We have the honour to receive this very kind introduction by the wonderful Tabor International Film Festival in Croatia. Thank you so much for that, Tabor! Really looking forward to meet you all!
Fenomenalna Drushba Pankow na Taboru!
Prošlogodišnji dobitnik Grand Prixa Volker Schlecht vraća nam se na Tabor ne samo kao član žirija, već i da nam predstavi rad svojeg umjetničkog kolektiva Drushba Pankow.
Volker Schlecht i Alexandra Kardinar osnovali su Drushbu Pankow 2002. godine u Pankowu - sjeveroistočnom okrugu Berlina. Rade zajedno kao ilustratori, grafički dizajneri i filmaši te su ovjenčani prestižnim nagradama poput zlata za Europski dizajn 2010. Njihovi kratki animirani filmovi prikazivani su i nagrađivani na mnogim međunarodnim festivalima.
U posebnom programu gledat ćemo filmove i prezentaciju vrhunskih ilustracija i dizajnerskih rješenja ovog dvojca koji su svoj vizualni trag ostavili u časopisima i novinama među kojima su Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, Die Zeit, arte magazine, Form, ll Sole 24 Ore, Geolino, Brigitte ili Slanted and Focus, te u radu za klijente kao što su Mercedes Benz, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Villeroy & Boch, Jung von Matt ili izdavačke kuće Edel, Buechergilde i Gutenberg.
Program ćemo realizirati u suradnji s našim partnerom Goethe-Institut Kroatien iz Zagreba.
The phenomenal Drushba Pankow on Tabor!
Last year's Grand Prix winner Volker Schlecht is coming back to Tabor not just as a jury member but also to introduce the work of his artist collective Drushba Pankow.
Drushba Pankow was founded by Volker Schlecht and Alexandra Kardinar in 2002 in Pankow, the northeast district of Berlin. Their work together as illustrators, graphic designers and film makers brought them many awards including the Gold European Design Award in 2010. Their animated short films were also shown and awarded on many international festivals.
During a special program we'll watch their films and a presentation of their state-of-the-art illustrations and designer solutions. This duo left their brilliant visual marks in magazines and newspapers like the Rolling Stone,The New Yorker, Die Zeit, arte magazine, Form, ll Sole 24 Ore, Geolino, Brigitte as well as Slanted and Focus. They worked for various clients including Mercedes Benz, the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Villeroy & Boch, Jung von Matt, as well as for publishers such as Edel, Buechergilde Gutenberg and many others.
This program is brought to you in cooperation with our partner Goethe-Institut from Zagreb.
Dirty Old Shop, Zagreb
Krčma Polanović, Zabok
Grešna gorica, Desinić
Mala Ramona, Krapina
Havana Club, Krapinske Toplice
Entrio: http://bit.ly/2jlb3o0
Facebook event: http://bit.ly/2CxBZrp