Interpretationes Journal of Philosophy

Interpretationes Journal of Philosophy AUC Interpretationes. Articles and reviews are published in German, French and English Every number is edited by a member of the Amicale/Studienfreundeskreis.

Studia Philosophica Europeanea is a scientific journal founded by the Master Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie “German and French Philosophy in Europe". Acta Universitatis Carolinae Interpretationes Studia Philosophica Europeanea was founded in 2011 by the Master Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie “German and French Philosophy in Europe". It is edited by the Amicale des étudiants Europhilosophie / Studie

nfreundeskreis Europhilosophie and published by the Karolinum Press and the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University of Prague (CZ). The AUC Interpretationes Journal of Philosophy specializes in French and German philosophy (German idealism, phenomenology, contemporary philosophy in Europe), as well as in other current research subjects like decolonisation, critical theory, psychoanalysis, among others. It publishes articles written by students and alumni of the Master Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie as well as by other researchers. Two calls for papers on a specific subject are opened in order to publish two numbers per year. Articles and reviews are published in German, French and English. AUC INTERPRETATIONES
ISSN 1804-624X
E-ISSN 2464-6504
Karolinum, nakladatelství Univerzity Karlovy / Karolinum Press, Charles University of Prague (CZ)




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Our Story

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Interpretationes Studia Philosophica Europeanea was founded in 2011 by the Master Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie “German and French Philosophy in Europe". It is edited by the Amicale des étudiants Europhilosophie / Studienfreundeskreis Europhilosophie and published by the Karolinum Press and the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University of Prague (CZ). The AUC Interpretationes Journal of Philosophy specializes in French and German philosophy (German idealism, phenomenology, contemporary philosophy in Europe), as well as in other current research subjects like decolonisation, critical theory, psychoanalysis, among others. It publishes articles written by students and alumni of the Master Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie as well as by other researchers. Two calls for papers per year on a specific subject are opened in order to publish two numbers . Every number is edited by a member of the Amicale/Studienfreundeskreis. Articles and reviews are published in German, French and English. AUC INTERPRETATIONES ISSN 1804-624X E-ISSN 2464-6504 Karolinum, nakladatelství Univerzity Karlovy / Karolinum Press, Charles University of Prague (CZ)

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