

   Ein Berlin für Alle! Berlin ist Kultur!📍 Sonntag, 15.12., 13:00Großdemo – Lustgarten (Museumsinsel)Gemeinsam auf die ...

Ein Berlin für Alle! Berlin ist Kultur!

📍 Sonntag, 15.12., 13:00
Großdemo – Lustgarten (Museumsinsel)

Gemeinsam auf die Straße gegen die Kürzungspolitik des Senats!

Our alliance will be on stage to draw attention to the catastrophic cuts in art, culture and cultural education. As long as the volume of cuts is not reduced, any welcome relief for individual structures means a direct burden for others. Particularly affected by the current redistribution are studios, workspaces, funding programmes for the independent scene and projects in the areas of diversity, barrier reduction and cultural participation.

The studio rental programme, one of the most important funding instruments for the visual arts, is at risk of losing 50% of its studios. Without spaces for art, research and exchange, creativity falls silent - and without equal opportunities for participation, social division grows.

30 YEARS OF GOB SQUAD 💥We're happy and thankful for celebrating tonight with you at HAU 2ARE YOU WITH US?7.12.2417:00 - ...


We're happy and thankful for celebrating tonight with you at HAU 2

17:00 - 21:00

afterwards party with music and tarot reading 🌈🔥💥

Some group pictures are (rightly?) long forgotten. But for those who are not able to celebrate our 30th birthday with us...

Some group pictures are (rightly?) long forgotten. But for those who are not able to celebrate our 30th birthday with us in person at HAU Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin we feel we have to give a special gift. Can you find the needle in the hay?

If you are in Berlin please come to our party or try to get a last minute ticket for Are You With Us?: https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/programm/pdetail/gob-squad-are-you-with-us

Foto: Manuel Reinartz

SAVE THE DATE - Termine von Protesten gegen die Kürzungen: 28.11. Aktion (Besetzung) der Zentral- und Landesbibliothek B...

Termine von Protesten gegen die Kürzungen:

28.11. Aktion (Besetzung) der Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin-Mitte/ Friedrichsstraße 14-18 Uhr ist Kultur

29.11. Kommt zu unserem Trauermarsch - gegen die Kürzungsvorhaben im Kulturhaushalt! 15 Uhr vor dem Neptunbrunnen mit Ziel Brandenburger Tor (vom bbk berlin und dem Netzwerk freier Berliner Projekträume und -initiativen das Licht aus)

4.12. Dezentrale Protest-Aktionen in Neukölln gegen die Kürzungen im Sozialen Bereich; mehr infos unter vallah_unkuerzbar

5.12. Kundgebung um 11.30 (GEW), gemeinsam dann zu 13 Uhr, Abgeordneternhaus (AWO, Diakonie, Paritätische)

5.12. Protest gegen Wohngipfel der Bundesregierung mit Töpfen und Trommeln,
Ab 13.30 Uhr, Kolonnenstr. 30b, 10829 Berlin.
Mehr Infos BMV, Bündnis Mietenwahnsinn

11.12 Kundgebung Verdi "Ja zu Berlin, Nein zum Kaputtsparen" 16.30 Uhr, Rotes rathaus

Berlin Senate abolishes inclusion and diversity in culture – We demand participation for all!The Berlin Senate's austeri...

Berlin Senate abolishes inclusion and diversity in culture –
We demand participation for all!

The Berlin Senate's austerity measures disproportionately affect the area of inclusion and diversity – with cuts of 100 percent. The Senate is thus abolishing inclusion and diversity in culture!

The Diversity Fund (IMPACT funding) is being abolished. Over the past five years, this has supported countless projects by disabled and Deaf artists. No other funding instrument has enabled so much self-determined work by artists who were previously excluded from cultural funding and the stage.

The Foundation for Cultural Education and Cultural Consulting will be abolished, the project office for diversity development “Diversity Arts Culture”, founded in 2017, will be closed. Their work in advising and training artists and institutions to break down barriers is indispensable for Berlin and beyond.

The programme “Diversitätsoffensive” will be cancelled. Since 2022, it has supported the employment of anti-discrimination and diversity development officers at several Berlin cultural institutions in order to break down barriers for marginalized communities.

The overall cuts to the theatres and other cultural institutions mean that accessibility measures for cultural workers and audiences that have only been introduced in recent years will be discontinued.

This is a sweeping cut that massively affects disabled, Deaf and chronically ill artists as well as artists who are affected by racism, antisemitism, trans- and interphobia or other forms of discrimination. All of these fights are intersectional. That's why we need broad solidarity with you all against these austerity measures.

Not only are diversity and inclusion being mowed down, but a conservative cultural policy that does not want a pluralistic society is also being implemented. This comes from cultural senator Joe Chialo, of all people, who committed to social cohesion!

In 2007, Germany has signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, we are far behind in its implementation. The cuts that have been decided upon are throwing us back to square one.
Participation is not a gift in good times. The duty to give all people access to culture, as artists and as audiences, remains valid.

We demand participation for all!

DEMO13.11.202410-13hBrandenburger Tor Kommt alle!

Brandenburger Tor

Kommt alle!

Only 4 weeks left until we celebrate our 30th birthday with you at HAU 2 after showing ARE YOU WITH US?ARE YOU WITH US? ...

Only 4 weeks left until we celebrate our 30th birthday with you at HAU 2 after showing ARE YOU WITH US?

ARE YOU WITH US? is half group therapy, half nightmare. The participating performers will attempt, after almost 30 years of working together, to heal old wounds and finally to say what cannot be said.

7.12.2024, 17-21h
Durational Performance - come and go as you please!

Join us after the performance and celebrate the release of ‘Something to do until the rain stops’, a tarot deck by Gob Squad in collaboration with Bek Berger and dance the night away with our 30th Birthday Party Djs: Manuela Schininà, Bastian Trost & Christina Runge, Realplayer, mma Kgosi 🔥🌈

Get your tickets here:

Death by a thousand cuts

Death by a thousand cuts

Death by a thousand cuts -

Death by a thousand cuts -

So, it’s finally happening. Germany is cutting funding to the independent performing arts sector. The Freie Szene of which Gob Squad is a part is an intricate ecology of production houses, funding programmes, artists and networks. All are facing significant funding cuts on federal, state and local...

Kampagne  In view of the impending cuts in Berlin's budget, Berlin's diverse culture has jointly launched the    .It sta...


In view of the impending cuts in Berlin's budget, Berlin's diverse culture has jointly launched the .

It starts with a day of action on October 16, 2024.

Throughout the day there will be various protest actions in Berlin's cultural institutions, the places of the independent scene and throughout the city, including together with the audience!

The campaign will continue on October 17, 2024 with background discussions at the plenary session in the House of Representatives and will run until the final budget decisions in November 2024!

# # # #

Angesichts der drohenden Kürzungen im Berliner Haushalt hat die vielfältige Berliner Kultur gemeinsam die Kampagne gestartet.

Den Auftakt bildet ein Aktionstag am 16. Oktober 2024.

Den ganzen Tag lang wird es in Berliner Kultureinrichtungen, an den Orten der Freien Szene und in der ganzen Stadt zu vielfältigen Protestaktionen, auch zusammen mit dem Publikum, kommen!

Die Kampagne wird am 17. Oktober mit Hintergrundgesprächen bei der Plenarsitzung im Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin fortgeführt und läuft bis zu den finalen Haushaltsentscheidungen im November 2024.

.cdu .geisel.mda .radziwill .reinhard .gauks .rissmann.mda .cdu susannakahlefeld .cdu .wein .khalatbari .heiko .schaal .wohlert .schnei .ziller .lichtenberg

Werde Teil des Company Managements von Gob Squad!Wir suchen zur Unterstützung unseres 3 köpfigen Management-Teams einen ...

Werde Teil des Company Managements von Gob Squad!

Wir suchen zur Unterstützung unseres 3 köpfigen Management-Teams einen Menschen, die*der

● unsere Liebe zu Kunst und Kollektivarbeit teilt,
● Talent zum Networken besitzt und idealerweise auf ein eigenes Netzwerk zurückgreifen
● Interesse hat, eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung des Erfolgs und des
Wachstums unseres Kollektivs einzunehmen und
● uns idealerweise bei der administrativen Umsetzung und rechtlichen Absicherung unserer
künstlerischen Ideen mit Fokus und Elan begleitet.

Wir bieten eine unbefristete Teilzeitstelle in Berlin mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten. Die Stelle umfasst - je nach Qualifizierung und Kapazität - 20 bis 30 Wochenstunden. Arbeitsbeginn zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt.

Bewerbungsfrist: 28.10.2024 (12:00)
Vorstellungsgespräche: 12.11.2024
Rückfragen bitte an [email protected]

Die ausführliche Ausschreibung: https://www.gobsquad.com/gesucht-teil-des-company-managements-des-gob-squad-arts-collectives/

Follow us on Insta & stay up to date! Folgt uns auf Insta & bleibe immer auf dem Laufenden!

Follow us on Insta & stay up to date!

Folgt uns auf Insta & bleibe immer auf dem Laufenden!

After 22 performances in 22 different homes in Berlin, we now say goodbye to Is Anybody Home? at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxe...

After 22 performances in 22 different homes in Berlin, we now say goodbye to Is Anybody Home? at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz and hope that the show is now free to travel the world. Be there when we visit the unique home of Mike Schäfer on 3 Oct at 7:30pm.

https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/ #/de/repertoire/is-anybody-home

With our performance installation Ghost Dramatic Theatre: For the Ones We Love, we are celebrating 25 years of post-dram...

With our performance installation Ghost Dramatic Theatre: For the Ones We Love, we are celebrating 25 years of post-dramatic theatre in Düsseldorf. Come along and be part of our memory séance.

Bereits anlässlich des 20. Jahrestages von Lehmanns Buch rief die Kunststiftung NRW die Buch-Reihe „Postdramatisches Theater in Portraits“ im Alexander Verlag Berlin ins Leben, die sich der Entwi


LeipzigerStr. 54


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