Plant, Soil and Environment

Plant, Soil and Environment Plant, Soil and Environment is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal.

Bioeconomy Platform WorkshopOn 6 February 2025, a meeting of representatives of the ČAZV and the Platform for Bioeconomy...

Bioeconomy Platform Workshop
On 6 February 2025, a meeting of representatives of the ČAZV and the Platform for Bioeconomy of the Czech Republic (Platform) took place in the Blue Lounge of the House of Agricultural Education in Prague with the participation of important institutions. In the opening speech all present were welcomed by the Chairman of the Platform doc. Ing. Miroslav Hájek, Ph.D., focused not only on the definition of the term bioeconomy, but also on other related concepts, and presented the priorities and strategies of bioeconomy.

The next point of the meeting was a discussion on the meaning of bioeconomy, sharing of experiences, verification of project findings, involvement of stakeholders, identification of key areas for the development of bioeconomy and transfer of findings from the CEE2ACT project.

Project site:
Platform for Bioeconomics CZ:

Among other things, all CEEAC journals were promoted at this event.

CAAS journals:

We are pleased to announce that Issue 1/2025 of the journal Plant, Soil and Environment has been published online!Thank ...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 1/2025 of the journal Plant, Soil and Environment has been published online!

Thank you for sharing :)


Drought tolerance screening of plum rootstocks based on physiological and biochemical traits
Ines Mihaljević, Marija Viljevac Vuletić, Vesna Tomaš, Dominik Vuković, Zvonimir Zdunić

Mid-term fertilisers and lime effect on grassland in the hilly-mountain region in Balkan
Vladimir Zornić, Vesna Đurović, Mirjana Petrović, Snežana Babić, Dalibor Tomić, Nedeljko Racić, Jasmina Milenković

Effects of modulating probiotics on greenhouse gas emissions and yield in rice paddies
Shang-Hung Pao, Hewder Wu, Hwey-Lian Hsieh, Chang-Po Chen, Hsing-Juh Lin

Dissecting the osmotic and oxidative stress responses in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive wheat genotypes under saline conditions
Ulkar Ibrahimova, Javanshir Talai, Md. Mahadi Hasan, Irada Huseynova, Vaseem Raja, Anshu Rastogi, Hamideh Ghaffari, Marek Zivcak, Xinghong Yang, Marian Brestic

Optimising sunflower yields: insights from meta-analysis on fertilisation impact and planting strategies for enhanced crop productivity in China
Shun Li, Zongqing Liu

Ability of soil microorganisms to degrade aminopyralid and its effect on their growth
Martin Koudela, Miroslava Soukupová, Eva Jablonská, Tereza Šmrhová, Tomas Engl, Jaroslav Matějka, Sebnem Kurhan, Petr Maršík, David Novotný, Čeněk Novotný

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics ViolationDear Readers,We wish to inform our readers, authors, and...

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics Violation

Dear Readers,

We wish to inform our readers, authors, and partners that we have identified a serious infringement of copyright and publication ethics involving the unauthorized replication of articles originally published by us. These articles have been reproduced without permission, with changes to author names and formatting, in publications of another publisher. Such actions represent a clear violation of international copyright laws and ethical standards in academic publishing.

We are addressing this matter with the utmost seriousness and have already initiated formal steps to ensure the removal of the unauthorized content. At the same time, we are working to implement safeguards that will prevent similar issues in the future.

As a trusted academic publisher, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics. We are collaborating with relevant authorities and oversight bodies to resolve this situation transparently and effectively, while continuing to protect the intellectual property of our authors and the academic community.

We deeply appreciate the trust and support of our authors and readers as we navigate this challenging situation. Please rest assured that we remain dedicated to fostering a publishing environment built on respect, ethical practices, and academic excellence. For further inquiries or updates, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

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prof. Ing. Radim Vácha, Ph.D. Ing. Hana Urbancová, Ph.D., DBA

Chairman of the Publishing Board Director of the CAAS, statutory body

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuab...

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,

As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuable contributions to the success of our journals.

May this holiday season bring you peace, joy, and cherished moments with loved ones. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with happiness and success!

Warm regards,
The Agriculture Journals Team

Visit the unique collection of the scientific agricultural open access journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences:

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals Published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!A unique collect...

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals Published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

A unique collection of 11 peer-reviewed scientific journals covering most of the branches of agricultural and food production areas!

Indexed in main world databases: Web of Science (10), Scopus (all), DOAJ (all), and many others.

Read and publish in the CAAS journals:

Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal Plant, Soil and EnvironmentThe Editorial Board of the journal Plant, Soil ...

Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Journal Plant, Soil and Environment

The Editorial Board of the journal Plant, Soil and Environment convened on December 4, 2024, via videoconference. The Editor-in-Chief, prof. Ing. Václav Vaněk, CSc., and the Executive Editor reviewed the journal's current status, highlighting its advancement to the first quartile in the Web of Science database. The aim is to publish high-quality scientific papers and maintain the journal's position in the first quartile.

The Editor-in-Chief expressed gratitude to all board members and the executive editor for their collaboration and support of the journal.

Journal metrics: Impact Factor 2023 (WoS, Core Collection ): 2.3, Q1 Category Agronomy

Journal Website:

Presentation of CAAS journals at the international conference "Current knowledge in plant breeding, plant protection and...

Presentation of CAAS journals at the international conference "Current knowledge in plant breeding, plant protection and product processing“

The journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
were presented at the conference "Current knowledge in cultivation, breeding, plant protection and product processing", which will be held on 28-29 November 2024 in Brno at the Avanti Hotel. The event is organised by Zemědělský výzkum, spol. s.r.o. Troubsko, which is also celebrating its 30th anniversary.

The conference is intended for scientific and professional staff, breeders and agricultural advisors as well as the general agricultural public. The conference is attended by experts from the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia and other countries.

At the conference, CAAS journals focused on crop production were presented: Plant, Soil and Environment, Plant Protection Science, Horticultural Science, and Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. We thank the organizers, especially Jan Nedělník, Ph.D., for the opportunity to present the journals at this conference.

Conference website:
Web of journals:

We are pleased to announce that Issue 12/2024 of the Plant, Soil and Environment has been published online!Thank you for...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 12/2024 of the Plant, Soil and Environment has been published online!

Thank you for sharing :)

Link :

Agricultural waste-based lactic acid production by the fungus Rhizopus oryzae: a tool for sustainable polylactic acid production for agricultural use – a review
Chandra Sekhar Paul, Luka Stefanovic, Tatiana Robledo-Mahón, Filip Mercl, Jiřina Száková, Pavel Tlustoš

Evaluation of mechanical and combined chemical with mechanical weeding in maize (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Roland Gerhards, Kerstin Hüsgen, Klaus Gehring

Lessons learnt from the use of passive samplers to measure ammonia emissions in multi-plot experiments
Nils Carsten Thomas Ellersiek, Hans-Werner Olfs

The effects of long-term rice straw and biochar return on soil humus composition and structure in paddy soil
Jinyue Ying, Xi Zhang, Weixiang Wu, Qiong Nan, Guorong Wang, Da D**g

Biochar distribution mode in soil affects the vegetative peanut growth, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen-fixing bacteria activity
Xiangzhu Wang, Man Wu, Chengbin Sun, Miao Liu, Liyu Yang, Haiyan Liang, Qi Wu, Pu Shen

Study on the main physicochemical characteristics of different plant cultivation substrates and their effects on standard roses
Yingguo Wang, Tingting Cao, Juan Li, Hang Zhou, Haiou Zhang


An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Published since 1955 (by 2002 under the title Rostlinná výroba)

XXVI. Plant Medicine Days  – presentation of CAAS scientific journalsPlant Medicine Days which are co-organized by the C...

XXVI. Plant Medicine Days – presentation of CAAS scientific journals

Plant Medicine Days which are co-organized by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) took place in Pardubice on November 6-7, 2024. The theme of this year's conference is "Current challenges of plant protection in the current EU agricultural policy ".
CAAS presents its activities in the form of an info-stand at this conference, mainly the field-related scientific journals: Plant Protection Science, Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Horticultural Science and Plant, Soil and Environment.

Conference information:
CAAS journals:

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních...

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních škol

V rámci 7. ročníku soutěže jsou stanovena dvě témata:

Pro vítězné práce ve všech kategoriích, které vybere hodnotící komise, jsou připraveny odměny.

7. ročník soutěže se koná pod záštitou ministra zemědělství Mgr. Marka Výborného a pod patronátem místostarostky Prahy 6 pro oblast školství Ing. Mariany Čapkové, MBA.

Více o soutěži se dozvíte na:

Děkujeme za sdílení :)

Pozvánka na workshop 📌Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potrav...

Pozvánka na workshop 📌

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potravinářské technologie a techniky a Odbor výživy obyvatelstva a jakosti potravin ČAZV.

Workshop se koná dne 14. 11. 2024 od 9,30 do 12,00 hod. ve Velkém sále Domu zemědělské osvěty 100/7 na Praze 2.

Přijďte diskutovat na zajímavá témata týkající se správné výživy a stravování. Workshop je určený široké odborné i laické veřejnosti.

Publish in the Agricultural Journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!Unique collection of 11 scientific ag...

Publish in the Agricultural Journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

Unique collection of 11 scientific agricultural journals!
10 journals indexed in Web of Science (Core Collection, IF), 11 journals indexed in Scopus and many international databases!


We are pleased to announce that issue 11/2024 of the Plant, Soil and Environment has been published online!Link: https:/...

We are pleased to announce that issue 11/2024 of the Plant, Soil and Environment has been published online!


Thank you for sharing :)

Anti-diabetic effect of rice extract constituents through the molecular inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activity
Subhashini Ramakrishnan, Thomas Jebastin, Sumathy Raj, Ariyamuthu Ramathilaga, Rithik Selvaraj, Najat A. Bukhari A., Ashraf Atef Hatamleh, Anis Ahamed

Effects of mineral/organic fertilisation on the soil organic nitrogen pool in a semi arid steppe
D**gqi Jiang, Nan Jiang, Zhuo Wang, Chenran Wu, Lijun Chen, Yulan Zhang, Zhenhua Chen

Ferric oxide nano-priming enhances photosynthetic and physicochemical properties of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) microgreens

Aayushi Gupta, Rohit Bharati, Jan Kubes, Pavla Vachova, Daniela Popelkova, Lovely Mahawar, Marek Zivcak, Xinghong Yang, Marian Brestic, Milan Skalicky

Information sources in agriculture
Jan Jarolímek, Jakub Samek, Pavel Šimek, Michal Stočes, Jiří Vaněk, Jan Pavlík

Magnesium deficiency or excess hinders tomato growth, potassium and calcium uptake
Huixia Li, Fang Liu, Xueke Zhang, Jingbo Gao, Ping Chen

Denitrification and Anammox and Feammox in the Yinchuan Yellow River wetland
Qingsong Guan, Yiqiao Zhou, Shuo Li, Fan Yang, Rentao Liu

An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Published since 1955 (by 2002 under the title Rostlinná výroba)

We are pleased to announce that Issue 10/2024 of the Plant, Soil and Environment journal has been published online!Link:...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 10/2024 of the Plant, Soil and Environment journal has been published online!


Thank you for sharing :)

Response of maize (Zea mays L.) on yield, physiology and stomatal behaviour under two different elevated CO2 concentrations. Do these anatomical changes affect the physiology of the C4 crop plant under high CO2 conditions?
Khan Ira, Vanaja Maddi, Sathish Poldasari, Faizan Mohammad, Soysal Sipan, Rajput Vishnu D., Djalovic Ivica, Trivan Goran, Alam Pravej

Alleviating cadmium toxicity in maize plants: role of glycine betaine in enhancing growth, photosynthetic efficiency, water status, and antioxidant defense mechanism
Abeer Hamdy Elhakem

Enhanced maize yield and nitrogen efficiency with low molecular weight fulvic acid: insights into chlorophyll a/b ratio and nitrogen metabolising enzyme activity
Fugui Li, Shujie Zhang, Longhang Chai, Zhiqiang Guo, Peipei Li, Yanlai Han, Yi Wang

Serendipita indica improve seed germination and seedling growth of Lolium multiflorum Lam. through amelioration of osmotic adjustment, nutrient accumulation and Na+/K+ homoeostasis under salinity conditions
Binghua Liu, Xinghong Liu, Lianjia Yu, Xingjian Dun, Hailin Ma, Fangchun Liu, Lin Peng

Innovative approach to utilising magnetic fields to enhance wheat yield: evidence from field studies in China
Yinglei Zhang, Hangyu Dou, Liuyang yang, Yihan Zhang, Wei Sun, Yihao Ruan, Jiameng Guo, Yongchao Wang, Ruixin Shao, Qinghua Yang, Hao Wang

Prohexadione calcium regulates wheat tolerance to drought stress by maintaining water balance and promoting antioxidant metabolism and photosynthesis
Ziyang Zhang

Na sekretariát ČAZV hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici asistentka ředitelky!Více informací na:

Na sekretariát ČAZV hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici asistentka ředitelky!

Více informací na:

Děkujeme za sdílení :)

CAAS journals presented at the conference Influence of abiotic and biotic stressors on plants in ZvolenOn 11-12 Septembe...

CAAS journals presented at the conference Influence of abiotic and biotic stressors on plants in Zvolen

On 11-12 September 2024, scientific journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) are presented at the international conference: Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Stressors on Plants 2024. The conference is organized by the Czech University of Life Sciences in cooperation with the Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Zvolen. This year's edition of this traditional conference is held in Zvolen, Slovakia, and the main focus of this year's conference is "Effect of potentially hazardous substances not only of anthropogenic origin on plants".

Presented are mainly journals focused on plant production: Plant, Soil and Environment, Horticultural Science, Plant Protection Science and Journal of Forest Science and Soil and Water Research.
ČAZV would like to thank doc. Ing. František Hnilička, Ph.D. for the presentation of the journals at this international conference and also for the promotion of the journals in the conference proceedings.

More information about the conference can be found at:

Information about the journals of the CAZV can be found at:


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