Markus Porcher

Markus Porcher As an entrepreneur or top leader you want to become more effective? Do you want to grow personally a

Jahresrückblick 2022 - Wieso das denn? Manchmal erinnere ich mich kaum, was letzte Woche passiert ist. Es ist einfach so...

Jahresrückblick 2022 - Wieso das denn?

Manchmal erinnere ich mich kaum, was letzte Woche passiert ist. Es ist einfach so viel los in dieser bewegten Zeit. Im Familienalltag, beruflich mit Freunden. Und manchmal sind es auch Gefühlsachterbahnen. Von positiv bis negativ.

Umso wichtiger ist es inne zu halten und zu reflektieren.

Am 01.12. habe ich begonnen einen Jahresrückblick zu schreiben. Und bin ganz aufgeregt was uns so bewegt hat.
Veröffentlicht wird er am 20.12.2022. 🔥

Es wird thematisch - wie kann es anders sein - um Daoflect gehen. Und wie es uns in unserem beruflichem und familiären Alltag unterstützt.

Also sei gespannt - es wird fachlich, persönlich, überraschend. Wir sind schon selbst neugierig😊

Schön, dass Du neugierig und gespannt bist.🤩

Und wenn Du was besonderes Wissen willst stelle Deine Frage einfach hier unter dem Post.

Danke Judith Peters  
für den schönen Impuls.

3 Erfolgsstrategien, wie du selbstbewusst und erfolgreich wichtige Meetings und Gespräche meisterst........ohne Dir von ...

3 Erfolgsstrategien, wie du selbstbewusst und erfolgreich wichtige Meetings und Gespräche meisterst....
....ohne Dir von Besserwissern, Jammerlappen die Butter vom Brot nehmen zu lassen.

Du willst mehr in Gesprächen erreichen?

👉Dann lerne wie Dein Gegenüber tickt und Du besser mit ihm umgehen kannst.
👉Entdecke Dein Kommunikationstalent
👉Wie Du sympathisch bleibst und Dir beim anderen Respekt verschaffst.

Und das auf Basis der Chinesischen Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik.

Am Dienstag 31.05 um 10:00 Uhr biete ich wieder ein Live Webinar an.

Link für die Anmeldung in den Kommentaren.

Und am Mittwochabend einen Workshop, um es zu vertiefen. 🚀

Ich freu mich auf Dich! 💚


Deine Kommunikation bestimmt die Qualität Deines Lebens! 🗣👥

Wie kannst Du den anderen in seiner Gesamtheit wahrnehmen mit seinen 5 Emotionen?💓

Wie kannst Du besser auf Dein Gegenüber eingehen und die Beziehung viel natürlicher Gestalten?

Und was bedeutet es für die Beziehung zu Dir selbst?🤔

Wie kannst die „Naturtalente“ des Gegenübers entdecken?

Und zum Abschluss - Wie kann man Stärken verstärken und Schwächen balancieren?

Einfach anmelden und dabei sein! 🥳


You want to change your career - you want to increase your compensation - and you don't want to work mor, run into a burn-out or jeopardize your balance.

Get in touch and let me help you grow personally and professionally.

Make everything right from the beginning with least effort to the next management level.

Nur für dynamische Führungskräft, die noch etwas vorhaben. Exzellente Führungskräfte wissen, dass Fachkompetenz nicht al...

Nur für dynamische Führungskräft, die noch etwas vorhaben.

Exzellente Führungskräfte wissen, dass Fachkompetenz nicht alles ist. Denn Menschen führen zu können erfordert eine sehr hohe Führungskompetenz. Wir schauen, was noch optimiert werden kann, damit der Umgang im miteinander noch empathischer und die Kommunikation verbessert wird.

Vermeiden Sie mit einer guten Planung Stress und Unsicherheiten. Melden Sie sich zeitnah.


Nearly 6 weeks are gone alredy in 2021. How many things have you planned to change?

How many 21 day challenges have you started?

And completed?

On February 12 you get a second chance :-)
From the Chinese perspective the year of the metal ox starts!

You want a second start - You need a second start?

Now you want to make your transformation successful?

Reach out for a discussion on how to make 2021 a thriving year for you!


- No1

Recently in "Digital Coaching" - The disaster is looming.

First the sound doesn't work, then I could only catch a glimpse of my coachee. And was startled. He was had changed. Then the camera function also failed. A follow-up appointment after our session was already planned. Until we were getting together our available time was reduced from 45 to nearly 20 minutes. .

❓What now? Shall we have the session. Move the session to next week? and the qustion - Could I leave my coachee alone in this situation? - "No."

Normally we spend a lot of time on elaborating the topic for the session.

So we concentrated on an essential point that visibly depressed my coachee. The dream job became jsut available. The coachee applied for it and has not received any feedback. And to ask the job poster or the HR department was not an viable option for the coachee.

❓What prevented him from pursuing and asking?

Unfortunately, the space here is too short, so attached a summary on the outcome of an excellent short and crispy coaching session:

✨Based on a strong connection ❤2❤
✨The question: "What do you want to have achieved in a year from now in your new job?" was siginificant and made him look ahead.
✨Suddenly the coachee got complete clarity about how he wanted to proceed and left the session energised, encouraged, with a lot of power and many ideas.

In May 2020 - the ICF Coaching Week - I offered free speed coachinsg. My own 10 tips helped me to run an efficient session.😁💎💪

What is your objective in 2021 - levelup, career step, becoming an entrepreneur? And: do you know what Mentoring really ...

What is your objective in 2021 - levelup, career step, becoming an entrepreneur?

And: do you know what Mentoring really mean? Someone takes your hand? Someone shows you the way? Someone accompanies you?

You need someone encouraging you to go deep, find your element and your real identity. You need more clarity, energy and power than ever before?

In 2020 my clients has become Researchers, Entrepreneurs and are on their way to become a CEO or CIO in a few years.

Roots are build today, you may see the final results in 2-3 years.
How does it sounds?

You want to grow! Reach out and let's discuss. I'm very curious about what's in you and who you can become....


Do you prefer to text or talk? these weird times I prefer to hea...

Do you prefer to text or talk?

In these weird times I prefer to hear and see my conversation partner in Skype, zoom.....Speaking is a form including tone, intent and body language. Definitely it sends more messages than text alone and something I want to miss.

By the way once an email chain gets back and forth more than 3 -4 times a call is in my view the better option to clarify a situation....

Don’t underestimate the power of a phone call.

You are ready to Go? Change your job, levelup your career or even become a founder? Since I have been posting more often...

You are ready to Go? Change your job, levelup your career or even become a founder?

Since I have been posting more often, I receive more personal messages from people who want to change. Some have heard about my own story and are asking:

🎬How do I get started?

Then I often ask - what are you really burning for? Have you identified - already? What makes you special? What makes you happy or nourishes you mentally and spiritually? Most probably being in gives you strength, energy and leads you into great satisfaction.

Often the answer is something like - "If I only knew that..." 🤔

There are many possibilities and approaches to identify your element. Many of those I have spoken to have had positive experiences with Ikigai or a WOL group, have been to purpose workshops...and than you start to live your full potential.

Most important once you identified it: Doing is like thinking - just more active. So you still have to do it.

I have the wonderful opportunity to offer a broad range of methods to get you back to your innate intelligence once you reduce the nosie in your head. While I make intensive use of the wonderful analogies to our nature, we also apply modern methods from personnel and brand development which have been worked in the corporate environment.

Whoever feels interested now - with no reason at all, because of or in spite of a crisis, out of curiosity or simply for personal development wishes:

Get in touch with me and learn more about how effective approaches in the area of ancient wisdom, modern techniques and evolutionary thinking can also help you to identify .

Because the right moment is always NOW.... find your way -

Did someone trigger you today? By saying or doing something that irritates you?Take a very deep breath (or even 5) and s...

Did someone trigger you today?

By saying or doing something that irritates you?

Take a very deep breath (or even 5) and switch off your ego.

Remember - if you are easily offended you are easily manipulated.

What triggers you?

Note your thoughts below👇


Karlsruher Str. 7a/8


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