JOVIS Verlag

JOVIS Verlag Verlag für Architektur, Stadtplanung, Fotografie und Kunst. Informationen über Neuerscheinungen und Veranstaltungen [email protected]

Der JOVIS Verlag veröffentlicht Titel in den Bereichen Architektur, Landschaftsarchitektur und Stadtplanung, daneben auch zu zeitgenössischer Kunst, Fotografie und Design. Mit unseren Publikationen wollen wir nicht nur relevante Diskurse abbilden, sondern diese auch neu anstoßen und gestalten. Schwerpunkte bilden Themen aus den Feldern Urbanistik, partizipatorische Stadtplanung, Stadtentwicklung,

Landschaftstheorie und Denkmalpflege. Ein besonderes Interesse gilt darüber hinaus den Schnittstellen zwischen Architektur und Kunst sowie interdisziplinären Ansätzen, die wissenschaftliche Theorien und praktische Handlungsvorschläge verknüpfen. Inhaltliche Relevanz, ansprechende Gestaltung und herstellerische Sorgfalt zeichnen unsere Bücher aus. Entsprechend werden diese in der nationalen wie internationalen Tages- und Fachpresse mit großer Aufmerksamkeit bedacht.

1995 in Berlin gegründet, arbeitet der JOVIS Verlag mit renommierten internationalen Partnern aus dem akademischen Bereich, mit Institutionen aus Kultur und Wirtschaft sowie bekannten Planern und Theoretikern aus den Bereichen Architektur, Landschaft und Urbanistik zusammen.

Recognizing the dire threats of climate collapse and mass extinction, the global initiative Bauhaus Earth convened a tea...

Recognizing the dire threats of climate collapse and mass extinction, the global initiative Bauhaus Earth convened a team of scientists, architects, spatial planners, and policymakers from around the world to author a manifesto. Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth is a call for radical transformation. It challenges all those with a role in the conception, production, operation, and governance of the building sector to address the systemic ecological, climatic, and social impacts incurred by its activities. 🌍🔥

Twelve principles of "re-entanglement" guide the redesign of the entire life cycle of the urban realm: the reforming and rematerializing of the physical artifacts that comprise it, the reconfiguring of the socioeconomic structures that underpin it, and the reengaging of the bioregions that might sustainably supply it. In this way, the unprecedented convergence of the environmental and social crises we are causing offers powerful opportunities for systemic change. 🏠♻️

The Charter is the first volume in the Bauhaus Earth Essay Series, featuring a wide array of critical voices that will address the complete overhaul of the built environment which the climate crisis demands of us. 🔄🌄

The series publications are available in English and German and are open access. Find them now here 🔗

How can city planners of the green building transition rethink and reuse what already exists, rather than perpetually lo...

How can city planners of the green building transition rethink and reuse what already exists, rather than perpetually looking for something new? What planning cultures does an open society need? What points of collaboration are missing between city officials and local stakeholders? 💡

This new book highlights Mannheim-Käfertal as a compelling case study to address these questions, given its exceptional transformation driven by the conversion of former military sites in the neighborhood. Piazza Spinelli demonstrates how complex urban environments can be reimagined, developed, and anchored in the local community. 🫂

Find the book, available in German, through our website now 🔗

Book launchIdyll and IdeologyThis first English-language biography of Hermann Mattern (1902–1971), one of Germany’s prin...

Book launch

Idyll and Ideology

This first English-language biography of Hermann Mattern (1902–1971), one of Germany’s principal twentieth-century landscape architects, critically assesses the idiosyncrasies of his organic-functionalist position while offering a new reading of German garden culture of his time. Mattern’s work embodies several themes of the German landscape discourse as well as the central ambivalence of his generation: a life spanning the artistic avant-garde of the 1920s and an apparently apolitical career under the N**i regime and in the postwar period. Based on comprehensive archival research, Hopstock’s richly illustrated study uncovers the professional networks, debates, and rivalries that shaped the profession of landscape architecture in Germany during its formative decades.

Book launch and discussion with Lars Hopstock, Adria Daraban und Anna Lundqvist

The event will be held in German.

18/07/2024, 19:30

Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz
Stadtbahnbogen 593
10623 Berlin

More info on our website. Photo credits in comments.

Territorial Urbanism Now! calls for a paradigm shift in the conception of urban transformation. It urges us to favor sus...

Territorial Urbanism Now! calls for a paradigm shift in the conception of urban transformation. It urges us to favor sustainable systems in order to collectively tackle the challenges of climate change. Until now, urban planning and design professionals have integrated green and active mobility systems in the residual spaces available. In the reverse approach envisioned here, these systems become structuring elements of the territory, supported by a much more frugal built environment. 🌆🔄

The contributions by urbanists, artists, architects, and landscape architects in this publication come from research, practice, and teaching. Paola Viganò, Eric Luiten, Sandra Guinand—in conversation with Ali Madanipour, Chris Younes, Christian Schmid, Eric Wieërs, and Maarten Van Acker—Stefan Rettich, Tommaso Pietropolli, Elena Andonova, Julio de la Fuente, Natalia Gutierrez, Ward Verbakel, Claudia Bode, Philipp Misselwitz, Davide Curatola Soprana, Beatrice Galimberti, Lilli Lička, Hannes Groblacher, Johannes Bernsteiner, Stefan Devoldere, Anselm Wagner, Susanne Eliasson, Eva Pfannes, Jesse Honsa, and Stefan Bendiks not only introduce a much-needed paradigm shift, but also show us the premises for its realization. 🧠💡

Find the book now here 🔗

Two primary focuses of our publishing house, urban planning and landscape architecture, converge in our new featured col...

Two primary focuses of our publishing house, urban planning and landscape architecture, converge in our new featured collection 'Designing Urban Landscapes'. 🏙️🌱

Showcasing a diverse selection of titles available in English, German, and French, this collection broadens the often narrow dialogue between the concepts of nature and urbanity. These titles offer insights into urban landscape design that go beyond the traditional Euro-centric viewpoint, including historical influences and non-European discourses.🍃🏢

Check out the full collection here 🔗

We are very pleased to have three books on the shortlist of The Most Beautiful German Books 2024 🌟Many thanks to  for in...

We are very pleased to have three books on the shortlist of The Most Beautiful German Books 2024 🌟

Many thanks to for including our publications among so many other beautiful books. And a big congratulations and thank you to our authors and designers, who worked so hard to make these exceptional publications ❤️

Convivial Ground
Stories from Collaborative Spatial Practices

Design: Collective Works
Print/Binding: .cz

Beton & Nicht Beton
Special Edition bound in concrete and softcover
Felix Sommer, Julia Schönicke, Julian Vetten
Design: Lydia Sachse, Robert Schumann
Print/Binding: Dza Druck

Bound in handmade covers consisting of a 5mm layer of concrete, this remarkable special edition of 'Beton & Nicht Beton,...

Bound in handmade covers consisting of a 5mm layer of concrete, this remarkable special edition of 'Beton & Nicht Beton,' devised by author and concrete maven Felix Sommer, is a delight for all concrete aficionados. 🩶

Felix Sommer and his SB5üNF - SB5 UG & Co KG team, with over 1600 completed projects, are among Germany's top concrete repair, maintenance, and renovation experts.🏗 This thoughtfully designed book, which is on the shortlist of 'Germany's Most Beautiful Books 2024' showcases their innovative work and expertise. 🌟 Featuring unseen photos of notable structures like Peter Haimerl's Schedlberg forest house, Berlin's Futurium, and the Neue Nationalgalerie. 👀

Thanks to Berlin-based designer Robert Schumann 🪄
Printed with care by the Druckerei zu Altenberg 🖨

Find the concrete-bound special edition here 🧐

The Infraordinary, Volume 20 in the series GAM - Graz Architecture Magazine, draws inspiration from Paul Virilio and Geo...

The Infraordinary, Volume 20 in the series GAM - Graz Architecture Magazine, draws inspiration from Paul Virilio and Georges Perec's 1970s notion of l’infra-ordinaire, a term to describe the the habitual and ordinary—the opposite of the extraordinary. 🏢

Instead of glorifying or emphasizing the banal in architecture, GAM 20 highlights stories of the reconceptualization and revaluation of existing architecture, as well as its day-to-day use. In daily life, after all, architecture tends not to look the way it does in glossy magazines, on the websites of renowned architecture firms, or on Instagram. 🌟

Now available here 👀

NEW BOOK // Die StadtstraßeKonferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt 13Die Stadtstraße bildet das Rückgrat d...

NEW BOOK // Die Stadtstraße
Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt 13

Die Stadtstraße bildet das Rückgrat des öffentlichen Raums. Sie dient neben der Mobilität dem Einkaufen, dem Flanieren, der Unterhaltung und vielem anderem mehr. Sie ist ein städtischer Raum, der durch die Fassaden der Häuser gebildet und geprägt wird. Wie sollen Stadtstraßen unter heutigen Klimaanforderungen als einladende und charakteristische Stadträume gestaltet sein? 🚦

Die Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt widmet sich seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt grundlegenden Fragen der Stadtentwicklung. In den Beiträgen dieses Bandes diskutieren Vertreter*innen unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen aus Theorie und Praxis sowie Planungsdezernent*innen deutscher Städte, wie sich die verkehrstechnischen und funktionalen Anforderungen an eine Stadtstraße mit ihren städtebaulichen, architektonischen und ökologischen Notwendigkeiten zusammenbringen lassen. 🏙

Link zum Buch 🔗

NEW BOOK // Are You a Model?On an Architectural Medium of Spatial ExplorationAre You a Model? explores the model as arch...

NEW BOOK // Are You a Model?
On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration

Are You a Model? explores the model as architectural tool and practice. The volume approaches architectural models not as categorical objects but through questions such as: What determines a model’s functions and agencies? When in the design process does it unfold its power and when has it served its purpose?

Based on nine overarching questions, the book brings together interdisciplinary voices from architecture, art history as well as architectural and curatorial practice, and software engineering. 31 contributions interweave perspectives from various disciplines and geographies, and reveal surprising affinities rather than seeking conclusive answers. Models are thus not classified according to time of origin, genre, or material, but rather understood as an epistemologically diverse practice.

The book is available here

NEW BOOK // Idyll and IdeologyHermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live InDiese erste englischsprachige Biografie zu Her...

NEW BOOK // Idyll and Ideology
Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In

Diese erste englischsprachige Biografie zu Hermann Mattern (1902–1971), einer Schlüsselfigur der Landschaftsarchitektur des 20. Jahrhunderts, setzt sich kritisch mit den Eigenheiten seiner organisch-funktionalistischen Entwurfshaltung auseinander und bietet dabei eine neue Lesart der deutschen Gartenkultur seiner Zeit. Matterns Werk steht exemplarisch für diverse Themen des deutschen Landschaftsdiskurses wie auch für die zentrale Ambivalenz seiner Generation: ein Leben, das sich von der künstlerischen Avantgarde der 1920er Jahre über eine scheinbar unpolitische Karriere unter dem N**i-Regime bis in die Nachkriegszeit erstreckt. Auf Basis umfassender Archivrecherchen deckt Hopstocks reich bebilderte Studie berufliche Netzwerke, Debatten und Rivalitäten auf, die während entscheidender Jahrzehnte die Landschaftsarchitektur-Profession in Deutschland prägten.

This first English-language biography of Hermann Mattern (1902–1971), one of Germany’s principal twentieth-century landscape architects, critically assesses the idiosyncrasies of his organic-functionalist position while offering a new reading of 20th century German garden culture. 🏡

Mattern’s work embodies several themes of the German landscape discourse as well as the central ambivalence of his generation: a life spanning the artistic avant-garde of the 1920s and an apparently apolitical career under the N**i regime and in the postwar period. Based on comprehensive archival research, Hopstock’s richly illustrated study uncovers the professional networks, debates, and rivalries that shaped the profession of landscape architecture in Germany during its formative decades. 🌱

Featuring formerly unpublished archival material and illustrations from rare sources, find the book here 💚

Die Debatte zur Nachhaltigkeit des Materials Beton wird hitzig geführt und von unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen gepr...

Die Debatte zur Nachhaltigkeit des Materials Beton wird hitzig geführt und von unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen geprägt, von der Bauindustrie bis zu Klimaaktivist*innen. Felix Sommer gehört mit seinem in Berlin gegründeten Unternehmen SB5üNF - SB5 UG & Co KG nach über 1600 abgeschlossenen Baustellen zu den bekanntesten Spezialisten für Betonkosmetik, Betoninstandsetzung und Betonsanierung in Deutschland.🏗

In kurzweiligen Erzählungen gibt er Einblicke in teils spektakuläre Bauprojekte, in die Perfektionierung des Handwerks sowie in kooperative Prozesse auf Augenhöhe mit allen am Bau Beteiligten. Das aufwendig gestaltete Buch bereichert die Diskussion über einen der prägendsten Baustoffe der Moderne um eine außergewöhnliche Perspektive. 🛠🏙

Das Buch enthält unveröffentlichten Fotografien bekannter Bauten: vom Haus am Schedlberg (Peter Haimerl) über das Berliner Futurium (Richter Musikowski) bis hin zur Neuen Nationalgalerie (Mies van der Rohe). Auch als Sonderedition erhältlich – gebunden in Beton. 📘🔍 Jetzt erhältlich:

NEW BOOK // Der Kornversuchsspeicher in BerlinEine fotografische LangzeitstudieDer 1897/98 gebaute und 1910 im Stil der ...

NEW BOOK // Der Kornversuchsspeicher in Berlin
Eine fotografische Langzeitstudie

Der 1897/98 gebaute und 1910 im Stil der Frühmoderne erweiterte Kornversuchsspeicher war zunächst ein Experimentalbauwerk für die optimale Lagerung von Getreide. Der konzeptionell ambitionierte Bau sollte Erkenntnisse für Speicherarchitekturen im ganzen Deutschen Reich liefern. Nach dem Ende der wissenschaftlichen Nutzung diente er über Jahrzehnte Speditionen als Lager, wurde von der Berliner Partyszene entdeckt und stand schließlich leer. Seit dem spektakulären Umbau von AFF Architekten zu einer Mischnutzung aus Büros, Galerie und Gastronomie ist der denkmalgeschützte Speicher eine Attraktion im Entwicklungsgebiet Europacity gegenüber dem Berliner Hauptbahnhof.

Der Berliner Fotograf Harf Zimmermann, Mitbegründer der international bekannten Agentur Ostkreuz, hat die Transformation über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren mit seiner analogen Großformatkamera begleitet und damit eine einzigartige Langzeitdokumentation zur jüngsten Geschichte des ikonischen Baus geschaffen. Die von ihm ebenso präzise wie atmosphärisch fotografierten Zustände lassen die Baustelle mal wie eine archäologische Ausgrabungsstätte wirken, dann wieder wie einen kompletten Neubau. Sein Fotoessay wird von einem aufwendig recherchierten und reich bebilderten Essay von Hans Georg Hiller von Gaertringen zur Geschichte des Baus begleitet. 📷🌆

Das Buch ist hier erhältlich 🔗

NEW BOOK // Urban Design on the MoveFive Stories About Implementing a Winning Europan ProjectUsing a Latourian Actor-Net...

NEW BOOK // Urban Design on the Move
Five Stories About Implementing a Winning Europan Project

Using a Latourian Actor-Network Theory approach, Urban Design on the Move chronicles a young design team's transformative journey as they implement the winning project of Europan 4 at the old city waterfront in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Throughout the design trajectory, the team navigates several controversies that become pivotal to the project's success. 🏆

Alongside Hercules, a fictional character who is a friend of the team, they witness the transformation of the competition’s design strategies into actual urban practices. In a distinctive storytelling format, the book reveals the team's diplomacy skills in advocating for their vision of an open and porous city that welcomes a heterogeneous public, laying bare the informal and often unspoken aspects of the design implementation process. 📐✏️

Find the book here

Finally available again! Die Gärten des Bauhauses, Gestaltungskonzepte der Moderne has just been reprinted 🏡 The famous ...

Finally available again! Die Gärten des Bauhauses, Gestaltungskonzepte der Moderne has just been reprinted 🏡

The famous Bauhaus buildings in Dessau, designed by Walter Gropius, boast a unique architectural appearance that is complemented by an exceptionally innovative garden design. This garden design, ahead of its time, exemplifies modernity through its novel interpretation of the interplay between architecture and nature.

Through meticulous archaeological research, author Dorothea Fischer-Leonhardt delves deeply into the previously unexplored intricate design planning and extensive renovations of the Dessau Bauhaus gardens created between 1925 and 1930. his thorough investigation sheds light not only on the evolution of the gardens but also on the valuable insights into the architectural interventions that have shaped the Bauhaus buildings.

This book is a vital and enlightening addition to the existing literature on the rich history of the Bauhaus and its iconic architecture. It is now back in stock and available for purchase here 🔙🔛

NEW BOOK // Spuren des Gartens in zeitgenössischer französischer und deutscher Landschaftsarchitektur / Les traces du ja...

NEW BOOK // Spuren des Gartens in zeitgenössischer französischer und deutscher Landschaftsarchitektur / Les traces du jardin dans l’architecture du paysage contemporaine française et allemande

Die Publikation untersucht Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der Landschaftsarchitektur in Frankreich und Deutschland. Dabei wird die Frage aufgeworfen, inwieweit zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur durch Gartenkunst und Gartenkultur beeinflusst wird.

Französische und deutsche Autor*innen gehen den Spuren des Gartens in der Landschaftsarchitektur nach und wenden unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen wie etwa biografische oder wissenschaftliche Reflexion an. Das Buch richtet sich an Forschende, Studierende und Entwerfende in der Landschaftsarchitektur sowie an eine breitere Öffentlichkeit, die an dieser Facette des kulturellen Austauschs zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland interessiert ist. 🇫🇷🌿🇩🇪

Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/französisch) / Bilingual edition (French/German)

Are our ideas of city landscapes skewed by glossy architectural visualizations and slick photography? What do actual urb...

Are our ideas of city landscapes skewed by glossy architectural visualizations and slick photography? What do actual urban public spaces look like after years of use and haphazard repairs? 💩🏙

Today’s media is saturated with images of architectural projects mummified in their ideal, untouched, and unused state. Design and technical publications on landscape architecture teach us how to do things based on best practices, which is why we rarely see landscape projects after they have been in use for years. 🏚

Sh*tscapes is a new, compact compilation of one hundred failures made in the design, construction, or maintenance processes of urban landscapes. Using these irritating mistakes as practical examples, the authors propose simple solutions to prevent future failed urban landscape architecture. 🚫🏗

Find the book here 📘⬅️

"Berlin kommt wieder" explores the legacy of architects Paul Schwebes and Hans Schoszberger, who significantly shaped po...

"Berlin kommt wieder" explores the legacy of architects Paul Schwebes and Hans Schoszberger, who significantly shaped postwar West Berlin's architectural fabric. Their buildings, located between Kurfürstendamm and Tauentzienstraße, around Ernst-Reuter-Platz and Breitscheidplatz, and on Budapester Straße, still stand today as emblematic of Berlin City West's urban flair.

Covering over 160 projects, the book delves into the political and economic climate that allowed their architecture to symbolize a new era and an open society after 1945. Enjoy an extensive collection of visually documented work, including previously unpublished images, in this comprehensive new book.

Find the book here

BOOK PRESENTATION | POLYLEMMA by raumlaborberlin | Sunday, 25 February 25/02/2024, 16:00Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory Ch...

by raumlaborberlin | Sunday, 25 February

25/02/2024, 16:00
Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory
Christinenstraße 18-19
10119 Berlin

On the occasion of their 25th anniversary, raumlaborberlin will present their new book Polylemma.

For a quarter of a century, the architectural collective raumlaborberlin has been pioneering new spaces for action, charting unique paths in cooperative urban development, and creating places to foster encounters. Together with experts across various fields, they explore forms of urban practice, participation, and the joint production of space.

Polylemma tells the story of this work: its nine members visit the sites of their work, come together with long-standing colleagues and critics, dissect the mechanisms behind their actions, and reflect on the tools and methods of their research-based practice. Topics discussed across numerous projects include strategies for learning together, experimental building, and radical recycling. Polylemma challenges us to open up our notion of space. How do we want to live together in the future? The book is a plea for the city as a sphere of action.

The book will be celebrated in a small ceremony with live music by Christopher Dell.

Registration: send a mail to [email protected]

Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher und englischer Sprache statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. | The event will take place in German and English. Admittance is free.

Hasenheide 13 explores the rich history of the famous Berlin ballroom soon to be remodeled as an exhibition venue by Dav...

Hasenheide 13 explores the rich history of the famous Berlin ballroom soon to be remodeled as an exhibition venue by David Chipperfield Architects. Now available in English, the book takes readers on a captivating journey, revealing fascinating episodes from the institution's past that mirror the evolution of Berlin over the last 150 years. 💃🪩🕺

Through plentiful historic images and extensive research by Lothar Uebel, this beautifully designed compact publication offers a respectful look into the ballroom's lively history as it prepares to embark on a new chapter as an arts venue. 🆕

Editors Philipp Bollmann and Sammlung Wemhöner
Design by Neue Gestaltung

Find the book here or at your local bookstore!

The classic JOVIS title Architecture Is Participation: Die Baupiloten—Methods and Projects is now produced in both Kazak...

The classic JOVIS title Architecture Is Participation: Die Baupiloten—Methods and Projects is now produced in both Kazakh and Russian, in addition to the English and German editions.

These new editions were made possible by [email protected] and 👏

We are happy to announce that "Drinnen ist anders als draußen" was awarded a silver medal honoring outstanding design an...

We are happy to announce that "Drinnen ist anders als draußen" was awarded a silver medal honoring outstanding design and concept in the category 'General Literature at the 14th annual International Creative Media Awards. 🏆

Since 2010 the International Creative Media Award gathers brilliant designs and connects their aspiring creators. This year there were 423 submissions from 24 countries.

"Drinnen ist anders als draußen" is a collection of thought-provoking writings by architect Arno Lederer. Unconstrained by ideological preconceptions, Lederer's work challenges the notion of architectural progress and offers a fresh perspective on the discipline. This beautifully designed book invites readers to explore and engage with Lederer's ideas at their own pace. 📙🚶

Konzept und Gestaltung Bucharchitektur \ Kathrin Schmuck und Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir Lederer+Ragnarsdóttir+Oei, Textredaktion und Lektorat Amber Sayah, Umschlagzeichnung Arno Lederer

NEW BOOK // Symbolische Orte machenEin Potenzial der StadtentwicklungSymbolic places endow physical spaces with meaning....

NEW BOOK // Symbolische Orte machen
Ein Potenzial der Stadtentwicklung

Symbolic places endow physical spaces with meaning. They convey knowledge of historical events, share stories, and represent specific concerns. In the past, it was the responsibility of politicians and bureaucrats to create symbolic places, but now civil society is primarily taking on this role. 🏢 🌍

This captivating new book sheds light on the characteristics of symbolic places, exploring how they function and the challenges they face. The examples collected in these pages span from historically charged sites like Berlin's Olympic Grounds to places of collective self-empowerment such as the self-managed Navarinou Park in Athens. With contributions from esteemed authors in the fields of history, social science, and urban planning, readers are encouraged to engage with recognized—yet also controversial—symbolic places. Or, as suggested by the title of this anthology, to actively "make" them through collective discussions and decision-making processes. 🗺️ 🌇

Delve into the world of symbolic places and discover their potential to shape cities and communities through the link in our bio! 📚 ✨

NEW BOOK // The Icelandic Concrete SagaArchitecture and Construction (1847–1958)“Many would consider a country without b...

NEW BOOK // The Icelandic Concrete Saga
Architecture and Construction (1847–1958)

“Many would consider a country without building materials uninhabitable.” With these words, Minister of Industry Gylfi Þorsteinsson Gíslason opened Iceland’s first and only cement plant in 1958. At the time, most rural and urban dwellings were still being built from local turf or expensive imported timber. Just a few decades later, Icelandic architects, engineers, and masons were building their country exclusively in concrete. 🏗️✨

How did this material become so popular that the first decades of the twentieth century are referred to as “the age of concrete”? The Icelandic Concrete Saga focuses on over one hundred years of Icelandic architecture, construction, and technology. It traces the history of an architecture in constant struggle with material scarcity and the natural elements, its outcomes intertwined with Icelandic politics, culture, and society. 🏰🌐

Order the book now through the link in our bio!


Genthiner Straße 13


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