Reporter Foundation

Reporter Foundation Foundation raising money for a Czech independent media outlet Reporter Magazine. Pro komunikaci v češtině -

The Reporter Foundation raises money for The Reporter Magazine - an investigative and in-depth quality reporting media outlet set up by a former editor who refused to work for a media mogul and the Czech Republic´s vice prime minister. The editor was joined by a team of other journalists who also quit the country´s best-selling quality daily newspaper after it had been bought by the mogul. The Rep

orter Magazine cannot finance its activities only from commercial resources – at least not at the beginning. Furthermore, the more sources of money there are, the lower the risk of dependency on a single company, advertiser or individual. Aside from advertising revenues, newsstand sales, subscription and branded editions that are to secure a certain circulation level from the start, The Reporter Magazine needs to make use of a non profit method of financing. If you want to make a contribution, go on to


Manesova 712/14


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Mediálních Společností v blízkosti

Ostatní Vysílání a mediální produkce ve měste Praha

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