I guess I'm Cancelling Tonight LOL not my Fault I was gonna take a Small Nap for 30 Minutes I had a Timer set on my Watch! and in Classic Segacamp Fashion after my 30 Minutes is up and I get out of Bed? I Fall Asleep! if only someone was here to wake me so then I can get out of Bed.... do you guys wish I had a Girlfriend now? to be fair I was gonna go play play that Harry Potter Quidditch Game just means I'll play it Next Week no Big Deal as for the Ocarina of Time Rando I'm gonna go Finish it I still need to find the Silver Rupees for Ganon's Castle I don't know where they all are... but I did look into the Spoiler Log again and I know of 1 Location where they most are... so I'll go finish this Rando this Sunday for sure but I'm gonna use the Spoiler Log to find the Silver Rupees anyway I'll see you all Sunday and my Apologies on no Friday Night Stream!
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