The Prague Post

The Prague Post The Prague Post, since 1991 has been the Czech Republic's only English language newspaper and the le


Expres FM přeje všem posluchačům a fanouškům příjemné oslavy Svátku boje za svobodu a demokracii ✌🏽🇨🇿

Už tradičně v 17.11 z našeho rádia zazní hymna sametové revoluce, Modlitba pro Martu 📻

Time to rock!

Time to rock!

CHTĚLI JSTE TO, MÁTE TO MÍT! Vyslyšeli jsme vaše nejtajnější přání a prvním ze čtyř headlinerů je kapela, kterou jste si ve wishlistu přáli ze všeho nejvíc - BRING ME THE HORIZON. 🔥

Počkejte, prvním ze čtyř? Jo, příští rok budeme opět čtyřdenní. Může bejt? 😄
Prodloužení na čtyři dny bylo hned druhým nejčastějším přáním. A protože vás milujeme, není o čem - Rock for People 2024 - official event bude opět čtyřdenní. ❤️
Původní vstupenky samozřejmě zůstávají platné na celý festival.

🎫 Pro majitele RfP appky opět spouštíme prodej vstupenek dnes ve 13:00.
Veřejný prodej obnovíme zítra v 10:00 ▶️


🇬🇧 YOU WANT IT, YOU GET IT. First headliner of are BRING ME THE HORIZON! 🔥

🎫 Tickets will be on sale again for the RfP app owners today from 13:00.
Public sale will be opened again from tomorrow's 10:00 ▶️

We are adding fourth day! 3 days tickets bought until today will of course be valid for the whole 4 days festival.

Calling all Czech beer enthusiasts! Elevate your beer game and flaunt your local cultural creds with our brand-new '2 Pi...

Calling all Czech beer enthusiasts! Elevate your beer game and flaunt your local cultural creds with our brand-new '2 Piva Prosím' shirt from Inkybrain Apparel. 🍻🇨🇿 If you appreciate the art of savoring Czech beer, this tee is your must-have statement piece. Crafted with passion and designed for the true connoisseurs, it's more than just a shirt; it's a badge of honor for those who understand that 'Pivo Prosim' is just the beginning. Order yours today and raise a toast to the authentic Czech beer experience!

It seems like forever ago, but this week is the 20th anniversary of the Prague floods... how time flies!https://www.face...

It seems like forever ago, but this week is the 20th anniversary of the Prague floods... how time flies!

It was 20 years ago this week that Prague was dealing with the aftermath of a massive flood that submerged most of the city. We were producing ThinkTv around that time and one of our producers licensed some images that we ended up never using, so I thought I would share them here.... how time flies!

An amazing discovery to enjoy today in Ukraine, an August 24th, 1994, unread copy of the Prague Post newspaper in mint c...

An amazing discovery to enjoy today in Ukraine, an August 24th, 1994, unread copy of the Prague Post newspaper in mint condition, a real blast from the past with an interesting article about John Bruce Showmaker getting evicted from Obecni Dum, the possibility of RFE moving to Prague and a promise to the end of sleaze in street advertising!


Enjoy a meal or a coffee at Café AdAstra and support a good cause! 🙏

For 15 years, Veronika Musilová Náměstková has been supporting handicapped children through the non-profit organisation Zajíček na koni

At Café AdAstra, the youthful employees are able to work on tasks that they can confidently and happily manage, under caring and supportive supervision.

Unfortunately, however, the café is struggling with lack of business and may have to shut down soon. There is a high risk that after Christmas, the handicapped employees working in the café won’t have a job to return to. In order to prevent this from happening, the café is in desperate need of more customers. “An increase of just 30 people a day would be enormous for us and would save our café,” Veronika states in her Facebook post promoting the café, “Please help us to save something that means everything to our young and vulnerable employees!”

[Pictured below is Maruška, 26-year-old employee of Café AdAstra and sister of Veronika. Maruška has Down’s Syndrome and Autism, and works in the café every Tuesday before noon.]

Watch the magic happen this Halloween night with a special one off concert and dance extravaganza!

Watch the magic happen this Halloween night with a special one off concert and dance extravaganza!

Kimichi Community Symphony Orchestra will gather 100 musicians together to perform The Rite of Spring with nationally acclaimed cellist Richard Jenkinson perform the Dvorak Cello Concerto, on the 31st October 2018 at the Dvorak Hall, Prague.

From the publishers of Think Magazine, now you can wear a little bit of Prague everywhere you go... Featuring the famous...

From the publishers of Think Magazine, now you can wear a little bit of Prague everywhere you go... Featuring the famous Prague street sign, we can customize it for you with your favorite neighborhood free of charge! Comes in 8 colours!

This Gender-Neutral Adult T-shirts item by InkybrainStudio has 7 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from Chatsworth, CA. Listed on Dec 4, 2022


Nove Mesto


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