Ňu Radio

Ňu Radio Radio wave dedicated to creativity, experimentation and (dif)fusion of multicultural experiences.

ÑuRadio is the official broadcasting media of multicultural contents of the multidisciplinary group KolectivoLe. It is dedicated to online radio broadcasting with programs produced by partners from different parts of the world, most of them based in Prague.

Vademecum Scientiae capítulo VII.La pregunta de si somos la única vida inteligente en el universo es una de las grandes ...

Vademecum Scientiae capítulo VII.

La pregunta de si somos la única vida inteligente en el universo es una de las grandes preguntas que definen nuestra condición humana. A pesar de que el universo es tan vasto, ¿por qué nunca hemos detectado indicios de vida inteligente en otros rincones del cosmos? Esta paradoja se conoce popularmente como la "Paradoja de Fermi".

En este episodio exploramos las posibles soluciones a esta paradoja, de mano de la población hispanohablante de Praga y de la República Checa. Las respuestas que estas personas nos dieron se acercan a diferentes soluciones, las cuales van desde la ausencia total de vida inteligente en otros lugares, hasta la idea de que somos observados y estudiados activamente por alguna civilización extraterrestre.

Ingeniera de audio: Marina Guevara
Música: Los planetas (Op. 32, Marte, Jupiter, Saturno y la Tierra), Gustav Holst.

Portada: Artículo en línea de Wired.com. La UNAM le responde a Jaime Maussan sobre las momias de Nazca presentadas en el Congreso mexicano

La pregunta de si somos la única vida inteligente en el universo es una de las grandes preguntas que definen nuestra condición humana. A pesar de que el universo es tan vasto, ¿por qué nunca hemos det

Co-opting Solidarity: trivializing movements in order to thwart criticismLast weekend I visited Berlin to attend two q**...

Co-opting Solidarity: trivializing movements in order to thwart criticism

Last weekend I visited Berlin to attend two q***r demonstrations: The D**e March and the Internationalist Q***r Pride. Motivated by my curiosity, I also attended the CSD (the Christopher Street Day, also known as the “Pride”). My presence in the CSD was short. I promptly left when one of the first blocks, one called “Q***rs for Israel”, marched in front of me. I was left shocked and reproachful. How could I have attended such an event, where the apartheid state of Israel was officially endorsed? The “Q***rs for Israel” block was not marked in the CSD’s layout published in its social media. How can a “Q***r” organization, supposedly meant to protect and represent a vulnerable, oppressed population, solidarize with an official apartheid state, which has systematically and continuously destroyed Palestinian lives?

To justify this text's argument, I want to draw parallels to the situation of other discriminated group in Europe: the Muslims. In her book “Tangled in Terror”, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan exposes how Islam is being sacrificed for patriotism, particularly in the context of the United Kingdom. Manzoor-Khan exposes the states’ strategies to “fight extremism”, which rather conceal the old toolbox of domination: colonialism, capitalism and surveillance. But the darkest strategy is to redefine the relationship of Muslims with Islam. In this regard, the state upholds the need to support “moderate” or “reform” versions of Islam in order to “fight extremism”. A “westernized”, “secularized” Islam is possible in the “advanced”, “democratic” societies of Europe (because, you know, Europe civilizes), so that Islam must be promoted to fight the “backward”, “dangerous”, “non-western” Islam. This strategy of rethinking Islam comes to the expense of Muslims and in the benefit of the state. The objective? To create uncritical Muslims who, on the words of Manzoor-Khan, are rather to be called by a divine authority to stand and fight against any form of oppression.

Your beliefs must stay in your house, in the private realm, so that the police state can roam freely outside.

I draw a lot of parallels from Manzoor-Khan’s arguments to our own Q***r movements. Our solidarity and ideals have been coopted by the state and state-supported organizations which use all the gay-related paraphernalia to distract our attention and redefine our ideals. Police (but very democratic) states want movements devoid of their basic principles. The movements are coopted and given back in the form of trivial, consumable products. We ultimately fight for same s*x marriages, a gift from the state that will send us to enjoy our union in the “privacy of our bedrooms”, just as the state wants to send Islam to the “privacy of their altars”. No wonder why the police presence in the D**e March and the Internationalist q***r Pride was heavy. Several people were detained for showing solidarity with the Palestinians, among them, a 16 year old Palestinian minor who was carried by the Berlin Police as if he was a terrorist with a gun. Meanwhile, the Berlin Pride has no problem in giving "Q***r for Israel" a space to march, blessed by the police and the state's ideological machinery.

We, as q***r persons, are responsible for knowing the history of our own struggle, and must be able to draw parallels to the struggles of other oppressed people. In such a way, we can create bridges and fight the common evils that affect us all. You are Q***r, do crime!

Written by Marco A. Lopez Marin

We would like to invite you to the next program dedicated to discuss the organization of tenants in the Czech Republic t...

We would like to invite you to the next program dedicated to discuss the organization of tenants in the Czech Republic to address the problem of access to housing and rising rental prices in Prague.

For this we invite the Initiative (INN) an organization that seeks to give voice to tenants and defend their rights, which is also the defense of the human right to housing.

Coming soon Letohradská 10

Coming soon Letohradská 10



*Headline of the Week: South American Accused of Terrorism in Czechia, Allegedly Russian Attack*A South American? South ...

*Headline of the Week: South American Accused of Terrorism in Czechia, Allegedly Russian Attack*

A South American? South America is a huge subcontinent with many states and foreigners from the global south have nationality, although it doesn't matter to the Czech press which one it is, it is correct to mention that the 26-year-old accused of terrorism is a Colombian national.
After a week of investigation, it has been reported that the fire caused by the accused did not result in significant material damage. Furthermore, it has been determined that the accused is not an expert and does not have any accomplices.

What evidence is there to believe that Russia is behind this?
The authorities have only presented one piece of evidence to justify this assumption, which is the accused's possession of a "Telegram account." Clearly, this is not sufficient proof to make such a claim.
For the authorities to make outrageous claims and for the press to turn them into big headlines based solely on "conjecture" is minimally irresponsible. They talk about how this case "could" be related to other fires in Poland and Lithuania which are also pure assumptions where no evidence has been publicly presented.

Looking for scapegoats?
The Colombian citizen, when charged not with damage to public property (where there is evidence) but with terrorism, faces up to 20 years in prison or even life imprisonment, the "assumptions and conjectures" of the authorities could potentially lead to an unjustly severe sentence.
We do not want to be naive; NATO is in a proxy war with Russia, whose crossfire is occurring in Ukraine. Both sides may be employing various tactics. For example, Russia financed organizations linked to far-right parties in the European Union (which is proven, and those politicians have not been punished to date), but it is easier to prosecute a foreign citizen without sufficient evidence than to prosecute powerful European politicians with evidence. The scapegoats are always the weakest.

What are the effects?
The direct consequence that we are already experiencing is the increased presence of the police on the streets of Prague, we are becoming used to seeing uniformed officers carrying heavy weaponry. The indirect consequence is to promote a state of alarm and social paranoia; any police action against migrants, dissidents, activists, etc. will be justified in the name of guaranteeing security.

LosTprague 😎

*Pitting Young People Against Their Grandparents: A Strategy to Strip Pensioners of Their Rights in the Czech Republic*T...

*Pitting Young People Against Their Grandparents: A Strategy to Strip Pensioners of Their Rights in the Czech Republic*

To justify the implementation of an unpopular pension reform, the government claims “it is doing a lot for the elderly but very little for young people”. We should ask if reducing pension spending will lead to investments in social housing, a primary demand of youth.

There is no indication that pension cuts will fund a comprehensive housing policy. Instead, the Czech Republic has seen historic levels of spending on “Defense”: military expenses. Those who advocate prioritizing the needs of the young over the elderly are the same ones who allocate large public resources to financing the war; a war that, if it continued to escalate, would send precisely young people to the front lines.

Elderly people are accused of being unsupportive of the younger generation, demanding their labor rights without regard for their grandchildren’s future. Why isn't similar solidarity expected from the real estate market or the energy sector, which have seen record profit margins? Why not ask those with the most properties to pay more in property taxes? Instead of fighting a bigger slice of the pie, we could expand it by asking those who profit from speculation and war to contribute more.

The Liberals in the government are analyzing all the possibilities they have to reduce the electoral relevance of pensioners in the elections: extending the voting age for young people, setting maximum limits for voters, electronic voting, etc. It's ironic that liberals, who never miss an opportunity to criticize the communist era and celebrate the youth's resistance to the Warsaw Pact occupation, now label these same young people, who are now pensioners, as selfish for voting in their own interests. We remind them that although the majority of pensioners vote for opposition parties, more than 40% voted for the Liberals, which has contributed to their current position in government.

Perhaps the discipline pensioners show in voting comes from the communist era, where participation in social life was officially valued. In contrast, today's youth, influenced by the individualistic education (promoted by liberals), are often uninterested in politics. Many young people believe the only solutions to their problems are individual actions like emigrating temporarily to earn money in the north of Europe, investing in cryptocurrencies, or avoiding starting families. Paradoxically these individual solutions only deepen collective problems by increasing the aging population.

As Czech society has transitioned to a capitalist market system, it's crucial to address one of its main issues: wealth distribution. Young Czechs, all the labor rights taken from your grandparents are also taken from you, as youth is not eternal. When your grandparents oppose raising the retirement age despite being already retired, they are showing solidarity with you, let us not leave them alone.

Entre la espada y la pared, guerra o fascismo (o ambas) Una disyuntiva distópica: bienvenidos a la Europa del siglo XXI....

Entre la espada y la pared, guerra o fascismo (o ambas)

Una disyuntiva distópica: bienvenidos a la Europa del siglo XXI.

Parte de la extrema derecha llama a poner paños fríos con Rusia, pero los liberales y progresistas les llaman populistas.
Verdes, sociales demócratas y los supuestos partidos de izquierda
asienten fanáticos a recortar servicios y comprar más armamentos para pagar guerras ajenas. Y es que son portavoces de otras agendas geopolíticas. Luego te piden el voto.

Te meten miedo acusando a otros de impulsar políticas xenófobas, pero que más tarde aprueban o negocian discretos tras bambalinas. Estamos experimentando el in****no de lo mismo. Hipocresía y vacío (monopolismo) ideológico donde bélicistas y fascistas se disputan la presea de plata y oro. El bronce es para los Youtubers

Contamos en el archivo de la Nu Radio con una entrevista a María Moctezuma ‼️Puedes escucharla en nuestro SoundCloud ☺️....

Contamos en el archivo de la Nu Radio con una entrevista a María Moctezuma ‼️Puedes escucharla en nuestro SoundCloud ☺️.

Este año tuvimos la alegría de ser visitados por María, una artista mexicana que ha publicado 4 discos, que puedes encontrarlos en varias plataformas desde Spotify hasta YouTube.

La apuesta original de su música es lo que ella misma llama “sonido raízoso” una fusión de la música de los pueblos originarios de lo que ahora llamamos Mexico con diversos ritmos contemporáneos, en palabras de María: “utilizo ritmos que están inspirados en las andinas, el son jarocho, en los huapangos, jarana yucateca, el rock, flamenco, además utilizo caracoles, ceremoniales, tunkules, percusiones de semillas y cosas ancestrales”.

Maria nos recuerda con su música a los migrantes latinoamericanos de nuestras raíces ancestrales, estas raíces que se expanden llenas de vida en este viejo continente y sobreviven contra todo pronóstico a los vientos de Guerra que hoy soplan sobre Europa.🥹



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