Kosmix: Tajná mise byl vybrán mezi 10 projektů Project Pool na Young Horizons industry forum! 🚀✨
Kosmix: Tajná mise je celovečerní pokračování našeho úspěšného večerníčku o robůtkovi Kitovi. Napínavé vesmírné dobrodružství nás zavede na okraj sluneční soustavy. ☄️🪐💫
We are happy to present 10 projects which will take part in the ⚡Project Pool⚡ section at the Young Horizons Industry forum!
Here we go! 🍀💗
🚀"Alert Little Eyes", animated series, Studio Filmów Rysunkowych, Poland
🚀"Biscuit, The Enormous Bee", animated series, Gloaming Productions / Seymour & Otto, United Kingdom
🚀"Cloudy & Stormy", animated series, Laniakea Pictures, Poland
🚀"Do the Dead Eat Strawberry Cake?", live-action series, Blue Duck Arts, Hungary
🚀"Fantasylum", animated film, Mizar Films, co-producer Kinhouse Studio, Poland
🚀"Gaja’s World – Follow Me", live-action film, Felina Films, Slovenia
🚀"Hello, Oscar!", animated series, Atom Art, Latvia
🚀"Kosmix: Secret Mission", animated film, Krutart, Czechia
🚀"Toink!", animated series, Animal Tank , Belgium
🚀"Zabavia", animated series, MOREFILM, Poland
Read more about each of them on our website: https://industry.younghorizons.pl/news/project-pool-at-young-horizons-industry-list-of-projects-announced/