
3songsbonn There is some great music in Bonn and this page is here to help music lovers Worldwide know about it!

The City of Bonn is blessed with a thriving music community and excellent concert venues. From the ‘Klein aber fein’ atmosphere of the local Folk Club, to medium sized venues like The Harmonie (home to regular visits from the legendary ‘Rockpalast’), to the internationally acclaimed ‘Museumsplatz’ where visitors have included David Bowie, Elton John and The Who, and now Bonn’s new Open Air venue

Kunst!Rasen - host already to Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Katie Melua and Zaz. I hope this page will help readers all over the World discover that Music in Bonn means more than just Beethoven!

It was bound chronologically speaking to be the best Folk Club Bonn Meeting so far in 2025, but that the January meet co...

It was bound chronologically speaking to be the best Folk Club Bonn Meeting so far in 2025, but that the January meet could also go down in the record books as having the all-time largest attendance was not something I had anticipated when I arrived at Dotty's in Dottendorf at 6 pm. However, as the minutes to 'Ladies and Gentlemen,...' ticked down, things began looking unusually hectic....

It was bound chronologically speaking to be the best Folk Club Bonn Meeting so far in 2025, but that the January meet could also go down in the record books as having the all-time largest attendanc…

Unarguably one of the greatest female Blues Rock artists of the 20th Century, Bonnie Raitt has been added to next year's...

Unarguably one of the greatest female Blues Rock artists of the 20th Century, Bonnie Raitt has been added to next year's concert season at Kunst!Rasen in Bonn. Bonnie has been at the top of her genre for over 50 years, She's been winning Grammy Awards since the early 1990s, received an Americana 'Lifetime Achievement Award' in 2012, has continued achieving - with…...

Unarguably one of the greatest female Blues Rock artists of the 20th Century, Bonnie Raitt has been added to next year’s concert season at Kunst!Rasen in Bonn. Bonnie has been at the top of h…

It seems as if, rather like Santa Claus, Simon Kempston has always paid us a visit every December. Such is the allure of...

It seems as if, rather like Santa Claus, Simon Kempston has always paid us a visit every December. Such is the allure of applause and the chance to sing 'Jock Stewart' at Folk Club Bonn that Simon always has a new CD to offer us to secure his place as special guest (this year's 'My Dreams Are Theirs' is a corker too!)....

It seems as if, rather like Santa Claus, Simon Kempston has always paid us a visit every December. Such is the allure of applause and the chance to sing ‘Jock Stewart’ at Folk Club Bonn…

He's done it again! Simon Kempston has a new CD out in time for his Annual Xmas concert appearance as special guest at B...

He's done it again! Simon Kempston has a new CD out in time for his Annual Xmas concert appearance as special guest at Bonn Folk Club on Friday (6 December). The theme of the evening is ‘Gifts’, but at Simon's request, it's been expanded to include ‘The American Continent’. What might that mean? You'll need to come along if you want to find out....

He’s done it again! Simon Kempston has a new CD out in time for his Annual Xmas concert appearance as special guest at Bonn Folk Club on Friday (6 December). The theme of the evening is ‘Gift…

I've sometimes been critical of the lack of Folk musicians appearing at The Harmonie in Bonn, so I am very glad indeed t...

I've sometimes been critical of the lack of Folk musicians appearing at The Harmonie in Bonn, so I am very glad indeed to see that they have booked the legendary Richard Thompson for next year (7 May). Thompson had huge success with top Folk band Fairport Convention in the late '60's. He then went on to further success as a duo with then wife Linda Thompson....

I’ve sometimes been critical of the lack of Folk musicians appearing at The Harmonie in Bonn, so I am very glad indeed to see that they have booked the legendary Richard Thompson for next yea…

Christmas is coming, you just need to follow your nose... The smell of mulled wine, bratwurst and home-baked biscuits is...

Christmas is coming, you just need to follow your nose... The smell of mulled wine, bratwurst and home-baked biscuits is in the air! Once again this year, the Kleines Theater stage in Bad Godesberg's Kurpark has been transformed into a festive oasis for coming Advent Saturdays. Once again it's the ever-popular Christian Meringolo who has donned a Santa hat and started the Carol singing....

Christmas is coming, you just need to follow your nose… The smell of mulled wine, bratwurst and home-baked biscuits is in the air! Once again this year, the Kleines Theater stage in Bad Godes…


Liebe Freunde,

leider müssen wir Euch etwas sehr Trauriges mitteilen: unser geliebter Freund und Organist Moritz "Mr. Mo" Fuhrhop ist am Samstag, den 23.11.2024 im Alter von 44 Jahren verstorben.
Er kam Anfang Mai mit starken Rückenschmerzen ins Krankenhaus und musste operiert werden - im weiteren Verlauf der Untersuchungen wurde eine Krebserkrankung diagnostiziert. Gemeinsam hatten wir lange Zeit die Hoffnung, dass eine gute Heilungschance besteht, aber am Ende hat Moritz sich selbst nach Erlösung gesehnt und ist friedlich eingeschlafen.
Unsere Gedanken sind bei seiner Familie und auch Euch allen wünschen wir viel Kraft, diesen schmerzhaften Verlust zu verarbeiten.

Da es mir sehr schwer fällt, die richtigen Worte zu finden, möchte ich ein paar Zeilen an Mo direkt richten:

Lieber Mo,
danke, dass ich Dich kennen durfte. Mit Dir Musik zu machen war für mich immer das Allerschönste. Jemanden zu finden, der den Blues so sehr liebt wie Du und mit seiner Orgel auf eine ganz natürliche Art verwachsen ist, war das größte Glück für mich und meine Musik. Wir haben bestimmt über 500 Konzerte zusammen gespielt und sehr viel gemeinsam erlebt und durchgemacht. Ich bin froh, dass Du auf so vielen Alben spielst und ich werde sie mir zu Deinen Ehren im Laufe der Zeit alle noch einmal anhören. Als wir Anfang 2022 beschlossen hatten, wieder zusammen zu spielen, war ich so aufgeregt und froh wie fast noch nie zuvor. Es war mir so viel Wert, dass Du Ja gesagt hast, und nach dieser langen Zeit ohne Konzerte hat es auch mir wieder die Kraft gegeben, einen neuen Abschnitt zu beginnen. Es war vom ersten Augenblick an wie früher als wir zusammen gespielt haben. Als Du dann im Studio die ersten Töne auf der Hammond Orgel spieltest, kamen mir vor Freude auf unsere gemeinsame Zeit die Tränen! Mit Dir an der Orgel, mit Dir im Tourbus, im Backstage, in den Hotels, beim Frühstück oder beim Abendessen. Denn auch jemanden gefunden zu haben, der ein Stück Kuchen oder ein leckeres Essen so genießen konnte wie Du, war einfach herrlich und zur gleichen Zeit inspirierend und beflügelnd - genau so wie Deine ganz eigene Art zu spielen, Dein Sound, Dein Timing und Deine Musikalität. Ich habe viel von Dir gelernt und mir ging es immer sehr gut wenn Du da warst. Daher fällt es mir sehr schwer, Dich gehen zu lassen. Ich rede den ganzen Tag mit Dir und denke an Dich und die vielen schönen Momente, die wir zusammen erleben durften. Deine Worte, Deine Meinung, Deine Herangehensweise, Deine Treue, Dein Humor werden mir unendlich fehlen.
In der Musik höre ich Dich auch wenn Du nicht spielst - das letzte halbe Jahr war es immer sehr schwer, auf Dich zu verzichten und mir vorzustellen, wie es jetzt mit Dir klingen würde.
Und auch wenn ich fest daran glaube, dass Du es jetzt sehr schön hast und mit vielen herausragenden Musikern zusammenspielen kannst, werde ich Dich mein Leben lang vermissen.
Ich freue mich darauf, Dich irgendwann wiederzusehen, mein Freund! In Liebe, Henrik

Mo hätte vermutlich nicht gewollt, dass wir Konzerte absagen. Er war immer dafür zu spielen und hat auch im Frühjahr trotz starker Schmerzen für uns alle so lange gespielt wie er konnte.
Wir haben lange überlegt und uns gefragt, ob wir überhaupt spielen können. Aber besonders die Konzerte haben uns mit Mo verbunden und sind eine Möglichkeit, uns ihm weiterhin nah zu fühlen. Wir wollen in dieser Zeit füreinander da sein und uns gegenseitig Kraft geben. Daher freuen wir uns auch auf Euch, auf viele Umarmungen, schöne Gespräche und die Musik, die uns alle verbindet. Wie schon beim Konzert in Münster, spielen wir für Mo und erinnern an unseren lieben Freund und brillanten Organisten.

Wir wünschen Euch eine besinnliche Adventszeit, ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Start ins Neue Jahr. Herzliche Grüße, Henrik

Dear friends,

Unfortunately, we have to tell you something very sad: our beloved friend and organist Moritz “Mr. Mo” Fuhrhop passed away on Saturday, 23.11.2024 at the age of 44.
He was admitted to hospital at the beginning of May with severe back pain and had to undergo an operation - after further examinations, he was diagnosed with cancer. Together we had long held out hope that there was a good chance of recovery, but in the end Moritz longed for salvation himself and fell asleep peacefully.
Our thoughts are with his family and we wish you all much strength in coming to terms with this painful loss.

As it is very difficult for me to find the right words, I would like to address a few lines directly to Mo:

Dear Mo,
Thank you for letting me get to know you. Making music with you has always been the most wonderful thing for me. Finding someone who loves the blues as much as you do and who has grown together with his organ in a very natural way was the greatest fortune for me and my music. We must have played over 500 concerts together, experienced and gone through a lot with each other. I am glad that you play on so many albums and I will listen to them all again in your honor over time. When we decided to play together again in early 2022, I was more excited and happy than almost ever before. It was worth so much to me that you said yes, and after this long time without concerts, it also gave me the strength to start a new chapter again. From the very first moment, it was like when we used to play together back in the days. When you played the first notes on the Hammond organ in the studio, I was in tears of joy at our time together! With you on the organ, with you on the tour bus, backstage, in the hotels, at breakfast or dinner. Because to have found someone who could enjoy even a piece of cake or a delicious meal as much as you did was simply wonderful and at the same time inspiring and uplifting - just like your very own way of playing, your sound, your timing and your musicality. I learned a lot from you and I always felt very good when you were there. That's why it's very difficult for me to let you go. I talk to you all day and think of you and the many wonderful moments we were able to experience together. I will miss your words, your opinion, your approach, your loyalty and your humor immensely.
I can hear you in the music even when you're not playing - for the last six months it has always been very difficult to do without you and to imagine what it would sound like with you now.
And even though I firmly believe that you have a great time now and can play with many outstanding musicians, I will miss you for the rest of my life.
I look forward to seeing you again one day, my friend! With love, Henrik

Mo probably wouldn't have wanted us to cancel concerts. He was always in favor of playing and played as long as he could for all of us in the spring, despite being in a lot of pain.
We thought about it for a long time and wondered whether we would be able to play at all. But the concerts in particular have connected us with Mo and are a way of continuing to feel close to him. We want to be there for each other during this time and give each other strength. That's why we're also looking forward to seeing you, to lots of hugs, nice conversations and the music that connects us all. As we did at the concert in Münster, we will be playing for Mo and remembering our dear friend and brilliant organist.
We wish you a peaceful Advent season, a blessed Christmas and a good start into the New Year. Best wishes, Henrik

I was saddened to hear today of the death of Moritz Fuhrhop, best known in the Bonn area for his appearances at the Harm...

I was saddened to hear today of the death of Moritz Fuhrhop, best known in the Bonn area for his appearances at the Harmonie on Hammond organ as part of the Henrik Freischlader Band. I thought that whilst honouring a great musician I would also take the opportunity to remember a great photographer, so hopefully the much missed Tony Joe Gardner will forgive me from the great photo-pit in the sky for reproducing his marvelous shot of 'Mr Mo' from Spirit of 66 in 2013. Below is my own shot Of Moritz at the Harmonie with Henrik's Band in 2022

I was saddened to hear today of the death of Moritz Fluhrhop, best known in the Bonn area for his appearances at the Harmonie on Hammond organ as part of the Henrik Freischlader Band. I thought tha…

'30 Years Live On Tour'. That's the slogan that Julian Sas has taken to the many stages of his concerts in 2024. It's on...

'30 Years Live On Tour'. That's the slogan that Julian Sas has taken to the many stages of his concerts in 2024. It's on the tickets too, with an additional 'Bernie proudly presents'. This will be the 21st time that Bernie Gelhausen has brought Julian to the Harmonie - for much of that time as proprietor of the much loved and missed shop 'Mr Music'....

’30 Years Live On Tour’. That’s the slogan that Julian Sas has taken to the many stages of his concerts in 2024. It’s on the tickets too, with an additional ‘Bernie pr…

You might have noticed already 😉 but it's here again. That's right Glühwein Season (I can't bring myself to say 'Christm...

You might have noticed already 😉 but it's here again. That's right Glühwein Season (I can't bring myself to say 'Christmas Time' in November!). That also means live outside music where clapping is encouraged especially to keep hands warm until the Glühwein arrives. Pictured above are local favourites Meoneo who played at Ralf's Glühweinstube in Bad Godesberg's Moltkeplatz.

You might have noticed already ;-) but it’s here again. That’s right Glühwein Season (I can’t bring myself to say ‘Christmas Time’ in November!). That also means live …

"The Soul of Donny Hathaway the charm of Audrey Hepburn, the fathomless depth of Amy Winehouse and the power of Adele". ...

"The Soul of Donny Hathaway the charm of Audrey Hepburn, the fathomless depth of Amy Winehouse and the power of Adele". Quite a testimony over Miu as presented by a Hamburg newspaper. Somehow, the Dottendorfer Jazznacht seems like an odd venue choice. Cologne's Lanxess Arena anyone? Or is it all hype? If it is, it seems to have worked to some extent anyway....

“The Soul of Donny Hathaway the charm of Audrey Hepburn, the fathomless depth of Amy Winehouse and the power of Adele”. Quite a testimony over Miu as presented by a Hamburg newspaper. S…

Old, new, borrowed, and a distinctly blues sound. Aynsley Lister's concert at Bonn Harmonie had it all. Now into Novembe...

Old, new, borrowed, and a distinctly blues sound. Aynsley Lister's concert at Bonn Harmonie had it all. Now into November, this could be the best show thats passed my ears in 2024. I've seen Aynsley a good few times now, but none better than on this mid-November evening....

Old, new, borrowed, and a distinctly blues sound. Aynsley Lister’s concert at Bonn Harmonie had it all. Now into November, this could be the best show thats passed my ears in 2024. I’ve…


Next Friday at Dottendorfer Jazznacht

The recent Autumn Rockpalast/Crossroads Festival is now available to watch online on the Rockpalast Website.For some rea...

The recent Autumn Rockpalast/Crossroads Festival is now available to watch online on the Rockpalast Website.For some reason, the shows were not sent out simultaneously as was the case with previous Festivals. All the more reason to check out Mike Zito (above), Mojo Thunder, Scorpion Child etc now! LINK TO ALL ROCKPALAST CROSSROADS AUTUMN 2024 VIDEOS

The recent Autumn Rockpalast/Crossroads Festival is now available to watch online on the Rockpalast Website.For some reason, the shows were not sent out simultaneously as was the case with previous…

The recent Rockpalast Crossroads shows from Harmonie-Bonn are now available online (they didn't offer the usual live fee...

The recent Rockpalast Crossroads shows from Harmonie-Bonn are now available online (they didn't offer the usual live feed during the shows for some reason)
Here's Mr Mike Zito defying sciatica pain to deliver a fine set.

Tiefgründiger Blues aus den USA: Mike Zito ist ein Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter aus St. Louis, Missouri. Er war Mitbegründer der Supergroup Royal Southern Brotherhood.




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