Neue Doku Serie! New Documentary Series!
Mit einem künstlichen Band im Ellbogen wagt Baseballer Markus Solbach, 31, nach einer fatalen Verletzung wieder zu träumen, der erste deutsche Pitcher in der Geschichte der amerikanischen Major League zu werden. Bei der Europameisterschaft in Prag wird
sich alles entscheiden. Der erste dokumentarische Einblick in den deutschen Baseball - ein Teamsport im Aufstieg. Die Serie zeigt die
Höhen und Tiefen eines Elitesportlers, die Leidenschaft zum Ball und die Kraft des Teams.
With an artificial ligament in his elbow, 31-year-old baseball player Markus Solbach dares to dream again after a devastating injury: becoming the first German pitcher in the history of the American Major League. Everything will come down to the European Championship in Prague.
This is the first documentary glimpse into German baseball—a team sport on the rise. The series highlights the highs and lows of an elite athlete, the passion for the game, and the power of teamwork.
Bitte unterstützt uns, wenn ihr die Serie sehen wollt:
Please support us if you want to see the series:
#glovebatandballs #germanbaseball #wirlebenbaseball #fansfirst #markussolbach #conkertreefilm
#dokuserie #liveyourdream #lebedeinentraum #baseball
#baseballlife #baseballlife #documentaryseries #sportdoku
Neue Doku Serie! New Documentary Series!
Mit einem künstlichen Band im Ellbogen wagt Baseballer Markus Solbach, 31, nach einer fatalen Verletzung wieder zu träumen, der erste deutsche Pitcher in der Geschichte der amerikanischen Major League zu werden. Bei der Europameisterschaft in Prag wird
sich alles entscheiden. Der erste dokumentarische Einblick in den deutschen Baseball - ein Teamsport im Aufstieg. Die Serie zeigt die
Höhen und Tiefen eines Elitesportlers, die Leidenschaft zum Ball und die Kraft des Teams.
With an artificial ligament in his elbow, 31-year-old baseball player Markus Solbach dares to dream again after a devastating injury: becoming the first German pitcher in the history of the American Major League. Everything will come down to the European Championship in Prague.
This is the first documentary glimpse into German baseball—a team sport on the rise. The series highlights the highs and lows of an elite athlete, the passion for the game, and the power of teamwork.
Bitte unterstützt uns, wenn ihr die Serie sehen wollt:
Please support us if you want to see the series:
#glovebatandballs #germanbaseball #wirlebenbaseball #fansfirst #markussolbach #conkertreefilm
#dokuserie #liveyourdream #lebedeinentraum #baseball
#baseballlife #baseballlife #documentaryseries #sportdoku
Neue Doku Serie! New Documentary Series!
Mit einem künstlichen Band im Ellbogen wagt Baseballer Markus Solbach, 31, nach einer fatalen Verletzung wieder zu träumen, der erste deutsche Pitcher in der Geschichte der amerikanischen Major League zu werden. Bei der Europameisterschaft in Prag wird
sich alles entscheiden. Der erste dokumentarische Einblick in den deutschen Baseball - ein Teamsport im Aufstieg. Die Serie zeigt die
Höhen und Tiefen eines Elitesportlers, die Leidenschaft zum Ball und die Kraft des Teams.
With an artificial ligament in his elbow, 31-year-old baseball player Markus Solbach dares to dream again after a devastating injury: becoming the first German pitcher in the history of the American Major League. Everything will come down to the European Championship in Prague.
This is the first documentary glimpse into German baseball—a team sport on the rise. The series highlights the highs and lows of an elite athlete, the passion for the game, and the power of teamwork.
Bitte unterstützt uns, wenn ihr die Serie sehen wollt:
Please support us if you want to see the series:
#glovebatandballs #germanbaseball #wirlebenbaseball #fansfirst #markussolbach #conkertreefilm
#dokuserie #liveyourdream #lebedeinentraum #baseball
#baseballlife #baseballlife #documentaryseries #sportdoku
Documentary Shooting in Great Britain…New project coming soon! #bestjobintheworld #documentaryfilmmaking #conkertreefilmontour
About our Documentary "A Day in their Shoes"...Cecil lives in Cape Town. He is 28 years old and well educated. As a child, he went to a boarding school in Cape Town, far from his family in Johannesburg. After graduating, he returned to live with his parents and brothers. But the financial situation was pervasive. Everyone was struggling against each other. Violence finally erupted and Cecil took flight to Cape Town. Here he has no one and nothing.
Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue with roots in a variety of social, economic, and personal factors. Understanding the reasons behind homelessness requires consideration of a range of interconnected issues that contribute to this pervasive challenge. Addressing homelessness requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that combines efforts from government agencies, nonprofits, communities, and individuals. By understanding the root causes and working to address each contributing factor, society can make strides toward creating a more equitable and supportive environment for all.
watch full documentary from 31.12.23 here:
#HomelessReality, #StreetLife, #InvisibleCitizens, #NoPlaceLikeHome, #UrbanStruggle, #ShelterSeekers, #HomelessNotHopeless, #LifeOnTheMargins, #VoiceForTheVoiceless, #HiddenInPlainSight, #FightHomelessness, #HousingCrisis, #PovertyAwareness, #RoughSleeping#HomelessDocumentary, #homelessnessawareness, #SurvivingTheStreets#, Homelessness, #BeyondTheCardboard, #CityShadows, #StreetStories, #HomelessHope, #OutreachImpact#CommunityCare, #BridgingTheGap, #UnderTheBridge, #LifeWithoutARoof, #SidewalkSouls, #ForgottenFaces, #actofkindness