sunday for sure but I'm gonna use the Spoiler Log to find the Silver Rupees anyway I'll see you all Sunday and my Apologies on no Friday Night Stream!

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WELL THIS STILL SUCKS!!!!! so Earlier I made a Video about this and Twitch is now getting rid of Highlights or making yo...

WELL THIS STILL SUCKS!!!!! so Earlier I made a Video about this and Twitch is now getting rid of Highlights or making you have a Certain Limit now! I decided to Delete my Earlier Highlight between 2013 - 2015 I kept a Handful of back in the Day but Everything else is gone! somehow it still not enough..... I still hate that Twitch is doing this! You know what happens when I Complete a Game right? I make a Highlight of it! I'll make a Highlight out of the Final Area(Defeats or Not) and then make it to the Final Boss and Defeat the Final Boss and also Include the Credits of the Game! but since I swap to Randomizers I don't do Highlights to the Randomizer anymore because for a Start I'm playing a Different Randomizer Settings but mostly the Same Game and also why would you wanna see the Same Ending to a Game Again and Again? Quite Frankly it would get Exhausting... so I stopped for Randomizers but I still have the Old Highlights of when it started anyway I'm gonna go back to Handpicking which ones I wanna keep from when I moved out I won't Delete Everything but I'm doing to Follow Twitch Guidelines.... WHATEVER THIS IS!

I'm done playing Hogwarts Legacy now for good I finished the Game 3rd Last Session Defeated Ranrok and the 2nd Last Sess...

I'm done playing Hogwarts Legacy now for good I finished the Game 3rd Last Session Defeated Ranrok and the 2nd Last Session Completed the Game making Ravenclaw Win the House Cup and I just had my Last Stream not to long Ago I didn't get to Lv. 40 but that's ok there's always Next Time when I play the Game again anyway I plan to play this Next! but I don't feel like I'll be playing it for too much also.... just because it just Quidditch nothing Exciting like Exploring the Castle like in Hogwarts Legacy.... so yeah I don't plan to Stream this game for too long also... although I like to prove myself wrong too.... we'll see when Friday Night Arrives


I'll see you all after 8PM I plan to get Lv. 40 in Hogwarts Legacy I looked up how to get XP Fast!

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I'm still coming off a Cold but I'm beginning to feel 95% now! Running Nose has Stopped I still have a Minor Cough but i...

I'm still coming off a Cold but I'm beginning to feel 95% now! Running Nose has Stopped I still have a Minor Cough but it gone down since Sunday! but I still need a Little time before the Cold goes away! But I still plan to Stream Today I need to get back to Hogwarts Legacy and Finish that Game since it's been Haunting me since Streams gone Absent and now it's Time to get back to it Today! Am I nervous after being gone for so long?........


Don't worry I still plan to Stream Today but I plan to Stream later than usual.... I went to bed a little too late Last Night and I was Slow getting going for 2PM but I promise I'm still aiming for my Eye on the Prize and that's to Stream today I just don't know when!

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I guess Tomorrow whatever Tomorrows Weather be Rain/Shine/Snow? I'll come back to Streaming I still have a Small Amount of a Cold! but I'm 90 - 95% better so I'll risk it! maybe before my Stream Tomorrow I'll Race over to Dollarama for some Extra Halls since I'm almost run out in my Apartment! and also get some Apple Juice..... Yep I'm still coming off a Cold my Job Tomorrow is not to get another and put Streams back on Hold again!

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Look what I got Today! It's not US Version of Mario Party! but it's the Japanese Version of the Game...... I have no ide...

Look what I got Today! It's not US Version of Mario Party! but it's the Japanese Version of the Game...... I have no idea what the Mini-Games are called but I'm still having Fun playing the Game though!


You Guys Ready to see the Segacamp Twitch Stream come back again? I had to put on a Minor Hold because I got a Cold which Started off as a Sore Throat so I decided to put them on hold for my Health I rather feel Better than Not if I was Streaming! Good News is as of Today I'm 90% Better I feel my Cold slowly going away I still had a Rough Cough Today but I think I'll make some Neo Citron Tonight and that should solve the Problem if not by this Weekend I'll try to Resurrect them in another Week LET'S HOPE FOR A FAST RECOVERY BECAUSE I'M DOING FOR YOU GUYS! BTW Let's hope Wiarton Willie doesn't see his Shadow! Yeah Groundhog Day Lands on Sunday!

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Well I guess I kept Fans waiting Long Enough! back in Dec. I mentioned that I finished Super Mario Galaxy 2 but for the ...

Well I guess I kept Fans waiting Long Enough! back in Dec. I mentioned that I finished Super Mario Galaxy 2 but for the Final Cast I put this Game on Hold and was gonna play it when Streams Return and so for when Return in a Week I'm going to play this! I only own the Wii Port of the Game! which I'm relieved because I heard the 360/PS3 Port had these Day/Night Medallion Scatter across the Levels and you had to look for them it ok looking for the Night Medallions at Night but for the Day Levels as the Hedgehog your gonna miss them! In the Wii Port they became End Level Requirements if you finish the Level Fast Enough!


ok 1 Week out to go to Streams returning.... I'm working Both Saturday and Sunday this Weekend.... but I like the Big Paychecks at work and it been keeping me Busy back in December and now here in January.... for Next Year though after the Later Half of December I still plan to take a Break for Christmas and New Years..... but I think I'll resume a Week after New Years because right now January for me is always a Slow Month... or if not? I'm just stuck in a State of Flux where I can't find a Spot to Settle into.... and Right now this Month has been feeling Slow for me.... it also no Help there Events coming THE END OF THE MONTH! so that's not Helping! I'll see you all Next Week on the Twitch Channel!

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I finally Completed Super Mario Galaxy for 120 Power Stars..... AND I'M NOT PLAYING THIS GAME AGAIN! yeah forget the Game as Luigi! DOING THIS A 2ND TIME RUINED ME AND TOOK ALOT OUT OF ME! Yeah Peach WASN'T worth Saving....TWICE!!!!!! ok.... I'm not going to play it right now! I'm sure taking a Long Break though what seemed to be Exciting playing off Stream became Frustrating and Anger! 😠😡🤬😠😡🤬 yeah that was me getting all 120 Power Stars! Again if I play this Game again it's only later when I feel like playing as Luigi for 120 Power Stars not to mention Luigi Slippery Moments not looking forward to the Cosmic Races as Luigi more like Dreading but more about that later when I feel like Streaming it as Luigi!

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This is gonna kill me..... so I'm deleting off my N64 Flashcart Bomberman 64 I really didn't want to but the Rom on my F...

This is gonna kill me..... so I'm deleting off my N64 Flashcart Bomberman 64 I really didn't want to but the Rom on my Flashcart is going through some Rough Patching where all the Music is Removed Except the Beginning on the Title Screen! after you get Pass the Title Screen and start playing the Game? it's too quiet..... I'm whispering to you because that's what it like in the game! I still have Bomberman Hero and someday I also like to Livestream Bomberman 64 The 2nd Attack just to see what I was Missing with N64 Bomberman unless someone tells me what I'm doing wrong I'm not gonna Livestream through my N64 unless I get the N64 Cart like Ordering through the Internet because my N64 Emulator is Slow and beginning to feel a little Outdated to me...

You Guys Ready for a Premiere Today? I'm gonna have to Edit out this one but I'll try to Aim for the Afternoon Today! so...

You Guys Ready for a Premiere Today? I'm gonna have to Edit out this one but I'll try to Aim for the Afternoon Today! so Everyone can be there for it!

Now this is Peaking my Interests should I play one when Streams Return? I may still Stream it anyway because I tried one...

Now this is Peaking my Interests should I play one when Streams Return? I may still Stream it anyway because I tried one for Pokemon Crystal and somehow Started with a Nidoking! So that was cool all I'm hoping for.... Leaving Pallet Town go on Route 1 and then right away a Random Battle with a Legendary! BUT CAN'T CAPTURE IT BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE POKÉ BALLS YET YOU DINGUS! Sorry just saying this for Laughs but still I'm curious what Pokemon I'll find since the Official Games don't have Everything! Like Pikachu being your Starter in Pokemon Yellow.... you can't find another to Evolve into a Raichu and the Pikachu you start with won't Evolve into Raichu so Raichu isn't in the Game unless you Trade one from Pokemon Red/Blue 1st and my Favorite Pokemon... ISN'T IN POKEMON YELLOW Vulpix! Pokemon Blue you can find one but in Pokemon Red and the Japanese Version of Blue can only be Obtained through Trading! Actually it's not fully Absent in Pokemon Yellow but somehow can get in the Celadon Game Corner.... again I hope the Randomizer does have them all so you can Complete the Pokedex when it's time to go to Indigo Plateau but we'll see when Streams return later!

For the Last 30 Stars of Super Mario Galaxy.... No more Screenshot through OBS... it just when I'm playing the Game thro...

For the Last 30 Stars of Super Mario Galaxy.... No more Screenshot through OBS... it just when I'm playing the Game through my Laptop at Certain Times OBS's Frame rate just wants to Dip and it makes it Unplayable for a Few Seconds WTF IS THAT ALL ABOUT? I'M NOT STREAMING THE GAME! sometimes I ignore it! Other times I'll just have to pause the Game until the Framerate goes back to Normal... with that Rant out of the Way I just Completed the Powerstar I was Dreading.... The Purple Comet on Toy Time Galaxy I got the Power star on The 8 Bit Mario Panel but your on the other side and the other side is Luigi 100 Purple Coins on the 8 Bit Luigi Panel and you also have a Time Limit too LIKE ISN'T POWERSTAR HARD ENOUGH AS IT IS?!?!?!?!?!??!?! Sorry I also did not get enough Sleep doing this Run! so I'm a bit Annoyed HA like 8-bit Mario/Luigi Panel anyway I have around 20 Stars to go so I'm gonna go back to playing the Game! Talk to you Guys later!


Well Streams are still Lining up Perfectly for Jan. 26th but I'm gonna have to cancel the 1st Wednesday Cast on the 29th I'm leaving Town and going out to Toronto.... what do you think I'm going to see? I'm going to a Leafs Game! I promise this is the only Wednesday Cast I'm having off but right now there still no Resident Wednesday Streams and I'm still Finishing Hogwarts Legacy so that means I'm gonna be going back to that Game on a Friday instead of Wednesday! Again I never went to a NHL Game I went to an OHL Game but Never NHL! ask me what is OHL? your gonna be surprised! so Sunday Jan. 26 and then Thurs Jan 30th

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I hope you Guys are Excited I got a New Unboxing Video in the Works I plan to post it soon as it's done!

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123 Rainbow Road


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