Sebestyén Hompot - China Analyst

Sebestyén Hompot - China Analyst Kontaktní informace, mapa a trasa, kontaktní formulář, otevírací doba, služby, hodnocení, fotky, videa a oznámení od Sebestyén Hompot - China Analyst, Web pro zprávy a média, Praha.

Researcher in "European Hub for Contemporary China" (EuroHub4Sino) Horizon EU Project (Employed by Prague University of Economics and Business, VŠE) | Fellow at Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS) | Own views / Re-posting ≠ endorsement

         The Central European Institute of Asian Studies recently published a report on social media debates around Chin...

The Central European Institute of Asian Studies recently published a report on social media debates around Chinese EVs in the Visegrád countries. It was a great pleasure to contribute on Hungary!

A V4 országok kínai elektromos autókkal kapcsolatos közösségi média trendjeiről publikálta legújabb tanulmányát a Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS). Nagy örömömre szolgált a magyar szekcióhoz hozzájárulni!

This situation report maps discourse about Chinese EVs on social media in the V4 states.

     Orbán egyszerre akar Kínával és Trumppal jóban lenni - milyenek a kilátásai erre?Legújabb cikkem a The Diplomat Mag...

Orbán egyszerre akar Kínával és Trumppal jóban lenni - milyenek a kilátásai erre?

Legújabb cikkem a The Diplomat Magazine-ban 👇👇


Between Trump and China: Will Hungary's Orbán Manage a Balancing Act?

Check my latest piece on this in The Diplomat 👇👇

There seems to be a clear contradiction between being pro-Beijing and pro-Trump. How will the Orbán government manage this?

      A kínai kormány több befolyást akar a magyar törvényhozásban szerezni, ez is kiderült Kövér László egyhetes peking...

A kínai kormány több befolyást akar a magyar törvényhozásban szerezni, ez is kiderült Kövér László egyhetes pekingi látogatása során. Vajon Trump következő kormánya is lájkolni fogja ezt?

The Chairman of China's National People's Congress (NPC) Zhao Leji pushes for more CCP influence in Hungary's legislature. According to the NPC's website, Zhao told Hungary's speaker László Kövér (who is on a one-week-long visit to China):

"China is willing to implement the memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries with the Hungarian side, and to further strengthen exchanges and contacts between the senior levels of the legislative bodies, specialized committees, bilateral friendship groups, deputies to the National People's Congress and parliamentarians, and local legislatures, so as to enhance understanding, trust and friendship. They will play an active role in promoting trade and investment facilitation, connectivity and optimizing the business environment, so as to create a stable and reliable legal environment for practical cooperation between the two countries. We will strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral forums such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Parliamentary Assembly on WTO, so as to promote global governance that is more conducive to the maintenance of world peace and international justice." (see 4th paragraph of linked page for original text)

       "Barátság Egyesületek" és egyéb hivatalos megnevezések alatt a Kínai Kommunista Párt elsősszámú nemzetközi propag...

"Barátság Egyesületek" és egyéb hivatalos megnevezések alatt a Kínai Kommunista Párt elsősszámú nemzetközi propagandaszerve, az "Egyesült Front" évek óta építi a befolyását Magyarországon, az Orbán kormány jóváhagyásával (Direkt36)

Már több országban is lebuktak a kínai állampárt hírszerző ügynökségének tartott szervezet emberei azzal, hogy befolyásolni akarták a helyi politikát. Az Egyesült Front kiterjedt kapcsolatrendszerrel rendelkezik Magyarországon is.

Thank you all for the organization, it was great to come together with other members of European Hub for Contemporary Ch...

Thank you all for the organization, it was great to come together with other members of European Hub for Contemporary China - EuroHub4Sino in Brussels this week!

"Jól jönne ez a pénz a MÁV olyan vonalain is, ahol elsősorban nem kínai áruk, hanem magyar emberek utaznak."https://444....

"Jól jönne ez a pénz a MÁV olyan vonalain is, ahol elsősorban nem kínai áruk, hanem magyar emberek utaznak."

A Budapest-Belgrád vasútvonal felújítása a valaha volt legnagyobb vasútfejlesztés Magyarországon, de a részleteiről a magyarok szinte semmit nem tudhatnak - azt sem, hogy ez miért lesz jó nekünk. Most belső dokumentumokból megtudtuk: az építkezéshez Orbánék bányájából száll....

         China's Premier Li Qiang makes progress in building a community of friends on the EU's and NATO's Eastern borde...

China's Premier Li Qiang makes progress in building a community of friends on the EU's and NATO's Eastern borders. Check my latest article published with Central European Institute of Asian Studies on how Premier Li's recent visits to Moscow and Minsk were reported in Chinese media 👇 👇

Lede: Chinese state media depicts Russia as an equal major power that shares China’s goals to reshape the Western-dominated global order, and Belarus as a minor partner seeking to benefit from China’s experience with its authoritarian development model. Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s visits to Rus...

       "Some American conservatives thought that Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had found a way to unopen the Pan...

"Some American conservatives thought that Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had found a way to unopen the Pandora’s box of wokeism. We got it wrong. We overlooked his government’s conscious coupling with the Chinese Communist Party. [...] Most consequentially, it has cultivated an all-weather strategic partnership with Hungary, a veto-wielding member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization." by Meg Hansen

We overlooked his government’s conscious coupling with the Chinese Communist Party.

         In July 2024 Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba visited China for the first time since the start of Russi...

In July 2024 Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba visited China for the first time since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022. China's state media saw a turning point in this, expecting Kyiv to embrace Beijing's narratives about ending the war, while Chinese analysts focused on the potential Trump reelection factor.

Find out more in my latest article published with Central European Institute of Asian Studies 👇 👇

In China’s state-owned media and among online commentators, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba’s visit to Guangzhou and Hong Kong in July 2024 has been framed as a turning point in the Russia-Ukraine war. Coupled with the growing possibility of Donald Trump's re-election as US president in...

"Ahogy magunk mögött hagytuk a Keletet a X-XI. század után, úgy fogjuk magunk mögött hagyni ezt a nyugati vircsaftot, és...

"Ahogy magunk mögött hagytuk a Keletet a X-XI. század után, úgy fogjuk magunk mögött hagyni ezt a nyugati vircsaftot, és visszatalálni a keleti gyökerekhez. A Kurultaj, a Türk Tanács, a kínai gazdasági kapcsolatok, az azeri szénhidrogének, a törökökkel közös Attila-kultusz ezeknek a része." (Mandiner, 2024)

És itt az ideje „magunk mögött hagyni ezt a nyugati vircsaftot, és visszatalálni a keleti gyökerekhez”.

   "Éppen annyi hitelt vettünk fel Kínától, amennyi pénzt az idén végleg elbukunk az uniós forrásokból" -

"Éppen annyi hitelt vettünk fel Kínától, amennyi pénzt az idén végleg elbukunk az uniós forrásokból" -

Miközben az uniós forrásokért vívott harcunkban semmi előrelépés nem történt.

       How did China's state media, experts, and online commentators react to the results of the 2024 European Parliamen...

How did China's state media, experts, and online commentators react to the results of the 2024 European Parliament elections? Find out more from my recent article published with Central European Institute of Asian Studies 👇👇

The 2024 European Parliament (EP) election results raised more questions than answers for Chinese commentators. The rise of far-right parties was mostly seen as the advent of a new age of disorder, while Chinese analysts expect to see less unity within the bloc, more NATO skepticism, and more pro-Ru...

         How did China's state media, experts, and online commentators react to the EU imposing additional tariffs on Ch...

How did China's state media, experts, and online commentators react to the EU imposing additional tariffs on Chinese EVs? To find out more, check my latest article published with Central European Institute of Asian Studies👇👇

Chinese media reports on the EU’s recently announced additional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) were largely aimed at amplifying anti-tariff narratives from China and Europe. These media reports dismissed European allegations of subsidies and overcapacity in China’s car industry as po...

         "Having It Both Ways" - Beijing is determined to maintain "business as usual" with Europe, while economically e...

"Having It Both Ways" - Beijing is determined to maintain "business as usual" with Europe, while economically enabling Moscow's war in Ukraine at the same time. How long should Europe play along?

For more on this, check out my latest article published with Central European Institute of Asian Studies 👇 👇

In the lead-up to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing, Xi Jinping, China’s supreme leader, embarked on a charm offensive tour of three European capitals, touting the stability of China-Europe ties amidst escalating global geopolitical tensions. China’s state media covered Xi’...

     "Beijing Seeks a Gateway to Europe via Budapest" - My latest article on Xi's visit to Hungary, published with China...

"Beijing Seeks a Gateway to Europe via Budapest" - My latest article on Xi's visit to Hungary, published with China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe, is out 👇👇

Hszi Csin-Ping budapesti látogatása elsősorban nem Magyarországról, hanem az EU egészéről szólt. A kínai kormánynak szüksége van egy baráti országra az EU-ban, aki a saját érdekei szerint befolyásolhatja a közös döntéshozatalt. Erről írok a legutóbbi cikkemben 👇👇

Beijing’s main interest in strengthening relations with Budapest is not about Hungary itself but about Europe as a whole. A friendly EU member means opportuniti

         It was a great pleasure to participate in the workshop "Economic Security and China-Europe Relations" co-organi...

It was a great pleasure to participate in the workshop "Economic Security and China-Europe Relations" co-organized by our research consortium EuroHub4Sino and the Center for Security, Diplomacy, and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance. Many amazing speakers and participants from EU institutions, academia, and think tanks!

Event on Economic Security and China-Europea Relations organised by CSDS and EuroHub4Sino.

     A magyar kormány a hiányos költségvetését egyre inkább kínai beruházásokból és hitelekből igyekszik felduzzasztani,...

A magyar kormány a hiányos költségvetését egyre inkább kínai beruházásokból és hitelekből igyekszik felduzzasztani, miközben Pekingnek is jól jön egy megbízható partner az EU-ban, aki számára problémás döntéseket lassíthat vagy gátolhat meg Brüsszelben, erről kommenteltem az olasz ISPI think tank-nek

My comments on Xi's Budapest visit in the "Pivot to Asia" newsletter of the Italian think tank ISPI (Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale).

"Xi Jinping’s visit to Budapest comes at a time when both the Hungarian and Chinese governments are in desperate need of each other. Hungary’s government is currently putting all its bets on Chinese investments and loans due to the freezing of EU cohesion funds for Hungary’s lack of compliance with EU standards of rule of law. [...] The Chinese government, on the other hand, is in desperate need of a friendly EU member state that will make it more difficult for Brussels to put limits on China’s access to the EU market."

Chinese President Xi Jinping has just finished a week-long Europe tour. His goal is to relaunch Eu-China relations



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