Save the date für den großen Book Launch:
WohnWissen: 100 Begriffe des Wohnens
Mit Diskussionen und künstlerischem Rahmenprogramm
06.09.2024 ab 16 Uhr
Atelier Gardens, TON1
Oberlandstraße 26-35
12099 Berlin
Anmeldung und Programmdetails findet ihr jetzt über den Link in unserer Bio!
Although we are well into 2024, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful year in books we had in 2023✨
And to thank all the amazing people we worked with to make them happen. Including but not limited to: @raumlaborberlin @bobcampuswuppertal @montagstiftungurbaneraeume @hello_constructlab @sofnannini @lis_katja @hdagraz @indira.vantklooster @floydeschulze @georgvrachliotis @bpr_dr._schaepertoens_consult @fra__art @meier.hansrudolf @praegerrichterarchitekten @helen_selected @shadeofjuniper @_timothymoore @politikinmode @bertadelben @jennistupka @ogisbertz @institut_stadtbaukunst @tribsees_zukunft @mattonoffice @kunstunilinz @tugraz.arch @stephaniebriers @ogisbertz @mark_escherich @superwien.urbanism @dg_kunstraum @berndkuchenbeiser @peterhaimerl.architektur @beierle.goerlich @corbinianboehm @empfangshalle
@ludwighanisch @tom.kristen @evitem @urbane_leere @kacy.leen @benzina.spirit @d.einw
Polylemma is now available 👀🔥
For a quarter of a century, the architectural collective @raumlaborberlin has been pioneering new spaces for action, charting unique paths in cooperative urban development, and creating places to foster encounters. Together with experts across various fields, they explore forms of urban practice, participation, and the joint production of space.
Polylemma tells the story of this work: its nine members visit the sites of their work, come together with long-standing colleagues and critics, dissect the mechanisms behind their actions, and reflect on the tools and methods of their research-based practice. Topics discussed across numerous projects include strategies for learning together, experimental building, and radical recycling. Polylemma challenges us to open up our notion of space. How do we want to live together in the future? The book is a plea for the city as a sphere of action. 🌃
Find the book, in both German and English editions, through the link in our bio 🔗
#jovis #raumlabor #architecture #architektur #architecturebooks #cityplanning
As we embark on this new year filled with excitement for what lies ahead, we are thrilled to share with you our Spring 2024 catalog ✨
From residential homes to neighborhood centers, from residual spaces to squares, from streets to parks: our spring releases shine a spotlight on urban transformation. To understand the ways cities can change, we recommend occasionally changing your perspective—and scale.
In The Liebling Haus, we direct our attention to Tel Aviv and take a closer look: this biography of a residential building in the White City introduces a collaborative Israeli-German project. It tells the story of the house’s construction for married European refugees Tony and Max Liebling in 1936, its loving restoration, and its new use as a public home. However, it is not only the buildings of a city that require care and attention, but also the spaces in between. Territorial Urbanism Now! argues for nothing less than a paradigm shift in the evolution of urban planning and a reorientation toward public and unbuilt spaces to withstand climate change. The compact volume WohnWissen impressively demonstrates that large changes start small. The book leads readers on an entertaining journey through a much-debated field with helpful entries such as “C is for the common good”, “M is for money laundering” and “S is for single-family homes”.
And because we are not just passionate about cities, but also about beautiful books, we are publishing our first-ever special edition: Beton & Nicht Beton is for the last remaining fans of concrete—hand-bound in the building material itself.
Doris Kleilein, Editorial Director
and the team at JOVIS
Today we browse a little bit through the book „HerStories in Graphic Design“ for you. Designed by @lis_katja from @dbf_frankfurt .
For more insights click on the #linkinbio👈
Aufruf an Fotografen*innen, Illustrator*innen, Designer*innen, Künstler*innen und Kreativschaffende: Wir laden euch herzlich ein, eure ausgewählten Fotografien, Illustrationen, Kollagen oder visuellen Arbeiten für den Sammelband "WohnWissen" einzureichen.
Der Sammelband zielt darauf ab, das Thema "Wohnen" aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven visuell und textlich zu erkunden und auszuleuchten. Er gibt Einblicke in eine der wichtigsten Debatten unserer Zeit: die Wohnungs- und Bodenfrage. Mit dieser sind auch zentrale soziale, politische, ökonomische und ökologische Fragen und Imaginationen verknüpft. Der multiperspektivische Zugang zum Themenfeld schafft Möglichkeiten, kollektiv und transdisziplinär über die Gestaltung eines gemeinwohlorientierten, klimafreundlichen, sozialverträglichen und nachhaltigen Zusammenlebens nachzudenken.
Weitere Infos hier:
A GLOSSARY OF URBAN VOIDS – Interview with Sergio Lopez-Pineiro
Interview with Andrea Bock Guarneri
Wolkenbügel. Berlin im Rausch © Sebastian Strombach