BACK TO EUROPE! Just touched down at LISBON AIRPORT... after 4 weeks from Panama 🇵🇦 to the Azores / Portugal 🇵🇹
BACK TO MAINLAND EUROPE! Just touched down at LISBON AIRPORT... after 30 days at sea. from Panama 🇵🇦 to the Azores / Portugal 🇵🇹
#sailing #cruising #Portugal #Azores #faial #Horta #Petercafesport #AzorisFaialGarden #Lisbon #Lisboa #Faro #Portimao #Algarve #safeharbours #safehavens #safetyatsea #safetravel #safepassage #safevoyage #lockdown #sarscov2 #corona
UPDATE: Project WWW.SAILING-TRANSOCEAN.DE from PANAMA 🇵🇦 to SPAIN 🇪🇸 (Málaga region)
Just a very short and quick update 07.05.2021 20:25 UTC. More to follow soon..
I went off the boat (a Bav Vision 46)in Horta / Azores on Tuesday after 30 days at sea and roughly 3,500 nautical miles (nm).
Spent some relaxing and recovering days at the great FAIAL GARDEN RESORT & HOTEL.
Highly recommended!
Azoris Faial Garden – Resort Hotel
Loved the spa, pool, gym etc. to get the tired muscles working again who had hardly nothing to do for the past 4 weeks...
Met phantastic people that I already "knew" via social media since I started the SAFE HARBOURS INITIATIVE in and from Madeira last year.
And got to know lovely new people who I didn't know before and who not only belong to the sailing community.
Also met the great team of Peter Café Sport (, which is THE instition for sailors and cruisers for more that 101 years now (in 3rd generation).
More about all that them soon!
Right now "sailing"a bit higher and faster than usually..🛫✈️🚠🛬🪂⛵⚓: SATA AZORES AIRLINES from Horta to Faro via Lisbon. Happy to see my son again tonight at midnight at FARO airport after quite a long time no personal meeting. And after my 4 week Trans-Caribbean and Trans-Atlantic tour, almost nonstop from Panama to Horta/Azores, Portugal 🇵🇹...where we arrived last Tuesday.
Will probably stay under the "sun of the Algarve" (Portugués sayi
Sunshine ☀ in Berlin
Not long anymore and we'll be sailing again... 😉 ⛵⛵⛵
Kite surfing at Pelzerhaken beach 🏖
Kite surfing at the Baltic Sea on 30 th December 2020. Crazy Sh*t... 😉 They seem to have fun, though 😎😃😊
More at
Mittwochabend-Segeln auf Wannsee und Havel. Immer wieder traumhaft schön!
Heute wieder traumhaft schönes Clubsegeln / Schnuppersegeln vom Flensburger Löwen. Jeden Mittwoch von 16-19 Uhr, noch bis 21.10. 2020. ABSEGELN am 25.10. ab 13 Uhr zu besonders attraktiven Konditionen und mit anschließendem Picknick. Wer Lust hat und kommen will, meldet sich am besten per PN...
Wednesday afternoon sailing in Berlin. Wonderful atmosphere on Wannsee and River Havel... ⛵⚓👌
Many more pics:
Wednesday afternoon sailing in Berlin - on Wannsee and River Havel - Beautiful Indian summer feeling...
Wednesday afternoon sailing in Berlin. Wonderful atmosphere on Wannsee and River Havel... ⛵⚓👌
Many more pics:
Clubsegeln / Schnuppersegeln vom Flensburger Löwen. Jeden Mittwoch von 16-19 Uhr, noch bis 21.10. 2020. ABSEGELN am 25.10. ab 13 Uhr zu besonders attraktiven Konditionen. Wer Lust hat kommen will, meldet sich am besten per PN