We Publish Music

We Publish Music WE PUBLISH MUSIC Combine independent-passion and major-potential – is that possible? We believe: YES.

As we came to the decision in spring 2013 to shuffle together the two publishing catalogues to put with We Publish Music a new, powerful indie-publisher on the plate, exactly this was our vision.

“we“ are the music companies Mec-Early (music management and publisher) and Styleheads Music (label and publisher), furthermore “we“ are four professionals with a long-lasting experience in the music bus

iness: Axel Erler, Nico Meckelnburg, Eike Faecks and Steffen Gottwald. In different constellations we successfully developed musical acts and built up careers. With We Publish Music we combine our expertise, worldwide networks and various strengths. It is not a coincidence that this joint-venture is a music-publishing company. For us publishing is far more than just the handling of rights: it is the most exciting and creative form to deal with music in all its facets. We are looking forward to it – and we hereby declare Creative Music Publishing from Berlin officially opened.


Am Speicher 10


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