Czech Journal of Animal Science

Czech Journal of Animal Science A peer-reviewed open-access journal on farm animal’s science. Scope: farm animals management.

Publish in the Czech Journal of Animal Science!Open-access, peer-reviewed international journalPublished in EnglishInter...

Publish in the Czech Journal of Animal Science!

Open-access, peer-reviewed international journal
Published in English
International Editorial Board
Indexed in main world databases - Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, DOAJ etc.
Published monthly online and in print

SCOPE: The journal is focused on the farm animal management.
The journal publishes original scientific articles and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and economics of cattle, pig, sheep, goat, poultry, fish, bees, and other farm animal management. Papers are published in English.


Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics ViolationDear Readers,We wish to inform our readers, authors, and...

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics Violation

Dear Readers,

We wish to inform our readers, authors, and partners that we have identified a serious infringement of copyright and publication ethics involving the unauthorized replication of articles originally published by us. These articles have been reproduced without permission, with changes to author names and formatting, in publications of another publisher. Such actions represent a clear violation of international copyright laws and ethical standards in academic publishing.

We are addressing this matter with the utmost seriousness and have already initiated formal steps to ensure the removal of the unauthorized content. At the same time, we are working to implement safeguards that will prevent similar issues in the future.

As a trusted academic publisher, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics. We are collaborating with relevant authorities and oversight bodies to resolve this situation transparently and effectively, while continuing to protect the intellectual property of our authors and the academic community.

We deeply appreciate the trust and support of our authors and readers as we navigate this challenging situation. Please rest assured that we remain dedicated to fostering a publishing environment built on respect, ethical practices, and academic excellence. For further inquiries or updates, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

…………………………………….. ……………………………………

prof. Ing. Radim Vácha, Ph.D. Ing. Hana Urbancová, Ph.D., DBA

Chairman of the Publishing Board Director of the CAAS, statutory body

We are pleased to announce that Issue 12/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!Link: htt...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 12/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!

Thank you for sharing :)

Evaluation of weaning diets for sustainable indoor largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) larviculture
Jovanka Lukić, Norbert Vass, László Ardó, Jelena Stanivuk, Éva Lengyel-Kónya, Nataša Golić, Zsuzsanna Jakabné Sándor, Uroš Ljubobratović

Effect of dehulled lupin seeds in feed mixture on muscle protein quality of broiler chickens
Eva Straková, Lucie Všetičková, Pavel Suchý, Martin Kutlvašr

Effects of tryptophan supplementation on performance, intestinal morphology and protein abundance of tight junction protein and indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase in weaned pigs
Pei Mao, Naizhi Hu, Mengmeng Gao, Lingping Zhao, Chengsheng Song, Wenfeng Ma

A decision support system for herd health management for dairy farms
Jan Saro, Tomáš Šubrt, Helena Brožová, Robert Hlavatý, Jan Rydval, Jaromír Ducháček, Luděk Stádník

The journal is focused on the farm animal management. The journal publishes original scientific papers and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and ec...

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuab...

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,

As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuable contributions to the success of our journals.

May this holiday season bring you peace, joy, and cherished moments with loved ones. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with happiness and success!

Warm regards,
The Agriculture Journals Team

Visit the unique collection of the scientific agricultural open access journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences:

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals Published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!A unique collect...

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals Published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

A unique collection of 11 peer-reviewed scientific journals covering most of the branches of agricultural and food production areas!

Indexed in main world databases: Web of Science (10), Scopus (all), DOAJ (all), and many others.

Read and publish in the CAAS journals:

Publish in the Czech Journal of Animal Science! Journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences ..Openac...

Publish in the Czech Journal of Animal Science! Journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences ..

Openaccess international journal
Peer-reviewed - double blind review
Indexed in main world databases: Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ etc
Published monthly online and in the printed version

Journal website:

Editorial Board Meeting - Czech Journal of Animal Science The Editorial Board meeting of the Czech Journal of Animal Sci...

Editorial Board Meeting - Czech Journal of Animal Science

The Editorial Board meeting of the Czech Journal of Animal Science took place on December 5, 2024, as a personal meeting with the possibility of an online connection. The Chairwoman of the Editorial Board, prof. Ing. Eva Tůmová, CSc., and the Editorial Board Members discussed the current status of the journal, the citations of articles, support options of the journal, and strategic plans. The aim is to publish quality scientific publications. The Chairwoman of the Editorial Board acknowledged the support of the journal provided by the members of the Editorial Board.

Journal website:

The journal is focused on the farm animal management. The journal publishes original scientific papers and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and ec...

We are pleased to announce that the Issue 11/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!Link:...

We are pleased to announce that the Issue 11/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!


Quality and in vitro fertilising ability of cryostored Pinzgau bull insemination doses
Lucia Olexiková, Linda Dujíčková, Jaromír Vašíček, Andrej Baláži, Andrea Svoradová, Lenka Kuželová, Alexander Makarevich, Peter Ivanič, Peter Chrenek

The effect of the dried Gracilaria spp. undergoing different drying methods on in vitro rumen fermentation
Farwa Shakeel, Yeni Widiawati, Sharly Asmairicen, Agung Purnomoadi, Agustin Herliatika, Yenny Nur Anggraeny, Setiasih Setiasih, Muhammad Rizwan, Ruslan Abdul Gopar, Antonius Antonius, Igit Atang Sunante, Idris Idris, Susi Riyanti, Winwin Widaringsih, Faizan Ahmad Shakir, Saad Irfan

Dietary antioxidant supplementation improves the in vitro quality and antioxidant capacity of Colombian Creole stallion semen
Maria Claudia Puerta, Laura Henao-Salazar, Isabel Catalina Vélez, Sergio León, Banjamín Rojano, Giovanni Restrepo, Alexandra Úsuga

Pedigree analysis of the Latvian Warmblood horse heavy type population
Viktorija Nikonova, Daina Jonkus, Liga Paura

The journal is focused on the farm animal management. The journal publishes original scientific papers and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and ec...

Pozvánka na workshop 📌Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potrav...

Pozvánka na workshop 📌

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potravinářské technologie a techniky a Odbor výživy obyvatelstva a jakosti potravin ČAZV.

Workshop se koná dne 14. 11. 2024 od 9,30 do 12,00 hod. ve Velkém sále Domu zemědělské osvěty 100/7 na Praze 2.

Přijďte diskutovat na zajímavá témata týkající se správné výživy a stravování. Workshop je určený široké odborné i laické veřejnosti.

Presentation of the Czech Journal of Animal Science: „32nd International Symposium Animal Science Days“The Czech Journal...

Presentation of the Czech Journal of Animal Science: „32nd International Symposium Animal Science Days“

The Czech Journal of Animal Science is presented at the „32nd International Symposium Animal Science Days", which takes place in Oberaichwald near Faaker See in Austria on October 02 - 04, 2024. CAAS hereby thanks the Editorial Board Member Professor Ing. Luboš Vostrý, Ph.D., for organizing the presentation of the journal at the mentioned professional event. Participants of the conference also have access to promotional materials.

Symposium information:

Animal Science Days 2024 BOKU-StartDepartment of Sustainable Agricultural SystemsInstitute of Livestock Sciences (NUWI)EventsCurrentAnimal Science Days 2024 This page is available under these URLs: https://short.boku.a...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 9/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!Thank you ...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 9/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!

Thank you for sharing :)

Changes in the oxidative - biochemical status in dairy cows during the transition period affecting reproductive and health parameters.
Jiří Bezdíček, Andrea Nesvadbová, Jaromír Ducháček, Jana Sekaninová, Luděk Stádník, Martina Janků

Original Papers
The effect of different forages on rumen microbiota and milk production performance in Holstein dairy cows
Szu Han Wang, Hsiao Han Liao, Chia-Xin Lee, Hsiao-Ming Chen, Ling-You Chen, Shih-Te Chuang, Jih-Tay Hsu

Preliminary results on the antioxidant capacity of the Coffea arabica grounds extract on semen parameters of Fleckvieh cattle in the Amazonas region
Deiner Jhonel Gongora-Bardales, Marilu Mestanza Mendoza, Gleni Tatiana Segura Portocarrero, Lizeth Amparo Heredia Vilchez, Jonathan Alberto Campos Trigoso, José Américo Saucedo-Uriarte, Hugo Frias Torres, Rainer Marco López Lapa, Segundo Jose Zamora Huaman, William Bardales Escalante, Nilton Luis Murga Valderrama

Does the incidence of egg yolk influence the meat quality and fatty acid profile of broilers of two chicken genotypes?
Antonella Dalle Zotte, Marco Cullere, Bianca Palumbo, Tamás Donkó, Zoltán Sütő, Gábor Milisits

The journal is focused on the farm animal management. The journal publishes original scientific papers and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and ec...

Na sekretariát ČAZV hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici asistentka ředitelky!Více informací na:

Na sekretariát ČAZV hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici asistentka ředitelky!

Více informací na:


Připomínáme náš ONLINE WORKSHOP pro začínající i zkušené autory vědeckých článků ✍️📌

Workshop „Piš a publikuj aneb Jak připravit rukopis pro vědecký časopis“ se uskuteční online v úterý 24. září 2024 od 13 hodin. Odkaz pro připojení naleznete na našich webových stránkách:

Pro registraci nás kontaktujte na emailu [email protected].
Těšíme se na Vaši účast.

We are pleased to announce that Issue 8/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!Link: http...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 8/2024 of the Czech Journal of Animal Science has been published online!


Thank you for sharing :)

The stability of fatty acids in yoghurts produced from bulk milk samples intentionally selected according to dairy production systems
Oto Hanuš, Eva Samková, Jindřich Čítek, Hana Nejeschlebová, Eva Dadáková, Lucie Hasoňová, Michael Rost, Irena Němečková, Karolína Reindl, Markéta Borková, Ondřej Elich

Pedigree-based genetic diversity of Debrecen White rabbit
János Posta, Noémi Anikó Szabó, Róbert Juráskó

Whole-genome sequencing revealed the population structure of Fujian chicken breeds
Zhiming Zhu, Linli Zhang, Qingwu Xin, Li Li, Zhongwei Miao, Qinlou Huang, Nenzhu Zheng

Cryopreservation of early-stage male Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax) germ cells and comparison of the whole tissue and enzymatically isolated cells
Ege Güngör, Aygül Ekici, Merve Erçin, Selda Oktayoğlu, Taiju Saito, İlker Keskin

University Of Debrecen Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, MATE - former SZIU ISTANBUL University TURKEY 🇹🇷 National Fisheries Resources Research Institute - nafirri Poultry Research Poultry Breeding and Genetics POULTRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Ukraine) Poultry sciences Poultry Breeder Reviews Canada Poultry Breeder Nutrition Poultry News Poultry Farming MSU Dairy Cattle Teaching and Research Center Mindanao Dairy Cattle Training and Research Center Fish Farmers Fish Farming South Africa

The journal is focused on the farm animal management. The journal publishes original scientific papers and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and ec...

„100 let České akademie zemědělských věd“ v časopise AgromanuálV srpnovém čísle časopisu Agromanuál byl publikován článe...

„100 let České akademie zemědělských věd“ v časopise Agromanuál

V srpnovém čísle časopisu Agromanuál byl publikován článek o 100letém výročí České akademie zemědělských věd. V článku se dočtete o historii ČAZV, struktuře odborů a jejich směřování.
Celý článek naleznete v časopise Agromanuál na str. 52-54 nebo na adrese:

Read this interesting review: "The impact of parity, litter size and birth weight variations within a litter on piglet p...

Read this interesting review: "The impact of parity, litter size and birth weight variations within a litter on piglet pre-weaning performance - Review

Nqobile Lungile Buthelezi, Bohani Mtileni, Khathutshelo Agree Nephawe, Peter Ayodeji Idowu, Mamokoma Catherine Modiba, Hezekiel Mpedi, Takalani Judas Mpofu


Nqobile Lungile Buthelezi, Bohani Mtileni, Khathutshelo Agree Nephawe, Peter Ayodeji Idowu, Mamokoma Catherine Modiba, Hezekiel Mpedi, Takalani Judas Mpofu


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Czech Journal of Animal Science

International open access peer-reviewed scientific journal on animal science

IF (Web of Science, 2018): 1.008

Thematic scope

Original scientific papers and invited critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and economics of cattle, pig, sheep, goat, poultry, fish and other farm animal management. Papers are published in English.