Agoge Records

Agoge Records AGOGE RECORDS is an independent label. We produce only alternative, indie, rock, metal, electro

Italia di Metallo has reviewed "No One Falls Like a God", debut album by Udal Cuain!

Italia di Metallo has reviewed "No One Falls Like a God", debut album by Udal Cuain!

Udal Cuain (pare significhi “trovarsi in balia della forza dell’oceano” in gaelico) è il nome scelto dai fiorentini Alessio Parretti (voce e tastiere) e Matteo Meucci (basso e chitarra) per dare forma ad un Metal melodico, epicheggiante e con qualche timida venatura prog. Come avrete intuito ...

New good review on for "No One Falls Like a God", debut album album by Udal Cuain!Check out the album on Ba...

New good review on for "No One Falls Like a God", debut album album by Udal Cuain!
Check out the album on Bandcamp:

(Agoge Records) Udal Cuain sono Alessio Parretti, voce e tastiere ed ex Dark Age e Jaws Of Fate, Matteo Meucci, basso e chitarra ed ex Coram Lethe, nonché Luciano Romano, chitarrista con anche lui trascorsi nei Jaws Of Fate. La direzione presa dal trio in

Udal Cuain added on Battle Of The Bands by Metal Devastation Radio (USA)!Vote till 24th May!Debut album "No One Falls Li...

Udal Cuain added on Battle Of The Bands by Metal Devastation Radio (USA)!
Vote till 24th May!

Debut album "No One Falls Like a God" available in every digital platform.

Who will be the winning champion this week on 'MDR Battle Of The Bands' and who will be next months band of the month? Last month 'Terra Nulius' won Band Of The Month, coming in with 69,470 Votes!! Check them out HERE! This is the weekly Championship addition to the Band Of The Month – Battle Of T...

Take a listen to "Silence", single by Udal Cuain included on their debut album "No One Falls Like a God"!https://agogere...

Take a listen to "Silence", single by Udal Cuain included on their debut album "No One Falls Like a God"!

"Where do you hide, deep inside or just out of sight? If you are here master give me a sign. If i ever fail or lose my way, if your hands were out of reach. Silence, flowing through the mountains like a river"

"Silence", inspired by the novel of the same title by Shusaku Endo is contained in the album "No One Falls Like a God".

Udal Cuain shared on Metal In Italy!"No One Falls Like a God" available in every digital platform.https://agogerecords.b...

Udal Cuain shared on Metal In Italy!
"No One Falls Like a God" available in every digital platform.

La fantascienza, la tragedia shakespeariana, la forza evocativa della natura, il tumulto dei sentimenti e le contraddizioni dell’uomo nella guerra e nella religione: tutto questo è “No One Falls Like a God”, primo album della prog/power/heavy metal band UDAL CUAIN. L’album esce per Agoge Re...

Udal Cuain shared on Rawandwild Webzine!Debut album "No One Falls Like a God" out in every digital platform. https://ago...

Udal Cuain shared on Rawandwild Webzine!
Debut album "No One Falls Like a God" out in every digital platform.

La fantascienza, la tragedia shakespeariana, la forza evocativa della natura, il tumulto dei sentimenti e le contraddizioni dell'uomo nella guerra e nella religione: tutto questo è “No One Falls Like a God”, primo album della prog/power/heavy metal band UDAL CUAIN. L'album esce per Agoge Record...

italia di metallo has shared the debut album of Udal Cuain!Enjoy "No One Falls Like a God" in every digital store.https:...

italia di metallo has shared the debut album of Udal Cuain!
Enjoy "No One Falls Like a God" in every digital store.

11 MAGGIO: ESCE “NO ONE FALLS LIKE A GOD”, DEBUT ALBUM DEGLI UDAL CUAIN La fantascienza, la tragedia shakespeariana, la forza evocativa della natura, il tumulto dei sentimenti e le contraddizioni dell'uomo nella guerra e nella religione: tutto questo è “No One Falls Like a God”, primo album...

Udal Cuain on Metal Shock Finland!New album "No One Falls Like a God" out in every digital store.

Udal Cuain on Metal Shock Finland!
New album "No One Falls Like a God" out in every digital store.

“Science fiction, Shakespearean tragedy, the evocative force of nature, the tumult of emotions, and the contradictions of mankind in war and religion. All of this is encapsulated in ‘No…

Science fiction, Shakespearean tragedy, the evocative force of nature, the tumult of emotions, and the contradictions of...

Science fiction, Shakespearean tragedy, the evocative force of nature, the tumult of emotions, and the contradictions of mankind in war and religion.
All of this is encapsulated in 'No One Falls Like a God', the debut album of the metal/prog band Udal Cuain.
The album is out in digital format and is available in every platform.

Check it out on Bandcamp:




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