Bali Big Wejf 7 - HIGHTLIGHTS
Před pár týdny, ke konci roku 2024 jsme točili našlapaný surfový závod Bali Big Wejf 7. Tak tady je k vidění HIGHTLIGHTS video a za rok se opět vidíme na Green Bowl Beach. 🤙
Balicliff surf club
🎥/✂️: Ondřej Havlík
The Dust - making of
Exploring the world with a pole in the car🚐 Why not? And how does look the most spontaneous video project? When you decide to go and in 10hours you are assembling the X-Stage, three countries away from home:) Do you remember the video from Croatian urbex? Where do you think we should bring the pole next time??
Pole: X-POLE X-Stage Lite
Camera: Ondřej Havlík
Production: Creative Works
Dancer: Tamara Havlíková
X-Pole UK X-Pole USA #xpole #xstage #makingof #poledance #poleexotic #urbex #poledancevideo #videoshooting
X-Pole - The Dust
Do you love urbex and abandoned places? Do you feel the strange freezing when discovering those forgotten ruins? Videographers from Creative Works do! And how about bringing an X-POLE Lite there and enjoy dancing on this lost place? Watch our latest video project "The Dust" 🎞 Starring dancer: Tamara Havlíková 🔥
The most durable portable pole for each project: X-Pole UK X-Pole USA
Video production and directory: Creative Works
#xpole #xpolelite #polevideo #exoticpole #urbex #urbexvideo #urbexcroatia #abandoned #abandonedplaces #exoticpoledance #exotichard #videoproduction #videoproject #sunsetvideo
X-Pole - The Dust
Do you love urbex and abandoned places? Do you feel the strange freezing when discovering those forgotten ruins? Videographers from Creative Works do! And how about bringing an X-POLE Lite there and enjoy dancing on this lost place? Watch our latest video project "The Dust" 🎞 Starring dancer: Tamara Havlíková 🔥
The most durable portable pole for each project: X-Pole UK X-Pole USA
Video production and directory: Creative Works
#xpole #xpolelite #polevideo #exoticpole #urbex #urbexvideo #urbexcroatia #abandoned #abandonedplaces #exoticpoledance #exotichard #videoproduction #videoproject #sunsetvideo
Do you also love wild, exotic nature? Enjoy this divine wild girl Vika Poledance with her melting dance flow in the middle of Balinese tropical rainforest⛰️🌴 This is not only an absurd idea, when you have X-POLE X-Stage Lite and Creative Works video production🎥🔥 Then the possibilities are almost unlimited
Lamborghini - Vallelunga 2023
Na podzim 2023 jsme měli možnost být s kamerou u prestižního závodu Lamborghini na Autodromo Vallelunga v Římě s českým týmem Micanek Motorsport powered by Buggyra ACCR National Team. Tady jen krátká ukázka toho, co se tam během víkendu dělo.
Poslední cca tři týdny točíme v Indii V Ladakhu pro Himálajský patron - Brontosauři v Himálajích. A tady je náš HIGHTLIGHTS sestřih.