Horticultural Science - Prague - journal

Horticultural Science - Prague - journal International open access peer-reviewed journal on Horticultural Science. Open Access. The journal is published in English.

An international peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Impact Factor (Web of Science, 2020): 0.833
Referred to in ISI Web of KnowledgeSM, Web of Science®, Science Citation Index Expanded®, Agrindex of Agris/FAO database, CAB Abstracts, Horticulturae Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, EMBiology, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Czech Agricultural and Food Bibliography, SCOPUS

Bioeconomy Platform WorkshopOn 6 February 2025, a meeting of representatives of the ČAZV and the Platform for Bioeconomy...

Bioeconomy Platform Workshop
On 6 February 2025, a meeting of representatives of the ČAZV and the Platform for Bioeconomy of the Czech Republic (Platform) took place in the Blue Lounge of the House of Agricultural Education in Prague with the participation of important institutions. In the opening speech all present were welcomed by the Chairman of the Platform doc. Ing. Miroslav Hájek, Ph.D., focused not only on the definition of the term bioeconomy, but also on other related concepts, and presented the priorities and strategies of bioeconomy.

The next point of the meeting was a discussion on the meaning of bioeconomy, sharing of experiences, verification of project findings, involvement of stakeholders, identification of key areas for the development of bioeconomy and transfer of findings from the CEE2ACT project.

Project site: https://www.cee2act.eu/
Platform for Bioeconomics CZ: https://bioeconomy.czu.cz/cs

Among other things, all CEEAC journals were promoted at this event.

CAAS journals: https://agriculturejournals.cz/

Calling Horticultural Science Researchers! 🌱Share your groundbreaking research with a global audience by publishing in H...

Calling Horticultural Science Researchers! 🌱

Share your groundbreaking research with a global audience by publishing in Horticultural Science—a leading open-access journal dedicated to advancements in horticulture, plant cultivation, and sustainable practices. Join us in shaping the future of the field!

📢 Submit your manuscript today at www.hortsci.agriculturejournals.cz.

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics ViolationDear Readers,We wish to inform our readers, authors, and...

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics Violation

Dear Readers,

We wish to inform our readers, authors, and partners that we have identified a serious infringement of copyright and publication ethics involving the unauthorized replication of articles originally published by us. These articles have been reproduced without permission, with changes to author names and formatting, in publications of another publisher. Such actions represent a clear violation of international copyright laws and ethical standards in academic publishing.

We are addressing this matter with the utmost seriousness and have already initiated formal steps to ensure the removal of the unauthorized content. At the same time, we are working to implement safeguards that will prevent similar issues in the future.

As a trusted academic publisher, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics. We are collaborating with relevant authorities and oversight bodies to resolve this situation transparently and effectively, while continuing to protect the intellectual property of our authors and the academic community.

We deeply appreciate the trust and support of our authors and readers as we navigate this challenging situation. Please rest assured that we remain dedicated to fostering a publishing environment built on respect, ethical practices, and academic excellence. For further inquiries or updates, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

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prof. Ing. Radim Vácha, Ph.D. Ing. Hana Urbancová, Ph.D., DBA

Chairman of the Publishing Board Director of the CAAS, statutory body

We are pleased to announce that Issue 4/2024 of the Horticultural Science journal has been published online!https://hort...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 4/2024 of the Horticultural Science journal has been published online!


The effect of rootstocks on morphological, physiological, and gene expression characters of citrus seedlings grown under drought condition
Nirmala Friyanti Devy, Siti Subandiyah, Sri Widyaningsih, Hardiyanto Hardiyanto, Farida Yulianti, Dita Agisimanto, Agus Sugiyatno, Mutia Dwiastuti

Effects of elevated CO2 and cadmium stress on vegetable quality and cadmium accumulation
Xiao Wang, Deyan Li, Xiaohui Song

Comparison of phenylpropanoid metabolism of three physiological disorders in apple and pear
Linru Wang, Gengsen Liu, Lianmei Liu, Yugang Zhang, Haiyong Qu

Yttrium nitrate improves the longevity of campanula cut flowers through strengthening the enzymatic antioxidant system and maintaining water balance
Limin Wu, Ninghai Lu

Clonal and seasonal genetic variation of major oil components of Salvia fruticosa Mill.
Fatma Uysal, Muharrem Golukcu, Murat Alan, Esra Alım, Kenan Turgut

Ecophysiological aspects of some sweet cherry cultivars from the North-East of Romania
Iulia Mineata, Ionel Perju, Sorina Sîrbu, Iuliana Elena Golache, Ionut Vasile Ungureanu, Stefanica Ostaci, Carmen Doina Jitareanu

Effects of abscisic acid and gibberellin on sugar accumulation in ‘Fengtang’ Plum (Prunus salicina LindI.)
Qianjun Song, Xiaoshuang Nie, Hong Chen

The influence of bioproducts on mycorrhizal occurrence in the vegetable roots
Edyta Derkowska, Lidia Sas-Paszt, Beata Sumorok, Krzysztof Górnik, Sławomir Głuszek, Waldemar Treder

Effects of natural plant growth regulator iron chlorin on photosynthesis, yield, and quality of watermelons grown in greenhouses
Qian Feng, Lu Lu, Qingyun Li, Liu Wang, Qingyu Pei, Shoujiang Pan, Jing Tian, Shaowei Lu, Shao Li

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuab...

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,

As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuable contributions to the success of our journals.

May this holiday season bring you peace, joy, and cherished moments with loved ones. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with happiness and success!

Warm regards,
The Agriculture Journals Team

Visit the unique collection of the scientific agricultural open access journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences: https://agriculturejournals.cz

Yttrium nitrate improves the longevity of campanula cut flowers through strengthening the enzymatic antioxidant system a...

Yttrium nitrate improves the longevity of campanula cut flowers through strengthening the enzymatic antioxidant system and maintaining water balance

Author: Limin Wu (email: [email protected], Ninghai Lu

Doi: https://doi.org/10.17221/171/2023-HORTSCI

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Limin Wu, Ninghai Lu

Read this interesting article: Clonal and seasonal genetic variation of major oil components of Salvia fruticosa Mill.Au...

Read this interesting article: Clonal and seasonal genetic variation of major oil components of Salvia fruticosa Mill.

Authors: Fatma Uysal, Muharrem Golukcu, Murat Alan, Esra Alım, Kenan Turgut

Doi: https://doi.org/10.17221/134/2023-HORTSCI

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Read this interesting article: "Comparison of phenylpropanoid metabolism of three physiological disorders in apple and p...

Read this interesting article: "Comparison of phenylpropanoid metabolism of three physiological disorders in apple and pea"

Author: Linru Wang, Gengsen Liu, Lianmei Liu, Yugang Zhang, Haiyong Qu

Doi: https://doi.org/10.17221/103/2023-HORTSCI

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Read this interesting article: "Effects of elevated CO2 and cadmium stress on vegetable quality and cadmium accumulation...

Read this interesting article: "Effects of elevated CO2 and cadmium stress on vegetable quality and cadmium accumulation"

Authors: Xiao Wang, Deyan Li, Xiaohui Son

Doi: https://doi.org/10.17221/131/2023-HORTSCI

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Xiao Wang, Deyan Li, Xiaohui Song

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!A unique collect...

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

A unique collection of 11 peer-reviewed scientific journals covering most of the branches of agricultural and food production areas!

Indexed in main world databases: Web of Science (10), Scopus (all), DOAJ (all), and many others.

Read and publish in the CAAS journals: www.agriculturejournals.cz

Presentation of CAAS journals at the international conference "Current knowledge in plant breeding, plant protection and...

Presentation of CAAS journals at the international conference "Current knowledge in plant breeding, plant protection and product processing“

The journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
were presented at the conference "Current knowledge in cultivation, breeding, plant protection and product processing", which will be held on 28-29 November 2024 in Brno at the Avanti Hotel. The event is organised by Zemědělský výzkum, spol. s.r.o. Troubsko, which is also celebrating its 30th anniversary.

The conference is intended for scientific and professional staff, breeders and agricultural advisors as well as the general agricultural public. The conference is attended by experts from the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia and other countries.

At the conference, CAAS journals focused on crop production were presented: Plant, Soil and Environment, Plant Protection Science, Horticultural Science, and Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. We thank the organizers, especially Jan Nedělník, Ph.D., for the opportunity to present the journals at this conference.

Conference website: https://www.cirkular.cz/troubsko/
Web of journals: https://agriculturejournals.cz/

Read this interesting article: "The effect of rootstocks on morphological, physiological, and gene expression characters...

Read this interesting article: "The effect of rootstocks on morphological, physiological, and gene expression characters of citrus seedlings grown under drought condition"

Authors: Nirmala Friyanti Devy, Siti Subandiyah, Sri Widyaningsih, Hardiyanto Hardiyanto, Farida Yulianti, Dita Agisimanto, Agus Sugiyatno, Mutia Dwiastuti

Doi: in the first comment :)

XXVI. Plant Medicine Days  – presentation of CAAS scientific journalsPlant Medicine Days which are co-organized by the C...

XXVI. Plant Medicine Days – presentation of CAAS scientific journals

Plant Medicine Days which are co-organized by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) took place in Pardubice on November 6-7, 2024. The theme of this year's conference is "Current challenges of plant protection in the current EU agricultural policy ".
CAAS presents its activities in the form of an info-stand at this conference, mainly the field-related scientific journals: Plant Protection Science, Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Horticultural Science and Plant, Soil and Environment.

Conference information: https://www.rostlinolekari.cz/akce/xxvi-rostlinolekarske-dny
CAAS journals: www.agriculturejournals.cz

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních...

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních škol

V rámci 7. ročníku soutěže jsou stanovena dvě témata:

Pro vítězné práce ve všech kategoriích, které vybere hodnotící komise, jsou připraveny odměny.

7. ročník soutěže se koná pod záštitou ministra zemědělství Mgr. Marka Výborného a pod patronátem místostarostky Prahy 6 pro oblast školství Ing. Mariany Čapkové, MBA.

Více o soutěži se dozvíte na: https://www.cazv.cz/7-rocnik-literarni-souteze-cazv/

Děkujeme za sdílení :)

Pozvánka na workshop 📌Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potrav...

Pozvánka na workshop 📌

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potravinářské technologie a techniky a Odbor výživy obyvatelstva a jakosti potravin ČAZV.

Workshop se koná dne 14. 11. 2024 od 9,30 do 12,00 hod. ve Velkém sále Domu zemědělské osvěty 100/7 na Praze 2.

Přijďte diskutovat na zajímavá témata týkající se správné výživy a stravování. Workshop je určený široké odborné i laické veřejnosti.


Publish in the Agricultural Journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!The unique collection of 11 peer-revi...

Publish in the Agricultural Journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

The unique collection of 11 peer-reviewed scientific journals!
Open Access. Indexed on Web of Science, Scopus and many other international databases!

Link: www.agriculturejournals.cz

Publish in the Horticultural Science journal!International peer-reviewed journalOpen accessInternational Editorial Board...

Publish in the Horticultural Science journal!

International peer-reviewed journal
Open access
International Editorial Board
Published online and in printed version

Journal website: https://hortsci.agriculturejouranls.cz


Slezská 7


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