In the new SPOT interview below, ifs MA Serial Storytelling student Lea Albring asks KLEO showrunners Hanno Hackfort, Richard Kropf and Bob Konrad for their advice to aspiring writers who want to write high-end series. Here is Bob's answer that I think will be useful to emerging writers from all around Europe:
"It's always exciting and advisable to get a taste of all formats. [...] So just explore the formats. Practice them all, do them all, write them all, but always make sure you're not just following the beaten path, but thinking about where you can find something new, or whether a detour might be a much better way to get there. And don't lose courage or energy. Keep developing, telling, offering, and working out your own things. Don't write a 500-page bible, don't work endlessly on an idea only to find out that nobody wants it. Think about something only as long as it's fun. Develop your own material while earning money. Don't be afraid."
For the whole interview see https://spot-mediafilm.com/hintergrund/interviews/spot-lets-talk-wie-schreibt-man-eine-serie/
In engem Austausch mit den Filmhochschulen startet SPOT media & film eine neue Reihe. Dabei bringen wir Studierende mit renommierten Filmschaffenden zusammen, um sie über ihr Gewerk und ihre Arbeit im Besonderen reden zu lassen. Den Anfang macht Lea Albring, Studentin an der ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln aus dem Studiengang Serial Storytelling, die sich mit dem Autorentrio HaRiBo (Hanno Hackfort, Richard Kropf, Bob Konrad) zusammengesetzt hat, um anlässlich des heutigen Starts von „KLEO“, Staffel 2 bei Netflix(produziert von Zeitsprung Pictures) über das Drehbuchschreiben zu reden.