upcoming > Opening FR 03.09, 19:00!!
Barbara Marcel, Ciné-Cipó – Cine-Liana
3 September – 10 October 2021
The artist and film-maker Barbara Marcel presents her first solo exhibition in NRW.
The impenetrable expanse of the Amazon rainforest and the proximity of locally accessible airwaves of a community radio station, scientific knowledge and traditional knowledge, global and regional processes – Barbara Marcel’s artistic work is an attempt to sensitize people to the complex interaction of life processes in the Amazon region.
The exhibition is part of *WELL am Ebertplatz, funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds, Neustart Kultur and Kulturamt Köln.
Video: “Ciné-Cipó – Cine-Liana” (2020), Four-channel video installation, color, sound, ca. 90 min., dimensions variable.
Barbara Marcel, Ciné-Cipó – Cine-Liana
3. September – 10. Oktober 2021
Die Künstlerin und Filmemacherin Barbara Marcel präsentiert ihre erste Einzelausstellung in NRW.
Die horizontüberflutende, undurchdringliche Weite des Amazonas-Regenwaldes und die Nähe gebende, lokal zugängliche Welle eines Freien Radiosenders, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis und überliefertes Wissen, Globales und Regionales – Barbara Marcels künstlerische Arbeit ist ein Versuch, für das komplexe Zusammenspiel der Lebensprozesse im Amazonas-Gebiet zu sensibilisieren.
Die Ausstellung ist Teil von *WELL am Ebertplatz, gefördert durch die Stiftung Kunstfonds, Neustart Kultur und das Kulturamt Köln.
Video: “Ciné-Cipó – Cine-Liana” (2020), 4-Kanal-Videoinstallation, Farbe, Ton, ca. 90 Min., Maße variabel
@agustina.andreoletti @neustartkultur_mag
Teaser of @georgedemir’s new work One of Them. The installation can be visited daily 3—8PM until 8.11. Donja Nasseri & George Demir, Futures of past imaginations @donja_nasseri
Amelia Umuhire’s web series is available online on YouTube and on our website. 💻 📱 🖥 3 Episodes to watch at home! If you’re in Cologne, you can visit her solo exhibition KANA daily until 4 October. 🧱
SOUND ON! 🔈🔈 Amelia Umuhire, Kana. Bis 4. Oktober in der Gemeinde Köln!
Video Einsendungen können via Instagram an @orangement_ebertplatz oder via Mail an [email protected] geschickt werden. Die Videos sollten maximal 15 Minuten lang sein. AND DON’T FORGET! Skatevideonight
Fr, 21. August 2020 || ab 20 Uhr
@ Projektraum, Ebertplatzpassage. Sie werden die entstanden Filme öffentlich über den Abend verteilt zeigen.
Reposted• @tb.1000 In Kooperation mit @orangement_ebertplatz & der @gemeindekoeln findet am 21.08.2020 eine Skate Session mit anschließender Videonight und der Premiere meines Videos "We Good/ We Bad" bei der Ausstellung "They call themselves Skaters, and the act of Skateboarding they call Skating" statt. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Großen Dank an @konstantinjohanneshehl
TOMORROW! 🤳🏽Chat-Workshop 14 & 28 May 2020, 6–8PM (📱link in bio)
attuned touch in times of physical distancing organised by
Sky M. J. Carranza and Clay AD
In the chat-workshop attuned touch in times of physical distancing, Sky M. J. Carranza (they/them), together with Clay AD (they/them), facilitates a public chat-space on the messaging service Telegram to foregather and address different perceptions of the body.
We invite you to join somatic exercises, imaginative writing, and multilogue on how we sense the shifting relations to our own body and the bodies of others, and the dynamics that inevitably determine so much of our sense of self. With everybody walking too close to us —a potential infectant— we need to find new methods to mediate and convey our feelings and sensations. The current heightened vulnerability blurs bodily boundaries. In which ways does this physical distance forced upon us as “protection” impact the way we relate to individual and collective bodies?
Invitation for participants:
The free chat-workshops will take place in the Telegram group https://t.me/attunedtouch over two hours. You are invited to wear comfortable clothes and find a calm space in which you will not be disturbed; maybe you want to air out the room or to sit in the sun outside. Exercises are an invitation and you can always step out, take a break, and listen to your own needs. The workshops will not be recorded and after the second chat, the group will be deleted. There will be moderation and some framing will be offered in the first part of the chat meeting. We want to explicitly mention beforehand that there will be zero tolerance for sexist, racist, queerphobic, ableist attitudes, and other kinds of hatefulness. Our goal is to create a stable setting to tenderly explore orienting our attention to visceral sensations.
FRIDAY 7PM OPENING! 🔛 20.12. – 30.12. Camilo Sandoval & Dawid Liftinger, RGBW #kellerlichter #ebertplatz #lightart
Anne Arndt, Von Tieren und Pflanzen
Anne Arndt reinszeniert detailgetreu einen realen Raum. In dem fiktiven Wartezimmer verhandeln gespenstische Realitäten miteinander. Durch die Verschiebung einer wirklichen Situation in den Kunstkontext werden Eigenheiten sichtbar.
06. April – 26. Mai 2019
Last days of Remote Control in @gemeindekoeln. Come to the Finissage on Friday with @amalia_o_amalia and @jpnazar