Today, we commemorates the German reunification ✨❤️
In celebration of this significant day, we spotlight two incredible photographers who have captured life during and after the division of Germany through their powerful lenses!
📷 For more than 40 years, Nelly Rau-Häring wandered the streets of both East and West Berlin, depicting its residents, its shop windows, its architecture. This volume gathers these works on the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Wall.
📚 (German, English) ISBN: 978-3-7757-4686-1
📷 Christine Fenzl documents the living conditions of young people in the peripheral neighborhoods of Berlin, such as Hellersdorf, Hohenschönhausen, Lichtenberg, Marzahn and Treptow, for whom the Berlin Wall is an almost unimaginable thing of the past.
📚 (German / English) ISBN: 978-3-7757-4609-0
#GermanReunification #UteMahler #ChristineFenzl #Photography #PhotographyBook #HatjeCantzPhotography
The perfect gifts for your little ones! 🐰📚 Illustrated in vibrant colors, our enchanting children’s book Die Lithografin takes young readers on a magical journey through a lithographer’s workshop, revealing the secrets of this fascinating printing technique!
📚 ISBN: 978-3-7757-5498-9
🔗 Find out more about our Children Books series on our website!
#ChildrenBooks #ReadingIsMagic #GiftIdeas#HatjeCantz #HatjeCantzChildrenBook #YoungReader #Children #ChildrenBook #lithografin #KinderBuch #KinderBücher #Kinder
Join us today for Libby Heaney's 'Quantum Soup' Artist Talk & Book Launch at HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste), Basel! Starting at 12h! @hek_basel @libby_heaney_
#LibbyHeaney #QuantumSoup #HEK #HausderElektronischenKünste #ArtistTalk #Basel #HatjeCantz
Art in Public Space! 🌳
The Emscherkunstweg (Emscher Art Trail) currently comprises 23 works of public art on the banks of the Emscher River in the heart of the Ruhr region in western Germany. Once the most polluted river in Europe, the Emscher has been dramatically transformed from a drainage system into a natural river landscape. Between 2010 and 2016, three Emscher art exhibitions accompanied this ecological tour de force. Since 2019, the permanent works of art resulting from these exhibitions have formed the starting point for the expansion into the Emscher Art Trail.��
This volume is the first to offer an overview of all the works, in particular the new works by Julius von Bismarck/Marta Dyachenko, David Jablonowski, Markus Jeschaunig, Sofía Táboas and Nicole Wermers. It also addresses questions surrounding the preservation and potential of art in public space and its relationship to the region’s industrial culture.
📚 English: ISBN: 978-3-7757-5571-9
📚 German: ISBN: 978-3-7757-5569-6 �
🔗 Find out more about the publication on our website!
#Emscherkunstweg #EmscherArtTrail #PublicArt #PublicSpace # Ruhrgebiet #Ruhrregion #JuliusvonBismarck #MartaDyachenko #DavidJablonowski #MarkusJeschaunig #SofíaTáboas #NicoleWermers #ArtPublicSpace #Art #ContemporaryArt #ArtBook #HatjeCantz #HatjeCantzArt
🎊 Release Day! 🎊 Our short film is now on view on our website! We are so happy to share this heartfelt project with you. The film offers an inside look at the journey behind the creation of Ruth Orkin's publication 'Women'. Our warmest thanks to the incredible teams at Hatje Cantz, Printer Trento, and Lecta/Garda Cartiere for their dedication and effort in making this film come true.
🎬 The film is co-produced by Hatje Cantz @hatjecantzverlag, Printer Trento @printertrento & Lecta / Garda Cartiere. Special thanks to Nicola von Velsen of Hatje Cantz @nicolavonvelsen, Dario and Valentino Martinelli of Printer Trento, Nadine Barth of @barthouseprojects as well as Mary Engel from Orkin/Engel Film and Photo Archive @ruthorkinphoto, Katharina Mouratidi from f³–freiraum für fotografie @fhochdrei, Wanda Spangenberg from Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz @buecherbogen_berlin. Text and creative concept by Anna Hofmann, Federico Holneider, Thomas Lemaître & Valentino Martinelli. Production by Motionstudio. Direction: Marco Benvenuti. Camera: Matteo Biasi, Arturo Cuel & Ilir Kertusha. Editing and colors: Federica Forti. Book graphic design: @grafikanstalt.
🔗 The film is now on view on our website:
#TheCreationofanArtBook #ALoveStory #ArtBook #Documentary #ShortFilm #HatjeCantz #PrinterTrento #LectaGardaCartiere
Congratulations to Mounira Al Solh for her installation “A Dance with her Myth” presented at the Lebanese Pavilion of the 60th International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale! Her monumental installation, comprising forty-one pieces, focuses on the abduction of the Phoenician princess Europa by the god Zeus, who took the form of a white bull. Revisited by the artist, the myth highlights the issues and challenges facing women today, using contemporary artistic and visual means. We are pleased to have worked on the catalog!
Artist: #MouniraAlSolh
Commissioner and Curator: @nadaghandour1
Associate Curator: @dina_biz
Architect: @karimbekdachestudio
📚 In English & Arabic: ISBN: 978-3-7757-5734-8
🔗 Find out more about the publication our website!
#MouniraAlSolh #LebanesePavilion #VeniceBiennale #Biennaledivenezia #MohamedIssamElMortada #NadaGhandour #KarimBekdache #NathalieBondil #JeanFrançoisCharnier #NadaGhandour #DirkSnauwaert #NadaGhandour #DinaBizri #ADancewithherMyth #Europa #Zeus #ContemporaryArt #HatjeCantz #HatjeCantzArt #LebanonInVenice2024 #BiennaleArte2024
‘Kunst um 1800’ was a nine-part exhibition held between 1974 and 1981 at the Hamburger Kunsthalle under the direction of Werner Hofmann. It focused on the profound social, industrial and scientific changes of the early 19th century, bringing about a new understanding of European art history, curatorial practice and the impact of art on society. At the center of the exhibition were artists who broke with the conventions of their time, such as Ossian, Caspar David Friedrich, Johann Heinrich Füssli, William Blake, Johan Tobias Sergel, William Turner, Philipp Otto Runge, John Flaxman and Francisco Goya.
In this comprehensive publication, scholars from art history, cultural and curatorial studies take a critical look at the post-1968 period, offering new perspectives on a influential decade of experimentation while shedding light on this influential exhibition.
📚 ISBN: 978-3-7757-5617-4
📚 Ebook: ISBN: 978-3-7757-5760-7
🔗 Find out more:
Hop into Easter with the perfect gift for your little ones! 🐰📚 Illustrated in vibrant colors, our enchanting children’s book ‘Die Lithografin’ takes young readers on a magical journey through the lithographer’s workshop, revealing the secrets of this fascinating printing technique.
📚 ISBN: 978-3-7757-5498-9
🔗 Find out more about our Children Books series on our website:
#EasterGifts #ChildrenBooks #ReadingIsMagic #GiftIdeas #EasterJoy #HatjeCantz #HatjeCantzChildrenBook #YoungReader #Children #Lithografin