Huge Mailorder & Domestic Distro changes! Please read!
We no longer do Mail-order as you know it. Everyone will get Wholesale Prices from now on until further notice. In detail:
1. For the remaining part of the year we ask for a 50 € minimum order
2. We now only have one catalog.
3. Everyone pays wholesale prices + postage
This means that everyone can order wholesale prices on everything and saves a lot of money. Books will receive a 20% discount on invoice.
This way I hope to reduce the stock levels this way and generate enough money to pay invoices and new releases.
Also, as said, you will save an incredible amount of money especially if you can afford a huge order. The difference will be massive!
Perhaps try consolidating your orders with local friends?
And if you really just want to order one copy of a Ruin Nation or Skuld Release feel free to drop me an email or order from our Bandcamp page.
Full Text here: http://www.ruinnation.org