JOVIS Verlag

JOVIS Verlag Verlag für Architektur, Stadtplanung, Fotografie und Kunst. Informationen über Neuerscheinungen und Veranstaltungen [email protected]

Der JOVIS Verlag veröffentlicht Titel in den Bereichen Architektur, Landschaftsarchitektur und Stadtplanung, daneben auch zu zeitgenössischer Kunst, Fotografie und Design. Mit unseren Publikationen wollen wir nicht nur relevante Diskurse abbilden, sondern diese auch neu anstoßen und gestalten. Schwerpunkte bilden Themen aus den Feldern Urbanistik, partizipatorische Stadtplanung, Stadtentwicklung,

Landschaftstheorie und Denkmalpflege. Ein besonderes Interesse gilt darüber hinaus den Schnittstellen zwischen Architektur und Kunst sowie interdisziplinären Ansätzen, die wissenschaftliche Theorien und praktische Handlungsvorschläge verknüpfen. Inhaltliche Relevanz, ansprechende Gestaltung und herstellerische Sorgfalt zeichnen unsere Bücher aus. Entsprechend werden diese in der nationalen wie internationalen Tages- und Fachpresse mit großer Aufmerksamkeit bedacht.

1995 in Berlin gegründet, arbeitet der JOVIS Verlag mit renommierten internationalen Partnern aus dem akademischen Bereich, mit Institutionen aus Kultur und Wirtschaft sowie bekannten Planern und Theoretikern aus den Bereichen Architektur, Landschaft und Urbanistik zusammen.

🏫 Since 1990, the department known as da (die architektur = the architecture) at the University of Arts Linz has been Au...

🏫 Since 1990, the department known as da (die architektur = the architecture) at the University of Arts Linz has been Austria’s newest and smallest architecture school. Located in this city on the Danube, it addresses topics related to both urban and rural space, with a critical emphasis on social and ecological aspects.

✍ Stahlstadtschule assembles a selection of texts, interviews, projects, and artifacts that situate the Linz school of architecture within the larger Austrian architectural and cultural landscape, and in relation to the city of Linz and its urban development policies and processes. The publication traces the architectural history of the city of Linz in recent decades, at the same time opening up critical perspectives on these developments that have been offered by the local architectural school.

The book is available now through our website 🔗

🏗 Studio Suddo Neuve, a pioneering building collective from Senegal, is transforming West Africa's construction industry...

🏗 Studio Suddo Neuve, a pioneering building collective from Senegal, is transforming West Africa's construction industry. Back to Earth: Urbanization Without Depletion highlights their innovative use of earth-based materials as a sustainable alternative to concrete, providing practical guidance on producing and utilizing earth blocks. This new handbook also explores the broader implications of urbanization, demonstrating how regenerative building practices can pave the way for a greener future.

🌎 Part of the Bauhaus Earth Manuals series, Back to Earth showcases local best practices while assessing their potential for scalability in a global context. Both a practical guide and a visionary handbook for sustainable architecture, this volume is ideal for architects, builders, and anyone committed to creating a more sustainable world!

Find the book now here 🎯

🏡 The anthology 'Theorien des Wohnens' systematically compiles the central theories of dwelling from the twentieth centu...

🏡 The anthology 'Theorien des Wohnens' systematically compiles the central theories of dwelling from the twentieth century for the first time. The key philosophical and sociological texts provide an overview of various approaches to understanding dwelling as an anthropological reality, social practice, and cultural form.

✍️The editor’s commentary provides the philosophical and architectural-historical contexts for each contribution, showing that every theoretical concept of dwelling relates to spaces of dwelling designed or existing during the same period. The texts in this stimulating collection remain as relevant as ever, offering a foundation for addressing current dwelling crises and exploring transformations in its temporary and collective forms.

🌀Contributors include Gaston Bachelard, Ernst Bloch, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel de Certeau, Paul-Henry Chombart de Lauwe, Luce Giard, Martin Heidegger, Henri Lefebvre, Georges-Hubert de Radkowski, Amos Rapoport, and Hermann Schmitz.

🛋️The book is available now in German here

🗣Vom Hörsaal zum Dorfplatz explores how universities can shape rural futures by connecting research, teaching, and learn...

🗣Vom Hörsaal zum Dorfplatz explores how universities can shape rural futures by connecting research, teaching, and learning directly with local communities. Showcasing the innovative in Drosendorf, Lower Austria, this book dives into topics like rebuild culture, spatial transformation, creative industries, climate action, and mobility—all while evaluating the "countryside university" as a model for regional development. The book challenges the urban-centric lens of rural studies and sparks new ideas for sustainable, livable futures in rural regions.

This beautiful new book features tri-color painted edges and is available in German now here✨

In case you missed it, Polylemma was named one of the ten best architecture books of the year at the DAM Architectural B...

In case you missed it, Polylemma was named one of the ten best architecture books of the year at the DAM Architectural Book Awards. 🏆

Again we wish a huge congratulations to raumlaborberlin and Bonbon Zürich for this beautiful book 🌟

Jury statement:
Since 1999 the raumlaborberlin architecture collective has been seeking to create new spaces for activities, go down new avenues in cooperative urban development and design places where people can meet. Not only do they develop visionary concepts, they also realize them in order to shape urban spaces and encourage urbanity. This often involves combining art, architecture, and urban planning. In 2021, they were awarded the Golden Lion at the Architecture-Biennale in Venice for their contribution entitled “Instances of Urban Practice”.

The monograph challenges the reader to be open to rethinking urban space, to grasping it as a place where new ideas and opportunities can be tested and practiced. The central focus is the question of how we want to live together in the future. Raumlaborberlin’s diverse projects are not only highlighted from different perspectives by photos and texts, but also exhaustively discussed, reflected on and explored through guest commentaries, conversations, and illustrations. The book presents methods and tools of cooperative urban development that have been of great importance to the collective over the last 25 years and which have certainly earned it a prominent position in Germany and beyond.

Even at first glance the book appears as experimental as the projects of raumlaborberlin. The transparent glued spine reveals the lettering “RAUMLABOR” and the red thread that holds the pages together. Opting for the color red for the thread seems to have been a conscious decision and gives the monograph a special touch. The colored letters of the title “POLYLEMMA” swirl on the cover. The strong, textured paper ensures that turning the pages feels pleasant. Occasionally, smooth and glossy pages are interspersed whose tactile variety attracts particular attention. There is an excellent balance between texts, photographs, and illustrations. The photos provide a vivid complement to the content and serve to clarify it. What is particularly appealing is the fact that most of the photographs depict people coming together, being active together, experimenting or simply experiencing the new space. A book that is not only recommended for students, but also deserves a place on the shelves of architecture firms. (Danny Alexander Lettkemann)

Third photo: Uwe Dettmar

Built in 1936 by architect Dov Karmi for Tony and Max Liebling, the Liebling Haus in Tel Aviv stands as a striking examp...

Built in 1936 by architect Dov Karmi for Tony and Max Liebling, the Liebling Haus in Tel Aviv stands as a striking example of the International Style adapted to the local climate, with its bright facade, spacious balconies, and clear lines. This landmark building, part of Tel Aviv’s „White City,“ was carefully restored between 2015 and 2019 by Israeli and German experts and reopened as a cultural center focused on architecture and urbanism. 🏙️⬜️

This trilingual book covers the Liebling Haus’s rich history, featuring archival materials, new interviews, and an illustrated tour by photographer Yael Schmidt that captures its renewed role. It includes exclusive insights from Jeremie Hoffmann, Winfried Brenne, Jörg Haspel, and others involved in its restoration. 🏢✍️

The book is available now in English, German, and Hebrew here 🛒

1908 konnte das von dem Jugendstilarchitekten Joseph Maria Olbrich erbaute Ausstellungsgebäude der Darmstädter Künstlerk...

1908 konnte das von dem Jugendstilarchitekten Joseph Maria Olbrich erbaute Ausstellungsgebäude der Darmstädter Künstlerkolonie auf der Mathildenhöhe eingeweiht werden. Ein Jahrhundert später wurden schneider+schumacher mit der Generalsanierung beauftragt. Das Büro hat sich nicht nur mit der historischen Bausubstanz, den komplexen Klima- und Ausstellungstechniken sowie den räumlichen und gestalterischen Herausforderungen des berühmten Baus beschäftigt. Einfluss nahmen auch der Denkmalschutz und eine UNESCO-Kommission, denn während des Projektverlaufs wurde die Künstlerkolonie zum Welterbe erklärt. 🏛️🎨

Der reich illustrierte Band erzählt die Geschichte des Baus und zeigt, wie die Architekt*innen das Baudenkmal wieder zum Sprechen bringen und mit zeitgenössischen Ergänzungen weitere Stimmen hinzufügen. 🌍📖

Das Buch ist in deutscher und englischer Sprache erhältlich, finde es jetzt auf unserer Website 🔗

How can we adress climate change and social, economic and cultural inequalities in the urbanised spaces of our cities an...

How can we adress climate change and social, economic and cultural inequalities in the urbanised spaces of our cities and municipalities with innovative projects and new planning processes? How can we move from neglected, derelict, empty, stigmatised and monofunctional urban spaces to lively, integrative and mixed urban spaces? In eight German locations, projects were developed as part of the E17 Europan competition that demonstrate possibilities for transformation processes. The catalogue summarises the competition entries from the German sites as well as the German winners at European sites.

With contributions by Andrea Benze, Julio de la Fuente, Kaye Geipel, Elke Krasny, Elisabeth Merk, Enrico Santifaller and Petra Wörner

Find the bilingual english/german book here 🔗

Pass-Stücke stehen für eine Kultur des Bewahrens, der handwerklichen Reparatur und des sensiblen Umbauens von historisch...

Pass-Stücke stehen für eine Kultur des Bewahrens, der handwerklichen Reparatur und des sensiblen Umbauens von historischer Bausubstanz. Ob Schloss Charlottenburg, Deichtorhallen Hamburg oder Historisches Rathaus Goslar – Krekeler Architekten verstehen jedes Projekt als Unikat mit jeweils eigener Geschichte, Atmosphäre und Ästhetik, eigenen Bedarfen und Möglichkeiten. Das feine Gespür für den Kontext ist der Ausgangspunkt ihrer Entwürfe, um historische Architektur neu zu denken und sensibel weiterzuentwickeln. Das Buch zeigt die Handschrift des international tätigen Architekturbüros anhand von 30 Projekten aus 30 Jahren und lässt dabei die Mitwirkenden selbst zu Wort kommen. 🧱

Das neue Buch ist hier erhältlich 👀 PASS-STÜCKE
Bauen im historischen Kontext – Krekeler Architekten

Schönes Interview mit der Architektin Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler / Baukind GmbH - Architektur für Kinder über das Bauen von...

Schönes Interview mit der Architektin Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler / Baukind GmbH - Architektur für Kinder über das Bauen von Räumen für Kinder. Ihr Buch „Räume für Kinder“ ist hier erhältlich:

„Wir wollen auf Augenhöhe für Kinder planen“: Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler hat sich darauf spezialisiert, Spielbereiche, Kita-Räume oder Kinderzahnarztpraxen zu entwickeln. Im Interview erklärt die Architektin, worauf es dabei ankommt, welche Ratschläge sie für Eltern hat – und wie sehr sie d...

Recognizing the dire threats of climate collapse and mass extinction, the global initiative Bauhaus Earth convened a tea...

Recognizing the dire threats of climate collapse and mass extinction, the global initiative Bauhaus Earth convened a team of scientists, architects, spatial planners, and policymakers from around the world to author a manifesto. Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth is a call for radical transformation. It challenges all those with a role in the conception, production, operation, and governance of the building sector to address the systemic ecological, climatic, and social impacts incurred by its activities. 🌍🔥

Twelve principles of "re-entanglement" guide the redesign of the entire life cycle of the urban realm: the reforming and rematerializing of the physical artifacts that comprise it, the reconfiguring of the socioeconomic structures that underpin it, and the reengaging of the bioregions that might sustainably supply it. In this way, the unprecedented convergence of the environmental and social crises we are causing offers powerful opportunities for systemic change. 🏠♻️

The Charter is the first volume in the Bauhaus Earth Essay Series, featuring a wide array of critical voices that will address the complete overhaul of the built environment which the climate crisis demands of us. 🔄🌄

The series publications are available in English and German and are open access. Find them now here 🔗

How can city planners of the green building transition rethink and reuse what already exists, rather than perpetually lo...

How can city planners of the green building transition rethink and reuse what already exists, rather than perpetually looking for something new? What planning cultures does an open society need? What points of collaboration are missing between city officials and local stakeholders? 💡

This new book highlights Mannheim-Käfertal as a compelling case study to address these questions, given its exceptional transformation driven by the conversion of former military sites in the neighborhood. Piazza Spinelli demonstrates how complex urban environments can be reimagined, developed, and anchored in the local community. 🫂

Find the book, available in German, through our website now 🔗

Book launchIdyll and IdeologyThis first English-language biography of Hermann Mattern (1902–1971), one of Germany’s prin...

Book launch

Idyll and Ideology

This first English-language biography of Hermann Mattern (1902–1971), one of Germany’s principal twentieth-century landscape architects, critically assesses the idiosyncrasies of his organic-functionalist position while offering a new reading of German garden culture of his time. Mattern’s work embodies several themes of the German landscape discourse as well as the central ambivalence of his generation: a life spanning the artistic avant-garde of the 1920s and an apparently apolitical career under the Nazi regime and in the postwar period. Based on comprehensive archival research, Hopstock’s richly illustrated study uncovers the professional networks, debates, and rivalries that shaped the profession of landscape architecture in Germany during its formative decades.

Book launch and discussion with Lars Hopstock, Adria Daraban und Anna Lundqvist

The event will be held in German.

18/07/2024, 19:30

Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz
Stadtbahnbogen 593
10623 Berlin

More info on our website. Photo credits in comments.

Territorial Urbanism Now! calls for a paradigm shift in the conception of urban transformation. It urges us to favor sus...

Territorial Urbanism Now! calls for a paradigm shift in the conception of urban transformation. It urges us to favor sustainable systems in order to collectively tackle the challenges of climate change. Until now, urban planning and design professionals have integrated green and active mobility systems in the residual spaces available. In the reverse approach envisioned here, these systems become structuring elements of the territory, supported by a much more frugal built environment. 🌆🔄

The contributions by urbanists, artists, architects, and landscape architects in this publication come from research, practice, and teaching. Paola Viganò, Eric Luiten, Sandra Guinand—in conversation with Ali Madanipour, Chris Younes, Christian Schmid, Eric Wieërs, and Maarten Van Acker—Stefan Rettich, Tommaso Pietropolli, Elena Andonova, Julio de la Fuente, Natalia Gutierrez, Ward Verbakel, Claudia Bode, Philipp Misselwitz, Davide Curatola Soprana, Beatrice Galimberti, Lilli Lička, Hannes Groblacher, Johannes Bernsteiner, Stefan Devoldere, Anselm Wagner, Susanne Eliasson, Eva Pfannes, Jesse Honsa, and Stefan Bendiks not only introduce a much-needed paradigm shift, but also show us the premises for its realization. 🧠💡

Find the book now here 🔗

Two primary focuses of our publishing house, urban planning and landscape architecture, converge in our new featured col...

Two primary focuses of our publishing house, urban planning and landscape architecture, converge in our new featured collection 'Designing Urban Landscapes'. 🏙️🌱

Showcasing a diverse selection of titles available in English, German, and French, this collection broadens the often narrow dialogue between the concepts of nature and urbanity. These titles offer insights into urban landscape design that go beyond the traditional Euro-centric viewpoint, including historical influences and non-European discourses.🍃🏢

Check out the full collection here 🔗

We are very pleased to have three books on the shortlist of The Most Beautiful German Books 2024 🌟Many thanks to  for in...

We are very pleased to have three books on the shortlist of The Most Beautiful German Books 2024 🌟

Many thanks to for including our publications among so many other beautiful books. And a big congratulations and thank you to our authors and designers, who worked so hard to make these exceptional publications ❤️

Convivial Ground
Stories from Collaborative Spatial Practices

Design: Collective Works
Print/Binding: .cz

Beton & Nicht Beton
Special Edition bound in concrete and softcover
Felix Sommer, Julia Schönicke, Julian Vetten
Design: Lydia Sachse, Robert Schumann
Print/Binding: Dza Druck


Genthiner Straße 13


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